How did I do? (Preparedness)


New member
So, I've been a gun enthusiast for some years now,
and also been an outdoorsy type, I love fishing and the nature,
and I'm also very situational aware.
However, I've never gone to the step of putting together a BOB-bag.
Until today that is. I wish I had done this a long time ago!
I spent around 90-100$, and how did I do? Some of the items I already had, I'll mark'em out with X.

50 shells #2 12g
10 shells 12g slug X
10 shells OO Buck X

Disinfectant for wounds
20 painkillers
Knife X

Tips of matches in an old film-container
Fishingline in the filmcontainer
About 10ft of cord
3 lighters

1 can of pineapple for carbs
6 cans of tuna
4 cans of corned beef
1 powerbar
2 juicyfruits (well, it seemed like a good idea at the time!)

3 pairs of socks X

I know I have forgot to include ALOT in the kit, since I just started on it today, so help me out! what else should I include?

I know I need; 2 more knives, compass, needles, scalpells and my SAS survivalbook. What else?
I take it a "BOB-bag" is a survival bag? I would add some potable water tablets and insect repellant, being in Florida. Maybe also a hatchet. I would hate to have to cut firewood with a knife. And one of those lighters should definately be wind/rainproof. And also one of those nifty multi-tools.
As a backup for the lighters, I'd have one of those magnesium firestarter blocks handy. REI or any similar outdoor outfitter should still have them. And a lot of Nicorette.
some wire for snare traps
water purification items. Information on how to get drinking water without boiling, purifying, etc.
more ammo and a 22 rifle
plastic bags lots of bags(used for getting water also)
duct tape
primitive fire starter (magnesium type)
candles for heat, light, and cooking.

The basics should include water first, shelter, and food. Anything that can help get these should be considered. If I have time I will look at my survival kit.
The key to putting together an effective survival kit is situational awareness, not so much of the threats involved, but awareness of the environment you anticipate having to survive in.

Mentally place yourself right in the middle of the area you think you'll "hide out". Most likely, if you need a kit, it won't be an urban area. Now look around you. What is the lay of the land? Mountains, desert, swamp? What is the weather likely to be? Is water plentiful or scarce?

Now start with the most basic needs of life. The top 3 are usually water, shelter, and food, but again, environment will dictate the order they fall in. At high altitudes with bad weather, shelter and fire may be the first need. Desert? Probably water. You get the idea.

After laying out your basic needs, you need to list the items needed to fulfill each need, and again, these will vary according to the environment. For water, halizone tablets or better yet, a PUR or Sweetwater filtration system if you're in an area with streams or lakes. In the desert, substitute a plastic drop cloth for a solar still.

List as many items that will fulfill each need you can think of, and then start eliminating them one at a time, in order from luxury to necessity, until the size of your kit is such that you can comfortably carry it over extreme terrain, for long distances. (This, of course, assuming you're not staying with your vehicle.) If you don't, you'll quickly find out why seasoned backpackers literally measure weight in ounces, and not pounds.

But the most important thing you can have is a mind that's able to improvise and adapt. Most of the solutions to survival problems are right in front of you, IF you know how to recognize them and adapt them to your needs.

When I became a back country ranger with the National Park Service, they put me through some fairly extensive wilderness survival training. When asked to narrow their choices to any two items, but only two, for a survival situation, the most seasoned rangers' choices might surprise you. They were a good knife, and parachute shock cord. With those, you can make most of the other items you need, but without them, you're up the proverbial creek.

People here speak commonly of self defense schools, but rarely of wilderness survival schools. Training in this area is every bit as crutial as SD training, if you seriously think you may find yourself in a "bug out" situation.
Thanks guys!

Yeah, its basically a survivalbag for any situation that might force me out of the home, in a hurry.

I have two bug-out-locations;
1. Family Cabin. A pretty big place, beds for 12, and with a tent outside and people sleeping on the sofa, you can squeese in atleast 20.
Its on an island that it takes 1.5 hours to drive to, then you have to cross by boat. This is where I really want to bug out, if I have to. If else, its:
2. Wilderness. Lots of wilderness around my part, and Im very familiar with some parts of it, trails, where game is, etc. Pretty mountainous, with very many freshwater lakes with fish in it. Thats why I dont stress carrying that much water, either I stay at home, with plenty water, bug ut to the wilderness a while, with plenty water, or go to the cabin, with plenty of water. Or die in the progress, as fate sees fit.

Got the rifle already, that goes to the missus!

