How absurd is 4" IWB carry?

Pond James Pond

New member
My current carry preference is appendix carry. This works for my Astra .38Spl snub.

However, yesterday I saw a very nice 4" Astra .38Spl.

I have a thing for Astras.

Naturally I instantly imagined owning it. Now, rather than go into the minutiae of Estonian Law, trust me when i say that, in order to buy this revolver, I'd have to get rid of one I presently own. Logically that would be my existing .38Spl...

This then also means the newer 4" would have to replace it as EDC.

So, is 4" IWB more trouble than it's worth?
(I'm guessing appendix carry only works if you spend your day standing up!)
If I was in your situation (Estonia) I'd be in a constant state of teeth grinding frustration.

(Although in some states in the U.S. you can only buy one handgun a month.)

Good luck.
If I was in your situation (Estonia) I'd be in a constant state of teeth grinding frustration.

Well I know there are some annoying rules, but.....are you sure?;)

-Suppressors over the counter.
-No rule against making pistols in to SBRs.
I'm jealous over the suppressors.

For me, the problem isn't so much the 4" IWB. I carried a 1911 Gov't and a G19 IWB for years. My problem would be carrying a revolver IWB.

What I see on the Internet under "4" Astra .38Spl" is a good looking revolver, though!
For me, the problem isn't so much the 4" IWB. I carried a 1911 Gov't and a G19 IWB for years. My problem would be carrying a revolver IWB.

Any particular reason?

Too thick?

My snub isn't uncomfortable. Perhaps "wasn't" is a better appraisal than "isn't: I need to lose about 15lbs!!
Too thick through the cylinder. I also need to lose weight. I'm already embarrassed at the size of my pants. I don't need to move up a couple of inches to accommodate the cylinder & can't afford a whole bunch of new pairs of pants.

If you already IWB a revolver and don't find it too thick through the middle, then I can't see a 4" barrel being a problem for you. Lots of folks carry gov't model 1911s and BHPs IWB without complaint. I don't have the measurements in front of me, but I don't think the Astra would be that much longer than either of those.
What I see on the Internet under "4" Astra .38Spl" is a good looking revolver, though!

I do like it too. Reminds me of S&W model, but can't remember which.

If you already IWB a revolver and don't find it too thick through the middle, then I can't see a 4" barrel being a problem for you.

Good news, but appendix carry is out, I think!!

So where? 3 o'clock?

My current Astra looks like this.
That's a good-lookin' little pistol, too.

When I carry IWB (which isn't that often as of late), it's usually at 4 o'clock. Three o'clock puts it right on the most outermost point of your waist, but sliding it back around to 4 gives the pistol more cover.
That's true about the widest point, only I am so paranoid about the butt printing at 4 o'clock if I lean forward even for something like doing my laces or picking up a fallen pencil!

It feels like it would be a neon sign announcement that I'm carrying!
I’ve carried a 4” Model 10 IWB, crossdraw. I found it quite comfortable. My Model 10 has the thin tapered barrel, and I use the small Magna-PC grips with a Tyler T-grip.
I carry a Glock 17 AIWB on a daily basis, so the 4" barrel shouldnt be an issue. Like anything else, its just a matter of finding your sweet spot and getting used to it.

Ive carried 4" Model 10 and 19 Smiths IWB in the somewhat distant past, both at around 4-4:30. I dont upsize my pants to carry that way, and I didnt have a problem doing so. Now that Ive been carrying AIWB, I wouldnt even consider carrying there (with anything), even though I did carry that way for decades.

I think youll find AIWB more comfortable and concealable, especially with a revolver, assuming you can get a proper holster for your gun. The better AIWB holsters pull the butt tight to your body. I have a couple of holsters for my 2.5" and 3" K/L frame Smiths, that work for AIWB, and they work OK, but I havent seen a holster made for them like I have for my Glocks. Really havent looked to hard either though. Someone probably makes one.

Now, a lot of this may depend on what kind of shape youre in. If youve got a good-sized "Dunlop" belly, it may not work for you. Ive carried IWB and AIWB fat, skinny, and in-between. Both work best when youre on the skinnier side, but both are doable with the weight if you dress for it.
Holsters would be a whole other story. No idea where to start with those!!

IIRR, the model this Astra reminds me of, in size and shape, is the Model 19. And that is a K-frame, if I'm not mistaken.
My current carry preference is appendix carry. This works for my Astra .38Spl snub.

However, yesterday I saw a very nice 4" Astra .38Spl.

I have a thing for Astras.

Naturally I instantly imagined owning it. Now, rather than go into the minutiae of Estonian Law, trust me when i say that, in order to buy this revolver, I'd have to get rid of one I presently own. Logically that would be my existing .38Spl...

