How do you clean your lever gun?

Puma M92 no way would I want to take that completely apart again. That ejector spring is a pain in the arse even with the right tools to put it back in place. Maybe it doesn't help since I have an extra long cowboy action spring in it but yikes that's not fun. I'll clean everything I can reach without doing that.
Remington has a cleaning kit just for your lever gun, I use it on my 99sav push the coated wire down the barrel from the breach end, at the muzzle clip on the handle put what ever you like brush or patch and pull it through, repeat as needed !!!!
I have two 336s. Being able to clean from the breech is a great plus for the Marlins; so easy. If I want to go further, I have the most recently published Radocy tear-down guide for the 336, and the color photos in that manual are very good; well worth the 10 bucks (IMO). There's also lots of youtube stuff for cleaning and/or tear-down on the Marlin levers (any firearm for that matter).

I understand the older version of the manual's pics weren't that great, but the one I got has the newer color pics, and they're done quite well (IMO and FWIW).
Reinert, good informative post...I didn't know about the Radocy takedown guides....anyone have experience with their guide for the Savage 99?
I have an 1895 GBL 45-70.

I clean it about every 100 rounds or so.

When I do clean it, I simply remove the bolt which is easy, and clean like any bolt action rifle. After about 300 rounds I did a disassembly and cleaned the magazine tube and receiver.
When I get a new Marlin, I strip the wood from the metal. I then clean and degrease the metal with acetone. After heating with a heat gun, I apply johnson's paste wax. The excess is wiped off with a soft rag. The gun is waterproof for a year or two. Before the wood goes back on, I spray the inside of the stock with spar varnish or urethane.

If I am out in the rain, I use WD-40 and compressed air on the inside of the frame.

After cast bullet sessions, I drop the lever and bolt and clean from the breech. One of there makes that a lot easier:
I hunt with a 99 savage, when I need to I remove the butt stock pull the bolt stop screw and get it a good cleaning, one thing you do not do is mess with the magazine on a 99 !!!
I did a moly treatment on the barrel of my 45-70 SBL. I shoot only cast loads, now mostly home brew but some Buffalo Bore +P ride in the cuff for serious use. I pull a Bore Snake through it after a range session. As I said earlier, the rifle really stays clean and the bore shows little leading.
Normally I just use a bore snake than every 10th outing I do a field strip taking off the buttstock, lever, receiver bolt, etc. and the magazine to ensure that the spring is not rusted.
After I run a boresnake down the barrel a few times, I remove the buttstock, hold the muzzle high, open the action, and spray both down the barrel and inside the action with brake cleaner. Then I follow it up with a healthy dose of high pressure air from my compressor; repeat if necessary. I've found that these 2 steps removes most if not all the powder residue, etc., from the action. Then I liberally re-oil the action before reattaching the stock and finally wiping down the entire outside with a rag with some light 3 in One oil on it.
Poster #26 jaysouth beat me to it. He does what I do. Good advice there. Plus I don’t hunt in the rain. We have way too many nice days here in TX to have to hunt in the rain. Besides, contrary to popular opinion I am made out of sugar and I do melt.:D
I've got my Grandfather's 1952 Marlin 336RC Waffle-top.
When first received, tore it completely down, inspected, cleaned, and lubed.
He was a WW2 Jarhead, and kept his tools CLEAN & well-oiled.
It does have a slight cant to the sights...but it's a natural cant that helps line up the sights.
Added a new sling to it because the old leather one had rotted.

After every hunting trip it gets a field strip, clean with Q-tips & toothbrush.
Proper lube & oil where needed, and lovingly stored in a safe with a Goldenrod.

When I first got it, didn't expect it to be nearly as precise as it was...honestly thought
that lever-actions weren't supposed to shoot little cloverleaf groups, boy was I wrong!
If the shooter does their part, the Marlin 336RC will most certainly do its job!

Also had a Marlin 1895-SBL in .45-70 at the time, that I'd bought a few years before.
Ended up just using Grandpa's rifle most of the time...there's just a different feel when
you are out with His rifle, in His woods, walking down the trails He showed me...
those connections to the past become so much more important, the older you get!
I field stripped my Henry once. ONCE. Now I just blow it out with Gunscrubber and spray down the innards with Ballistol.

Barrel gets cleaned from muzzle to breech with rod and brush. Can't do it from the breech.
Ended up just using Grandpa's rifle most of the time...there's just a different feel when
you are out with His rifle, in His woods, walking down the trails He showed me...
those connections to the past become so much more important, the older you get!
That's poetic! :)

It's nice that you can keep such a connection to your grandfather.
I've got a Win 94 in 32 Win SPL and a Marlin 39A Golden Mountie by way of lever actions. I do not strip them. For cleaning, the usual procedure is used for the bore (Hoppe's followed by brush and patches followed by Kroil, brush and patches).

Other small nitch areas in the receiver get cleaned with Q-tips.

Have a Kleen Bore Supreme 1 pc stainless rod w/a muzzle guard. I prefer not to pull my rifles bolt and associated parts so to {just} clean a barrels bore. The only time I clean such Actions is shortly after their purchase. (complete tear down) There after. Very seldom to never.
With pre-model winchesters. (That's how tiny screws end up missing.) With Savage 99s its the rotary mag spring. If over tensioned ~~and broken. That will turn a dandy quick shooting 99 into a single shot only.