How concerned are you about the increase of State surveillance?

How concerned?

  • Not at all - only criminals need fear being watched

    Votes: 11 11.7%
  • Mildly concerned about the increasing lack of privacy

    Votes: 14 14.9%
  • We need a very strong voice against surveillance, as it's getting too much.

    Votes: 23 24.5%
  • Won't be long before we're living in an Orwellian dystopia

    Votes: 46 48.9%

  • Total voters
Today the Marines are "practicing" in Indianapolis. Wake-up people!

Need a little more info here.

Practicing what?

And wake up to greet them? Help them? Or wake up because you have to, since the boys are practicing with things that go "boom"?
People sem to be willing to give up their privacy and their freedom without a whimper. They think, "Oh good, I'll be safer" and never bother to think that the amound of snopping going on is getting greater all the time. People can't see the dangers.
Things will get worse...

Before they get better. Most Americans won't realize it till it's too late. I guess it's just desserts for the stupid and complicit.

I don't have a problem with listing into any and all non-US to US communications, but I do have a problem with listening in on any domestic communications, viewing phone records, or bank records without a warrant.
Epyon said:
Things will get worse before they get better. Most Americans won't realize it till it's too late. I guess it's just desserts for the stupid and complicit.

Nearly any American, if asked, will claim he believes in a free society. But the majority of those same Americans also have no problem with increasing government power, which is inversely proportional to the amount of freedom people have. That's the case even if the actual laws are unobtrusive (which they are not). And surveillance technology is a form of power.
In the District of Columbia, this Republic's fair capital, the City Council held a public hearing over the roadblocks and interrogations recently imposed on the crime-ridden Trinidad neighborhood. All drivers were stopped and questioned and, if unable to demonstrate legitimate grounds for traveling that road (as determined by the individual officer conducting the questioning), were turned away. I was amused by the comments of one concerned citizen who rose to speak. Dismissing civil liberties concerns, she said (paraphrasing now), "we have a civil right to be safe from violent criminals."

Honestly, there's no helping some folks. We beg for chains and thank our masters for providing them.
I am not as concerned about eavesdropping as video. I don't like being filmed everytime I leave the house. ( or soon in my house!)

Surveillance whether audio or video on the general population is rather stupid, and if we're being pushed toward a police state think of what kind of damning evidence they will use it as against you under the guise of such jokes as the Patriot Act and other laws that may soon follow in its wake. Cops lie, their job is to land people in jail. What might be an innocent statement or a joke between friends on the phone might be taken the wrong way if someone deems your statement to be a threat. All for the name of national security, brave men and women fight a pointless war in order to make the cowardly sheep feel safe who wish for the pen to close in tighter around them; until their enclosure crushes them in.

It is already too late. One of my employees went on a call the other day to help harden a machine. It seems that a certain fellow who tends to fire off critical letters of the Bush Administration and other Government agencies was writing another letter critical of Bush. While he was doing that the Secret Service was able to access his PC and not only delete the letter he was working on but several others that he had written. Although he did not have it connected to a phone line we went ahead and removed the modem and network card just in case.
Cops lie, their job is to land people in jail.

That funny I thought thier job was to protect and serve.

Cops lie. Cant even begin to think where to address that. (Yes, thier are bad eggs out thier, of course)
While he was doing that the Secret Service was able to access his PC and not only delete the letter he was working on but several others that he had written.

huh???? Tell us how you know the Secret Service deleted the letter! Sounds like someone is paranoid or I missed something here.
It seems that a certain fellow who tends to fire off critical letters of the Bush Administration and other Government agencies was writing another letter critical of Bush. While he was doing that the Secret Service was able to access his PC and not only delete the letter he was working on but several others that he had written. Although he did not have it connected to a phone line we went ahead and removed the modem and network card just in case.

Sad but avoidable. If this fellow had simply wrapped a piece of aluminium foil from his hat around his internet connection, his letters would be intact. By the way, foil from downed UFO's works best, but that stuff is as rare as all the confiscated films of JFK's asasination that clearly show the other dozen unapprehended CIA shooters.

