How about an update on the vote in Missouri?

Art (and anyone else interested) -- just checked the KOMU(Jefferson City?) website ( and got the following numbers for Prop B:

Yes: 85,641
No : 113,562
Precincts reporting: 10%

Not what I was hoping for, but 10% still leaves a lot to go, and who knows which precincts have reported (hopefully just the primarily anti-gun ones!). Keep your fingers crossed!!!


[This message has been edited by BAB (edited April 06, 1999).]
As of 9:30 MDT:

Yes: 465718
No: 454876
%: 76

We're catching up!

"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."
(The sword does not kill; it is a tool in the hands of the killer.)
--Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)
The current results are:

Yes 501940
No 490511

Precincts Reporting: 79%

It looks like a nail biter to the very end. If it remains this close, one can expect demands for a recount either way.
Well, my friends, the unofficial end is near as 93% of the precincts are reporting. After a very uplifting come-from-behind surge and the 'yeas' maintaining a narrow but consistent lead over the 'nays', the numbers, I am very sad to report, are now:

yes: 570,442
no : 631,219

BAB :( :( :(
With 97% of precincts reporting:
Yes: 605749
No: 653732

This is a narrow defeat for fellow Missourans and the Nation. But take heart. I believe the vote would have been worse 10 years ago. Look at the results and don't ever let anyone feel ours is a slim minority. They just got the vote out a little better.

Next year, it's ours!
The antis lied through their teeth, while we told the truth about what's happened in 31 other states.

Is there a law against that?

Jim March
The sheeple of St Louis County are the ones that voted it down. Most if not all of the rural counties had voted for Prop B. The urban and subarban parts of the state overwhelmingly voted against it.
IF laws against lying were enforced effectively, we would progress so far down the line of succession that some dogcatcher from Rhode Island would be President. :)
Does anyone know how the ballot language of Prop. B read? I know the legislature specified how it should read, and it sounded pretty fair, but I just read that Gov. Carnahan rewrote the language for the ballot and cast Prop. B in a much more unfavorable light. I am curious as to just how he rewrote it.

In California it is always down town... ie LA San Fran which votes in the stupid laws. While in the north part (rual) of the State they are always voted down. Sometimes I really wonder, since it is easier to rig large numbers than it is to small areas, if maybe these votes are not riged? Somehow I find it very difficult to believe that there would be that many stupid people.

How can we be assured that the election was honest and upboard? I wonder...


as a resident of silicon valley, I will testify that there that many stupid people down here. I also make frequent trips to LA and will tell you that there are that many more stupid people in LA. Recently I had started doubting darwins theory of evoltuion cuz by his logic, there should be more smart people and less stupid people. maybe california is like a stupid people magnet.
On the contrary Chink..

What you observe but fail to consider is what happens when Darwinian Theory is obstructed with manmade obstacles.
Survival of the fit which means to breed...Calif gov't (all gov'ts actually) has attempted to remove Darwinian pressure on the gene pool with the result being the wrong folks live to breed.
With shall issue CCW in place, you'd see the collective IQ of Calif shoot up pretty fast.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Just a few thoughts now that Prop B has failed. People who are inclined to carry a concealed weapon will continue to do so,without a backround check,without the benefit of 12 hours of training,and without worrying about signs on buisness doors banning guns from the premesis. And there is one more thing. They will be members of a protected class in the state of Missouri. Criminals.
People inclined to carry concealed without benefit of a license will be in the same category as those uppity negros who, along with MLK, insisted on equal rights. They will be practicing civil disobedience.

I resent that you lump people who carry for their own protection and do not harm anyone with the criminal scum. I define "criminal" as someone harming others deliberately or through negligence (guess where that puts behavior of most US officials!). A person carrying a concealed *defensive* weapon is merely trying to protect self and dependents.

Self-preservation is not a crime - do not let the official propaganda tell you that it is.

PS: Personally, I do not carry right now: not ready for the problems with the gest...err, "law"...err, law and authorities. Should I change my mind about cost/benefits, I will feel as righteous about being armed in violation of the current law as the members of the Resistance felt about keeping a Sten on hand, in violation of Nazi regulations. Oops, Goodwin law...

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited April 08, 1999).]
I think the post by Raymondo seems to confirm my theory of fraud. We'll wait to see the results, but I don't believe that there is any way that the one country could have voted it down 70% to 30%. I think they blew it on this one. If they had come in maybe 55 to 45 it might have been believed. Guess they really had to pump up the numbers to cancel out the vote of the rest of the state. In the post by Raymondo, it says that 91 counties passed Prop B... I'm curious, how many counties are there in MO? 92?


Don't know about Kansas City but St Louis is nothing if not a political machine. You get nowhere and nothing if you buck the "system" there. There are so many cases of fraud and favortism that it doesn't even make the papers unless it is a slow news day or a high profile figure who hasn't CYA'd very well.
A perfect example recently was that all city employees had to live in the city. The firemen and police tried to get that ruling changed but couldn't. But some of the city bigwigs have gotten the okay to live outside city limits.