How do you rate Micro Uzi?

If the conversion functions as an open-bolt conversion, it most likely will not be drop safe unless done correctly. I would not purchase such an Uzi unless having a chance to test-fire it first.
gyvl: Yes I have a stechkin. I dont carry it because it is some what of a rarity these days to find one in the condition like the one I have. I might consider buying another and do that.

PTK: What if it is a closed bolt?
it most likely will not be drop safe unless done correctly.
Are you saying a semi to full auto conversion would remove the grip safety and/or loosen the top cover? In all the Uzis (IMI conversion) I have seen, if the bolt is back and the gun is on safe, the bolt cannot close unless the top cover is loose, thus allowing the bolt to ride over the sear pads. Is there some hidden danger that I am not aware of?

Firepower, the main advantage of the closed bolt Micro is that you could have a round in the chamber with the bolt closed, whereas an open bolt must have the bolt back to be ready to fire. With the bolt back there is the possibility of dirt or other debris entering the gun, the closed bolt gun would not have that problem.
Willie Lowman,

Crappy craftsmanship can result in a conversion that is only marginally safe, is all. Local gunsmiths can range from artists to complete idiots, over there. ;)


Closed bolt SMG conversion? I'd like to see how they ended up doing that safely without adding a bunch of parts that would have been custom-made for the job. :(
Excellent, thank you!

Out of curiosity, as a sidenote, how common are Martini-Henry "pistols" over there, of safe construction? Cost?
I have 2 full size and a mini that are select fire
I sold my micro.
Too hard to control.
Get the Mini.

I will bet a closed bolt micro would run 1500 RPM.

I am sure cheap and available since they dont carry value here. I have heard that a few years back US guys came here and picked up lots of martini henry rifles from the market for dirt cheap. If you ever make is out here do let me know and I can show you some stuff that is dirt cheap here but expensive in the US. I know there is a way to take such things back to the US but not sure about how the procedure works. For example. Broomhandles, and Lugers to begin with.
PTK, Just about all that would be needed for a closed bolt FA Micro is the FA bolt itself and the saftey/selector being modified to have full, semi, and safe position.
So can I bring some minis over for deer hunting?:)
And bring some handguns back to the US as birthday or Christmas presents?:cool:


Edit again
A closed bolt full auto Uzi mini or micro is not easy to make and time.
The floating firing pin, collar, lock and springs along with sear and disconnector require some work and time, Since the bitches run almost twice the RPM of the open bolt guns.

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I have some acquantances on the US side who are always looking for interesting protection items.
Most are in the NW and W.

I have some acquantances on the US side who are always looking for interesting protection items over there.
Most are in the NW and W Paki- imagine that

While I am a total gun advocate, and I think full auto guns should be legal without the process you have to go through now, all I can think is...JESUS DUDE! AN UZI?? I mean I know you are in Pakistan so maybe that's necessary there, but seriously part of protecting yourself is protecting others.

A Full Auto Uzi and really any uzi isn't your best gun of choice to purchase for many economic, and safety reasons.

As others have pointed out it spits out ammo ridiculously fast, to the point of LOSING accuracy, and also making it unsafe. If someone is attacking you and you fire the 6 other unneeded shots that just came out of the end in some random direction,

you have a much higher potential of hitting an innocent bystander or god knows what else. Are such things SOP in Pakistan? I really don't know!.

You have to think logically here friend. In my car I have carried a cheap freaking 9mm high point brand firearm gun before.

It's enough to protect myself, and was bought simply for economic reasons, and the good trigger lock it had. Leaving your gun in the car leaves the problem of wear and tear from the extreme weather here in MONTANA where I live.

If the whole gun is worth 120 bucks and it's getting screwed over by the weather in your car for the next 5 years who cares?

This is enough to protect myself whilst being economical and logical about how much firepower I need to protect my person in 99.9 percent of situation that may arise.

If you wanted more protection then that though, a Beretta M9/AKA 92fs, H&K USP, or a GLOCK 19 are ALL good and reliable options for a vehicle.

if you wanted some extreme firepower will less ammo but more reliability, a S&W 500 Revolver but good god, with something like that you need to take in mind it might go through things and again poses a huge threat.

This is why I would stick to nothing higher than a 9mm ie not full auto, which admittedly most Uzis are, unless you get a 45 uzi which are also out there.

The problem with anything much over a 9mm is the worry of penetration through doors, walls etc. in the process of protecting yourself.

