How are y'all doing with powder?

Primers are my only real need as of lately.
I did score 2 lbs of Retumbo to load my 7mm rem mag up some extra...
Im not even sure when the last time I did buy primers, but just now looking it all over, Id better hunt some large rifle and pistol down before it gets worse..
Go to your local gun show and you'll find all you need. At mine (NC) there were two vendors selling nothing but reloading supplies and some gun dealers also had a smaller selection. All the powder, primers and bullets I needed were there. Prices are up, but nothing we can do about it.
Between the 2012 and 2020 shortages I spent every spare penny I could beg , borrow or steal and hoarded up on Powder , Primers , Brass and Bullet Moulds . I was still working and making plenty of money ! Now I'm retired ... but ...
I have a lifetime supply of those things ... I hoarded high and deep and the children will discover their inheritance isn't in cash or stocks but Reloading Supplies ... After I'm gone they will either curse me or cheer ... when they find what I have invested in ... reloading supplies and 22 LR ammo !
With the economy and recession and prices ... crazy old Dad might have made a smart investment !
Between the 2012 and 2020 shortages I spent every spare penny I could beg , borrow or steal and hoarded up on Powder , Primers , Brass and Bullet Moulds . I was still working and making plenty of money ! Now I'm retired ... but ...
I have a lifetime supply of those things ... I hoarded high and deep and the children will discover their inheritance isn't in cash or stocks but Reloading Supplies ... After I'm gone they will either curse me or cheer ... when they find what I have invested in ... reloading supplies and 22 LR ammo !
With the economy and recession and prices ... crazy old Dad might have made a smart investment !
Ya never know but prices don't usually come back down much after an inflationary period. Sellers discover what the market will bear and they stick to it. The only prices that come back down are the ones where sellers over stocked and need to get rid of it. That doesn't seem to be happening with consumable loading supplies.

A normal month I shoot around 1,000 cartridges--so I've started shooting rimfire a lot more.

The locals ask me--are you getting any better? No--but I still have fun.:)
Aches and pain keep me from shooting way more than a lack of ammo and reloading components. However this year it was fire danger that kept me from shooting. I can load way more ammo than I can get out to shoot.
