How do you handle this confrontation

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He is a professional, so he was wearing light, summer 'office casual' clothing that doesn't allow for waistband carry without being obvious about it in an office environment.

Fair enough.
Posted by skizzums: I can't speak for the actual law, but if the situation came to that, I would draw my gun and hope he stops approaching upon seeing a firearm. If he didn't stop, I hate to say it, but I probably would shoot. I have never had to use/draw a firearm in my life, so I can't say for sure how I would react.

Thats a very good way to risk ending up on the wrong side of the law, and it exposes one to the risk of being shot. See this.
I had a similar experience once. It started from using a curb side parking spot in front of a "steroid guy's" house. He came running (yes really running) out of his house shouting about how nobody could park there, it was his spot, etc etc etc. He got right in my face, poked me in the chest several times, shouting about his ownership of a curb spot on a public road. I was pocket carrying my Glock (I had just got my CHL and not found a good holster/belt yet)

Here's how I handled it.

I apologized about 20 times. I moved my car. I did not draw my gun. I did not threaten the man. A friend who was a witness to the encounter (steroid guy's next door neighbor actually) asked me if I was carrying a gun. I showed her that I was, in fact, carrying a gun.

People seem to think that if they have a CHL they have to look for a reason to draw their gun. Sometimes it is necessary. Most times it isn't.

There is an old saying about having a gun and not needing it being better than needing one and not having it. I find that having a gun and not using it is better than using a gun and enduring the investigation and court case.
I had a similar experience once. It started from using a curb side parking spot in front of a "steroid guy's" house. He came running (yes really running) out of his house shouting about how nobody could park there, it was his spot, etc etc etc. He got right in my face, poked me in the chest several times, shouting about his ownership of a curb spot on a public road. I was pocket carrying my Glock (I had just got my CHL and not found a good holster/belt yet)

Did he at any point say he was going to attack you?
I honestly couldn't make out most of what he was saying. Most of what he was saying (shouting/screaming) was profanity and a few times he clearly repeated "MY ------ PARKING SPACE!!!" He came out his door, across the yard, and up to jab-me-in-the-chest distance in record time.

He may have said that he was going to kill me if I didn't move my car... He may have said that he wanted to read the Watchtower with me and talk about our Lord... I don't know for sure. It was hard to understand between the bad breath, chest pokes, and profanity.

I can tell you that he was not visibly armed. I could have pulled my gun and escalated the situation. If he made an attempt to fill his hands, I am sure I could have pulled my gun and fired several rounds into his abdomen but he didn't and I didn't. The world might be a better place if I had shot him. I made a snap decision that saying "I'm sorry I'll move my car" was better than seeing if Gold-Dots work as advertised. I'm glad I had it... Didn't need it.

I sleep better knowing that I didn't take a man's life because he was flipping out about a curb side spot. I'm not saying ghbucky did wrong in his scenario. Just telling you how mine worked out for me.
^ That would be at least two likes. Sometimes the best course of action is to let a little man feel like a big man and walk away. Many years ago when I got a job as a bouncer the first advice my boss gave me was "be real careful with the quiet ones."
I just have one thing to ad. Just pulling your gun can and will change your life.

Also, call 911 ASAP.

I had to pull my 1911 once, and was greeted with hysterical screams of "he's got a gun he's got a gun call 911!!! call 911!!!" from the 6 foot 4 man who had just hit my wife and threatened to "bury" me as he advanced with his hand reaching for his pocket. His girlfriend called 911 and started making up some BS about some "crazy man" who was "waving a gun in their faces" and of course they had done nothing wrong. Luckily I was able to get my wife and myself out of the situation, place a call to 911 myself, and once the police showed up they determined I was being reasonable, polite, and cooperative while the other two were resisting and being loud and belligerent. My case was given to the DA who decided not to press any charges against me, as luckily again I live in a state where pulling a gun on someone who is threatening your life is perfectly acceptable.

Moral of the story, avoid shooting someone if you can. Call 911, get on record ASAP. If you HAVE to pull the trigger, do so without hesitation.
Not trying to go off topic, in relation to meadams post, remember a few years back the video that spread of the old guy on the bus that was being harrassed and finally assaulted by a young punk, and the old guy beat him up?
On that video you hear bystanders saying to the young punk 'beat him up! whip his ***!', things like that. But soon as the tables turned and the young punk was the one being beat down, the bystanders then were defending the punk and saying the old guy was going to get arrested, and 'they got it ALL on video'.
Yes, they certainly did, enough evidence to prove the old guy was not the aggressor.

Now back to your regular programming.
But, Mr. Steroid managed to find him, pulled up and jumps out of his car. My relative continues to open the distance, but Mr. Steroid begins approaching him threatening to kick his ass.

So, what is the correct course of action here?

In FL, we have a legal recourse for that. Stand Your Ground. No need to retreat, no need to fear using deadly force. I watched a road rage incident the other day where some yahoo in a caddy Escalade had cut someone off and then tries repeatedly to run him off the road. I was about to call FHP after a few minutes when the cars separated. The other driver would have been justified had that person gotten out and threatened him. Do you have the same laws in KY?
If you are implying the law suggests a stupid tactic of waiting for a confrontation as you might be able to use lethal force -then that's flat out ridiculous.

If you shoot someone just approaching and cursing, then I think you won't find the law that friendly.
No need to retreat, no need to fear using deadly force.
Thats wonderful! Cause the rest of us are petrified with fear of ever having to use deadly force.

Does the Stand Your Ground law negate the need to use common sense?
A400 Fan said:
But, Mr. Steroid managed to find him, pulled up and jumps out of his car. My relative continues to open the distance, but Mr. Steroid begins approaching him threatening to kick his ass.

So, what is the correct course of action here?

In FL, we have a legal recourse for that. Stand Your Ground. No need to retreat, no need to fear using deadly force. I watched a road rage incident the other day where some yahoo in a caddy Escalade had cut someone off and then tries repeatedly to run him off the road. I was about to call FHP after a few minutes when the cars separated. The other driver would have been justified had that person gotten out and threatened him. Do you have the same laws in KY?
I'm going to just add that the foregoing reflects a common misunderstanding of Stand-Your-Ground laws.

Anyone who wants to educate himself on such matters should look here and here.
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