All of this assumes they weren't using the chip in your guy's head.
Sad but avoidable. If this fellow had simply wrapped a piece of aluminium foil from his hat around his internet connection, his letters would be intact.

That is the real mystery because he was never connected to the Internet at all. We are still trying to figure out how the Secret Seervice got in. :eek: He has been trying to find some of the UFO foil but so far unable. As long as he is willing to pay the service fee for each call I am not going to argue with him. :o

We had another fellow that the CIA was watching but luckily he was able to shield his PC from them. He never would connect his PC to the internet either but would come to the school to use one if he had to. Sadly the fellow had a nervous breakdown a few months ago and died of a heart attack about 3 weeks ago. I talked to his wife Monday and it made her feel better laughing about him and the CIA.
1) Video Cameras everywhere ie. the neighborhood where I live, the places where I shop, the park where I stroll, and the office where I work...

2)Where I work every keystroke of the computer is monitored...<but not this keyboard;)>

3)Years ago when I graduated...I was told basically that I was entering a field that had some creativity and diversity...but now my field has become regimented by 'managed care' and new,strict 'licensure boards.' I HATE LICENSURE BOARDS ie. my experience has been that they often cause more problems ...and they are constantly 'supervising' and 'monitoring' to the point one can't breath. I often wonder who is monitoring the monitors.
I can be reported for anything and everything to some board that frankly isn't really even competent, but is concerned about anything and everything I might ever do...and the 'appearances of things.' They do background checks, and employment checks and reference checks ... to the point where it is absurd. I would like the freedom to have an imperfect life without having to answer to some arbitray state authority about some stranger's misperception of my life. It's not that I want to lie on my resume or applications - but please don't ask too many intrusive questions and then accuse me of being a liar for not telling every detail. No polygraphs please!

4)When I turn on the TV, there's all these 'Reality Shows' and shows about Police and Arrests... At a certain point, I'm sorta wondering if it's healthy for folks to be watching people arrested - as if it's entertainment. People laugh about the 'highway chase' or the DUI...but in reality these things aren't funny, and the shows seem to desensitize and dehumanize people. I don't like it. The poor fellow getting tazered isn't funny. The car flying through someone's living room isn't a stunt. I also don't like watching shows about people competing to date someone, win a job or survive some outrageous human conflict-situation. It's as if these shows are in the realm of 'social engineering' and what used to go on at the Roman Colloseum.

5)The agency where I work is constantly audited and inspected by the state to make sure every 'i' is dotted and every 't' is crossed, to the point that 90% of our work is now devoted to dotting and crossing 'i's' and 't's'... Again I wonder who is inspecting the inspectors? We work under the constant threat of being accused of fraud - not because our house is not in order - but because in 1000's of 30 page detailed reports with 100 redundant checkmarks...somebody might have left off an initial or put a single page out of order...and the state will treat us like criminals for it.

6) Metal Detectors everywhere. I like having a nice little pocketknife. I don't like having to worry about it when I enter a building...


8) I would like to own an unregistered firearm and be able to carry it concealed. I have no evil agenda or intent. I think Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin would completely understand.

9)The media/News - well, there's a lot of it, but not much depth and very little educational information. I think that Russert fellow seemed okay, but why is it there's 24hrs of round the clock daily news about his life and death? Was he a member of our family? Was he our Patriarch? NOT FAIR AND GROSSLY IMBALANCED.

10) Put all this crap together ie. totalitarian superficial news. regimented work environments, strict licensure/regulatory cultures with an entertainment industry that deliberatly desensitizes and dehumanizes everyone...and it just doesn't add up to anything that makes one want to honestly smile into the eye of a surveillance camera. Coupled with 2 undeclared nation-building oil wars and flags everywhere - I get the feeling that I'd rather hand off something much better and different to the next generation... I'm told over and over again how free we are...but sometimes I wonder why it's repeated over and over again like a mantra, especially when it's something questioned.

11) The world did not collapse as a result of my parents and grandparents and great-grandparents...never having to submit to random drug tests. Somehow things worked out! I don't abuse drugs; I would just like a less monitored lifestyle. Call me old-fashioned.