This then also means the newer 4" would have to replace it as EDC.

So, is 4" IWB more trouble than it's worth?

Carrying a 4" autoloader IWB is do-able, not too difficult. My only 4" revolver, my S&W 19-4, is huge for what it is (a 6 shot medium power gun). Worth doing? A firm "maybe", would depend on the gun and the holster.

(I'm guessing appendix carry only works if you spend your day standing up!)

I read that appendix works better with bigger guns. And is dependant on getting just the right holster, situated just the right way. And you know "the Innernetz" never lies, always tells the truth. (That's sarcasm.)

I have a gut in the way, and it's never yet been comfortable when I tried it. I intend to take another stab at it sometimes with a specialty holster, with one or both of my snubbies.
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I read that appendix works better with bigger guns. And is dependant on getting just the right holster, situated just the right way. And you know "the Innernetz" never lies, always tells the truty. (That's sarcasm.)

I have a gut in the way, and it's never yet been comfortable when I tried it. I intend to take another stab at it sometimes with a specialty holster, with one or both of my snubbies.
I find it works better with the longer barrels than the shorter, and simply because of weight distribution and leverage. And of course, the "proper" holster.

The problem Ive found with the shorter barrels is, they tend to be top-heavy, and (especially with the autos) if you dont have the right holster, the gun wants to roll out of the top of your pants when you bend forward.

Back in the 80's, before AIWB was a "thing", I tried carrying my HK P7M13 in a Bianchi Pistol Pocket in that spot, and the first time I bent forward, the gun and holster flopped out of my pants and was hanging upside down in front of me. The combination of the wrong holster, top-heavy gun, with a short barrel and no leverage, and it was a perfect storm. Luckily, I was at home trying it out when it happened.

If I use a smaller gun (rarely do), Ill slip my Glock 26 into my 17's holster, and it works great. The holster is made for AIWB, and its long enough to still have leverage, to keep the gun from wanting to roll out. Not that it probably would, as the clips on the holster are tight, and also stop that from happening.

If the length wasnt there, and the attachment has enough slop in it/them, youre not using a "gun" belt, it might be a different story.

Proper, "job-specific" equipment, is an important part of all this.

And as with anything, gun, equipment, you, etc, it takes actual time and effort to figure things out. A 5 minute "trial", with something unfamiliar, and possibly inappropriate, doesnt tell you if its going to work or not. What you have, "might" work to give you an idea, but you really need the right gear to make things work if youre going to be living with it on an all-day, daily basis.

Wearing the combo you choose around the house for a week or two in fact-finding, will help you to sort things out, and lets your body get used to things being different and adjust.
Well right now I use smart carry and the butt sits behind my waistband/belt.

In this respect the gun is very well concealed but that holster is wholly inadequate for 4”.

If (and it’s a big if) I were to buy this and jack in my 2” to allow for it, I’d be back to square one on the holster front.

Any suggestions on an AIWB holster capable of taming a meatily framed .38Spl?
My EDC is a 4" K frame IWB. It is perfectly comfortable, but I am 6'1" and 190 pounds. I prefer "tuckable" holsters such as the "Texas Heritage" from Tucker Gun Leather.
I sometimes IWB a 3" 686+. A tad heavy but works with some too large pants.

I have also IWB carried around my card a 4" S&W 629 44 magnum when we had a bear sniffing around almost every night. Bulky and heavy but it will work once you get accustomed to it. I may IWB carry the 629 more this winter. Seems to carry better as a cross draw.

However, I mostly IWB my semi autos. Just more comfortable and concealable.
I carry IWB, numerous guns, mostly revolvers. Model 10 S&W 4" HB or Ruger GP-100 3" are two of my favorites. No, it isn't uncomfortable at all. Currently my off duty carry gun is an Uberti El Patron .45 4.75", in an old Safariland 1911 IWB, half the time I forget it's there. If the waistband of the pants are slightly loose, as is ones belt, it's not uncomfortable. That cylinder isn't half as thick and obtrusive as some make it out to be, but then again I'm about 6'2", 230, so with a little extra padding around the waist I don't notice it as much as some would. :D
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Well right now I use smart carry and the butt sits behind my waistband/belt.

In this respect the gun is very well concealed but that holster is wholly inadequate for 4”.

If (and it’s a big if) I were to buy this and jack in my 2” to allow for it, I’d be back to square one on the holster front.

Any suggestions on an AIWB holster capable of taming a meatily framed .38Spl?

The one I'm contemplating is a Phlster City Special, but it's only made for a couple 5 shot snubbies.

Your problem's going to be finding a holster for an oddball gun, not mainstream, not currently made. Compatible with a S&W K-frame?