Another good choice you could try without being profusely expensive, would be believe it or not, be any EAA WITNESS pistol(s) which are in many calibers and seem to be reliable. I really don't know your situation though. IF you wanted even more firepower you could go with a smaller pump action 12 guage with some 00 or 000 buck?

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Willie Lowman said:
PTK, Just about all that would be needed for a closed bolt FA Micro is the FA bolt itself and the saftey/selector being modified to have full, semi, and safe position.

Have you ever handled a micro Uzi? A real one? ;)

Closed bolt =/= open bolt. Conversion entails quite a bit more than simply swapping a bolt and selector.


Hi-Points and similar aren't readily available overseas. If a carjacker attacked you with an AK47/74, would you rather have a Hi-Point handgun, or would you rather have an Uzi? The attacker is at fault for endangering others, not the defender.


If I ever make it out to Pakistan again, if things calm down, I will contact you first. :)
Sounds good to me...anytime.

I understand and appreciate your concern. However, like PTK said, I need equal or more firepower to reple an attack. In Pakistan car jacking and thefts and other petty crimes are very low, especially where I live. The problem is when someone plans a hit on you. Trust me thats not hollywood, and you would want the best option to protect yourself. 500SW is a great gun, but for me its quite unappropriate since before I could even get ready to take a 'one handed' follow up shot, the attacker will be have everyone in my vehicle killed with something that 'spits' out lead much faster.

I bet. Such folks are quite a few.
While I am a total gun advocate, and I think full auto guns should be legal without the process you have to go through now, all I can think is...JESUS DUDE! AN UZI?? I mean I know you are in Pakistan so maybe that's necessary there, but seriously part of protecting yourself is protecting others.

ADN258, If you read some of Firepower's previous posts, I believe he has already been accosted in traffic at least once.
...perhaps someone else can answer me.

I have seen a registered closed bolt in a full size. The work that was explained to me was little more than a SA bolt with a lip welded on the bolt face and a FA lower. As I recall, it would supposedly fire the first round then the firing pin would remain forward in the bolt making it slam fire as a normal open bolt Uzi would. It ran much faster than I like in a sub gun. I have seen a dealer sample closed bolt Mini for sale at the KCR machinegun shoot. I did not ask to examine it's internals as I expected them to be like the closed bolt conversion I had seen before.

So, what pray tell is so different between the inner workings of the striker fired SA and a FA closed bolt Micro?

Ohh I see I'm sorry about that ok so it sounds like war practically and you're being assaulted or whatever.

What would be some good choices?

An Uzi is a great choice if you want to spit out a lot of lead quick very true. Depending on how much money you have, In this case at LEAST have 2 guns, you should have one main gun and some kind of PISTOL as well I think.

The U.S. Military uses a Beretta M9. To me in a war reliability is more important all else being close than ANYTHING else. The M9 with the American Engineering has proven itself time and time again to be fast, VERY RELIABLE, and it's used by the Marines in Iraq etc..

It's been under thousands of firing tests by the U.S. Military, and it's used as a side weapon in Iraq and Afghanistan FOR A REASON. It's what our boys reach for when they need a little extra help, or their MAIN weapon has malfunctioned. Why? RELIABILITY, Versatility- it's so damn light weight and easy to move around.

I'm sure there have been a lot of attackers with all kinds of rifles and weapons, that have been shot dead with the M9 in Iraq lol. That being said it's an AMAZING SECONDARY WEAPON. What should you use for a primary weapon?

Well an uzi might be a good choice as it's Israeli made of course, but how important is concealment? An AK47 for yourself is also a good option if possible. An UZI is also good but if I understand your situation correctly I actually think I would take a smaller type 12 guage shotgun.

Get a shotgun "some are smaller" 12 guage and get some 00 or 000 Buck and some slugs. The Assailant won't bother you anymore lol.

I guess that's really my only advice man hopefully some others can give you more ideas so to recap.

Get a main weapon like a Shotgun perhaps a smaller pistol grip shotgun/12 guage. Use 00 000 or slugs PREFERABLY 00 BUCKSHOT. Or get an Uzi. Get a secondary weapon like an M9 pistol in case you do have to use it and it jams, you have some BACKUP.

In situations where things are close and personal I'd take the shotgun over the uzi lol but that's for you to judge. I don't know how the planned hits happen there in Pakistan but Slugs are deadly and 00 buck is deadly also.

M9 in action

In Iraq
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