How About a "Power" Requirement?

I will just say that it's interesting how this thread really struck a nerve among the CAS shooters. Seems like *something* needs to be done, if they want to broaden the appeal, and not alienate so many folks.
Struck a nerve?? LOL - I’m still waiting for any of the SASS people to respond. Thought this was going to be a hot topic.

I’m not a member of SASS but I have considered it. Basically it just seems to be a group of paunchy old white guys (like myself) who enjoy shooting and don’t take it too seriously. (Not like that spooky SHTF crowd).
The dress dosen't bother me as much as the Gamers. Watching a grown man with a big 45 Colt plink away at a steel plate as fast as he can with gamer loads just doesn't hold any atraction or interest. (nor does that girl on the Harley with the tramp stamp and painted on leather. A little tatoo removal and a nice skirt, throw her on an old Norton or Triumph and now were getting somewhere.:)

In the end it all comes down to personnal taste and the all mighty dollar. Remember SASS is a for profit. Therefore all decisions are based on the best way to generate new members (money),and lucrative endorsements (money)

Iam surprised the SASS police haven't jumped all over this thread too.

Now mounted shooting. Thats looks like something that could keep me interested. Though the last animal I ever saddled was a poor hog in the confines of my Aunts barn. No, my brother didn't ride to the bell and how were we to know that a fancy English riding saddle aint made for a hog and cost a lot of money. Yes, my brother's pupils did eventually equal out. Yes, we did get a good whooping.:eek:
That drew a :D for sure from me Mac -- talkin' about your horse not bein' used ta shootin'.........

I'm too old for personal rodeo's........

I leave those green horses to the boys.

But the spooked horse brought back some memories and a big :)
"I’m still waiting for any of the SASS people to respond."

"I am surprised the SASS police haven't jumped all over this thread too."

They are probably worried the mods will lock it up if they do! :eek: Bill T.
Well it seems to me you have two groups in SASS. The gamesmen as you call them and just us folks who want to have fun. The majority of matches are probably local ones. Where I shoot is fun oriented but still safety concious. We have whole families come out. The little buckaroos can shoot in the same group as thier dad or mom does. If you want to shoot your revolver with two hands there is a class for that. If you want to shoot your revolver with one hand there is a class for that. If you want to shoot your revolver with one in each hand there is a class for that.

I tend to let the gamesmen game and I shoot the way I want. It still takes a certain amount of skill to send a bullet downrange to the target under a timer. So does that mean that a person can just go to the store buy some primo CAS guns set up his reloader for light loads and be the winner at a high level SASS match? just because you can buy the primo guns and load a light load doesnt make you the best, practice and experience does that. Top shooters tend to be top shooters for a reason.

When some of the gamesmen come to the shoot all we see is that fancy customized firearm and light loads and tend to overlook the fact that he has put in lots of practice time and is dedicated to honing his skills.