How bout some 1860 Army users.


New member
I see that there are quite a few 1858 Army fans out there "some probably due to ease of swaping out loaded cylinders" but I've been a Colt C&B fan for may years, my favorite & my first ever is my Pietta 1860 Army that was given to me several years ago.

I'm wondering, am I the only one who likes the 1860 Army more than the 1858?

I happen to like them both. I have 2 original Remy's NMA's Conversions that I shoot at CAS matches. Two 2nd Gen. Colt Navies (C & B)that I shoot as well. I also have two Belgian Centaur 1860 Armies (C & B), one is a 1961 and the other is a late 60's or early '70's model. The 1860 armies shoot as good as the others.
Nope. In fact, I have two...



The Pietta is 25 years old; the Euroarms I bought at an auction. It was not in the catalog, added at the last minute, and was the only gun put up at that auction. It's date stamp is BL, for 1998. So far, there is very little difference between them, besides the backstrap.
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Got both

My first C&B is a Pietta 1860 that's as comfortable and easy to shoot as you'd ever want. My second one is an older Euroarms 1858, also a nice gun. For fun I've got the 1860 with its bigger grips and ease of cocking. If I really want to hit something I use the 1858 as it's just more accurate due to its better sights. I've also got an R&D conversion cylinder for the 1858 that came with it. (I'm taking good care of her Lee)
Is it just me or does everyones Remmy clone take more than one hand to shoot? Granted my hands aren't what they're supposed to be but it takes one hand to hold it and one hand to cock it.:o
:) My Pietta is also 25 years old, what a coinsodence...

Shotgun Willy said:
Is it just me or does everyones Remmy clone take more than one hand to shoot?
the reason I never had a great liking for the 1858, the many that I've had in my hand never felt right to me & I've never could get the rythem {sp} in cocking-pointing-firing like I could with my 1860 "I allways have a tendency to hook my pinky finger under the grip to hold any of my SA Revolvers, & my hand size keeps me from doing that with the 1858."
I'm wondering, am I the only one who likes the 1860 Army more than the 1858?

I'm sort of like with my b.p. firearms, all of them, as I am with fish. Whatever kind I'm eating right now is my absolute favorite!
1860 Army

The 1860 Army is what got me hooked on this hobby.I have both firearms,but my Colt 1860 looks and feels better.When I pick it up,it just becomes part of me.:)
I've got one of them too, also Pietta. It does point better than the 58 but I can't say either one shoots better than the other. I have no trouble shooting my 58's one handed. The hammer is easier on the Colt tho.

+1 Hawg Haggen, I love my 1858, but for instinctive shooting my 1860 point better and more naturally.
Love my 1860 Army. Here's my Colt 2nd Generation Army.

The original cylinder is the full flute but I usually shoot with a spare engraved cylinder. I like to keep the full flute pristine.

None of the others do the case hardening as pretty as the real Colts.



1860 Army; 1851 Navy; 1862 Police; 1877 Lightning.

All my grandfathers that he bought when he was a kid in Australia of all places. He paid 20 pounds (about 40 bucks in 1930's money) for all 4 of them. I remember him shooting the 1877 but I don't ever remember him shooting the other 3. They all could shoot no problem, all original parts. Guess who gets them when he goes? I am not sure what they are worth but I assume about $1500 and up for each one.
I've always preferred the open tops...


The 51 is by far my favorite but the 60 army and 62 police are fine side arms.
I have a '60 Colt .44 made by Pietta that I bought in 2004 and a '58 Remington that I bought in 2001. The Remington, to me, is a little more accurate and I like the sights better. I use more powder with it since it has the topstrap and is probably more rigid. The Colt, however, feels better in my hand. I like the look of the Colt better, too. One thing that annoys me about the Colt is that the fired percussion caps fall down between the cylinder and breech face and bind the action up. The only way that I've found to fix this is to tip the pistol muzzle up when I re-cock the hammer so the used cap falls out.
My next will probably be a '51 Navy .36. Either Uberti or Pietta unless I find one by a different manufacurer that I like.
Belgian Centennial/Centaur R&D Conversion?

I see all these conversion cylinders around for Uberti's and Pietta's; Are there any available for the Belgian Centennial "1960 New Model Army" pistol i just bought. Will an Uberti cylinder work, or a pietta? or niether or both?
Don't too much care for the Remingtons until they got to the 1875 and 1890 cartridge guns. Love my 1860's though! Actually prefer the 5½". Need about another dozen including C&B and cartridge conversions.

What the hell is wrong with you people? I just ordered my first BP revolver (1858) a couple days ago. While I was looking for that, I ran accross the 1863 Pocket and I gotta have one of them. So I don't even have the first one yet and looking for that one caused me to hafta have another one and now you have to post all these pix of 60s and rant and rave 'bout how nice they are and all! What are ya tryin to do to me???:D