How did I do? (Preparedness)

Sound suppressor :)

Im not from the US, im a norwegian. Have to be 21 to own a handgun, and Im only 20. Only have to be 16 to buy a suppressor, though.
Thats why I cant buy an AK/CETME/FAL/M1A as my shtf gun, I'd really like to, but those guns are just too dangerous for the public to own, I guess. :rolleyes:

Only PC-guns here, like Mauser, 10/22, Mini-14, lever-actions, etc. Nothing eeeevil. That would case the collapse of the entire Norwegian state.

Been thinking really hard about adding a Marlin Papoose to the mix. I can have that in my bag, with around 300 rounds or more, and in a year, add a handgun. Could conceal both weapons (handgun on person, papoose in rucksack, and seem like just another one of the sheeple, seemingly unarmed, until I had arrived at my destination. That would also free up the 12g for my best friend or gf.
No handguns in Norway? A handgun would be easier to carry if legal, otherwise the papoose is a good rifle. You can use it for light self defense and for hunting small game to eat. I got a Kel Tec sub2000 9mm foldable carbine and a (soon to be purchased, on order) Henry AR-7 .22lr Survival rifle. Even in the US, you may run into some restrictions with carrying a handgun so having foldable longgun is a good option. I agree with the blending in thing, looking like a commando survivalist loaded with gear and weapons will certainly draw attention to you by thieves and authorities.
Handguns are allowed, But I have to be 21, and im only 20. One more year!
When I finish my pack and weaponry, I'll post some pics :)
LIGHT STICKS - At least 3 or 4 of the eight-hour type. Red and Amber are a good choice of color. using a length of cordage and whirling the light stick around in a circle makes a good signal device. (!8 to 24 inches is adequate)

PLASTIC BAGS - Acouple of sturdy lawn and leaf bags neatly folded to kep air out, and then placed inside a gallon freezer Ziplock bag. to be used if having to hunker down or RON in an unfamiliar place where it is cold and/or windy. Plce your feet and legs in one and tuck it in close and make a poncho out of the other by putting a hole for your head and arms. Plastic bags are usually available from your own kitchen or home supplies. I kep some of each size and grade available all the time.

ALUMINUM SPACE BLANKET - One per person but carry two in your own BOB. Cost is about $3.00 for one. Carry one in a suitcase or carryon bag for travel.

PLASTIC PONCHO - Preferably orange or yellow in color for a signal and for safety. Carry two in a BOB and at least one in each suitcase or carryon bag. Price, about $1.00 or $2.00 bucks. Use once and replace. Keep a used one in the car for tire chain installation or tire changing tasks.

COGHLANS CAN OPENER/SPOON COMBO - These come in two-packs and cost under a dollar. Keep a couple in the BOB and on in your suitcase and another in carryon. Be aware that the TSA dufi may sometimes insist that this is a deadly item and confiscate it. (JFK in 2003) The P-38 type opener is tricky if you have never used one but just practice before actual need of it. Since these are packed in two's you can use a scissors to seperate the two and redisribute them as you like.

UTENSILS - go to REI or look on line for the unbreakable knife, fork and spoon as welll as a couple of metal items for use over a stove or campfire. expect to spend at least $20.00 for the lot. us esome from home if that does not fit the budget yet.

SIERRA OR ROCKY CUP (Knockoffs OK) - These are stainless steel and a few years ago were US made. The China made are OK and decent made as well. You can heat up water for a soup of bouillion of some sort, or tea for those that like it 9And coffee of course) Cost is about $4.00 to $6.00 dollars now.

PLASTIC TROWEL - Orange plastic is a good color and the smaller baded version will help you dig a cat hole, clear a firing site, clear a fire ring and works as a decent makeshift weapon against animals or a person without a gun. Cost is about $1.50 at REI and maybe a few more at a hardware store.

T.P., Tee Pee or just plain old TOILET PAPER - Don't leave home w/o some! Your day or several day sojourn may turn into a nightmare w/o it! You can buy some at a camping store for a couple bucks for two small rolls or do-it- yourself for less. When a roll at home gets down to 1/4 roll or even a 1/3rd roll you can remove it, crush it flat and wrap the next rolls wrapper around it. Each suitcase and carryon bag we own has at least one roll and in some cases two, if its the larger case. You may place a roll in a ziplock bag like a sandwich bag to maintain it from becoming damp. (ever use soggy Tee Pee? I believe the last time I did was in the SE Asia Wargames, Class of 65/66)

MAPS - If you belong to AAA you are blessed. The yearly fee is worth it o me for he maps and guide books. Keep a regional map that covers your expected route or to your planned destination in the BOB. My car has at least the following. Map of US, Map of State(PRK), Regional map from Bay to Lake Tahoe, Sierra and Gold Country maps, and a couple from the SF Bay Area. When we travel by plane we take destination maps, with possible two or three staste maps of the surrounding area, just in case.

WHISTLE COMBO - A orange plastic whistle with a lanyard ring and a thermometer on one side and a simple compass on the other has proven to be handy on a few occasions. If you were to become trapped in an auto due to accident, a building like a motel or office during an EQ, this little gem might save your life. You may tire of shouting and become hoarse but you may still have enough energy to keep blowing the whistle at intervals. Cost is about $4.00 or so and your wife or SO should have one as well as the kids. (With proper instruction as to their use as it is for use in emergency only) Let the kids practice with you at home before going camping or at least every couple of months.

COMPASS - Have a decent compass and instruction manual. Price may be from $12.00 to $40.00 plus a small book.

FANNY PACK - Keep a sturdy one inside the BOB to use when you deploy in a situation. It wil save you from having to dip into the BOB all the time. Buy one used from Goodwill for $2.00 or pay up to $20.00 for a multi-pocketed model that glows in the dark.;) Keep additional fire-starting material and money and a pocket knife in it all the time.

LENSES - Keep a small monocular or pair of binoculars in the BOB. These are indespensible in identifying people or objects at a distance and may save your life or save you time if you have to walk around a blockage of some sort.(Use your imagination here);)

INSTRUCTION MANUALS - The SAS series of manual in vest pocket size are excellant and available on-line or at gun shows. The price is about $5.00 or $6.00 dollars. One is fo Firts Aid, another for E & E, and still another for Defense. (or the Out-Of-US contingent, Defence):p Additional knowledge from these books, "Where There is No Doctor" and the companion book, "Where There is No Dentist", may prove to be a valuable asset, even if you do not bring hem along. Be sure to spend some time reading them for the information they contain.

BIBLE, MISSAL or PRAYER BOOK - Whatever is compatible with your particular belief should not be forgotton either. I carry a small New Testament that includes Psalms and Proverbs as well.

Water and weapons have been discussed in other posts and if you go on Capt Daves site at and look on the left and click on the red button for Bug Out Bags for more info. Great free info available there.

NOTICE: I just double checked the Capt Daves site and it was not the one I have known for years. The website address is the same but it is a person in Florida with fishing boats! If anyone knows how to get the right Capt Dave site here please let me know.