Thanks for the current tips, will surely get the magnesium firestarter, and water purification tablets among the other things. :)
More Powerbar, less canned goods. I'd shop around, there are some bars out there that pack a lot protein and carbs etc and are smaller and lighter then cans. Don't know about the shelf life though.
Might want to up your first-aid kit and take some tactical medicine courses. Most people never consider how to treat themselves for gunshot wounds...
Bug Out Bag

I can't believe no one mentioned money! What if your bug out starts where you could *really* use some coins or a few dollars? Phone calls, Bus fare, food or ? (Yes, there are still a few pay phones, in a major problem, cell phone access may not work too well. Katrina, anyone?
Thanks again guys! It really helps to have someone else point out to me what I need to fix :)

I think I'll keep the canned stuff for now, it doesnt take up lots of room, and isnt heavy. I still have plenty of room in my bag, and it isnt a big bag either.
A nice inconspicous one that doesnt attract attention.

I'll add more powerbars! Thats a good idea. Then ziplock (in those that are airtight or whatever, got a bunch of'em) some peanut butter and highcarb-fruit.

Can you guys give me some info on what I should include to up my first aid kit? I really want it to be able to sustain me for some time. I can hunt, fish, and set up shelter, but without a firstaid-kit its game over for me after the first wound.
Willj has a point. Part of my emergency kit (my stuff is in a plastic storage bin for now, but I can transfer it to a backpack if needed to Bug out on foot). I have an envelope with $40, I'm trying to save more like $200 to $500, but some stuff came up and I need to tap into it. $20 a pay and I will be back on track. My fear is a lot of disaster scenarios involve credit cards and ATMs being knocked off line, so Cash, if the USA is still in business, will be king. Also another thing to think of is you should have an envelope with copies of important papers like Birth Certificates, Heath insurance cards, Homeowners insurance policies, etc. Everyone packs there BOB for an end of civilization event, but most likely you will be using your BOB for some sort of regional disaster that your evacuating from. Its nice to have some cash for a hotel room, your health insurance info if someone gets hurt, or your homeowners info to start the claims process if your house is destroyed. did not mentioned a tent? You can get a cheap 2 person dome tent if it just you and the wife. Or even a Tarp and some cord. Nice setup having a cabin on an island, but being a 1.5 hour drive, you might not make it in one day walking. Your never completely homeless if you have a tent. Also the match heads in a film can are good, I also got a film can of dryer lint, makes good tinder.
The most important thing for pure survival situations is a good knife that can accomplish 3 tasks: chopping, cleaning game, and carving smaller tasks. Chord would probably be next, but you can use boot laces for most lashings if you are making a bed or camp.

A shotgun, if SHTF would be good if you had to stay in one place or could travel by car. If not, the weight of the shells and the gun itself will prove not very useful if on foot.

If you really need a long gun, get a smaller carbine with 2-3 loaded magazines and I am sure you will be in good shape for whatever comes your way except zombies. Better yet, get a handgun with 3-4 mags and I am sure you will still be okay.

Surviving might not have so much to do with guns as it does reading the situation and adapting to changes.

Just food for thought. Your kit will constantly change.

Water, Food, Fire, Improvised Shelter, and Light will keep you alive longer than a shotgun will in most cirumstances.
As for now, I have a Huglu 870' knockoff and a CZ 452 with suppressor.
If it came to it, my gf would get the 452 and I'd take the shotty.
Not old enough to own a sidearm yet, but working on it. Only one more year until the government trusts me enough. Yey.
When the time comes, I'll get a nice hicap 9mm. Been hearing really good things about the CZ75B.

Im feeling pretty confident with "only" my shottie, can pack 50 rounds of #2 in my pack, have 25 on my waist, and six in my gun. If I get in a firefight requiring more than 81 rounds to break contact, I've already lost eitherway. Im not SAS or a Navy SEAL, nor do I pretend to be.

Im a student with really limited funds, who want to protect himself, his gf and family (sheeple), the best he can. I could get a cheap mauser in 30'06, but I'd really like another 870. Shotgun-guy, I guess.

And I recently found a compact two-man tent for like 30$, I'll get that!

- More gun
- Money
- Soup
- Spices
- Cooking utencils
- More carbs and powerbars
- Map to get to cabin, should roads be dangerous, and we have to hike it.
- Tent
- Water purifier

Best place to store all that stuff...a nice backpack!

Then go backpacking and you'll find out how well it all works.
How about a...

COMPASS!! If roads are bad, then you need to overland it and trees are very dark and start looking the same.
Try the backpack meals has they can keep for about three years and one can make two meals for a person.
anyone mention canteens, need to have water over food. throw in a water purifier.
Extra boxes of .22LR for tradeing helps.
As for now, I have a Huglu 870' knockoff and a CZ 452 with suppressor.

Flash suppressor or sound suppressor? I'm surprised if you could get the (legal) sound suppressor and not be old enough for a handgun.