Hornady Auto powder charger

Just turn cell phone on airplane mode, turn it off, or leave it in another room.
My problem is I'm on 24 hour call so my phone never leaves me.
If I move phone to the other side of the room and it doesn't seem to cause a problem and I can hear it if it rings.

But I can't turn it off. 6 more years and I retire with full benefits. I'll have to put up with it until then.

I don't know if this affects WendyJ's situation but it's interesting just the same.
I know your pain. 24-7 and it never stops. I’m just leaving it outside the door of my loading room and I can stop and get my calls. I tried a Bluetooth but seem to get interference from it also. If I ever retire I’m going back to a flip phone and not going to turn it on unless I want to make a call.
I don't know about RCBS or Lyman, but I know it's real with the first gen of the Auto Charge. I think it's real with all of them under the right conditions.

If you can't resolve your problem with your Auto Charge you may want to try the RCBS to see if it's any better instead of buying another Auto Charge.

Whether your Auto Charge is failing or something in the room is causing this, you should'nt have to put up with it.

Mine is really doing well but there are a couple powders out there that it really doesn't like.
AA9 is one of them.
What mine is superb for is really light load of fast powder like for a S&W 32 short or long. I used Bullseye and it never missed a load at 2 gr.

Really dense and heavy loads like AA9, the trickle speed is to fast for it. 2400 runs good through it though. Go figure. Has to be lighter and less dense or something.

If the manufacturers made their dispensers slow enough that they didn't have over charges of hard to meter powders, they would be so slow that no one would buy them.
For those of you that think your dispenser will dispense any powder out there without an over charge here and there, you haven't tried them all.

It's the nature of the beast. At least a Hornady Auto Charge can be programmed to go to trickle mode sooner, but it still trickles to fast to work well on the really dense, super fine powders like AA9.

Mine does ok with Corn Flakes like Blue Dot. I think AA9 must have done something to mine in a former life though. And that is disappointing.
For the majority of the powders I run through mine it works really well.
My scale is plugged into a power bar that also has the led lights and a bench magnifier with a light in it also. The scale never gets turned off.
My scale is plugged into a power bar that also has the led lights and a bench magnifier with a light in it also. The scale never gets turned off.

I did that experiment, I left my bench scales on for a month. Everytime I walked past them I hit the bench with my fist to make them jump.

They always returned to zero and always weigh correctly with my control weight. It's a 9mm JHP Hornady bullet that weighs 125.1 gr.
So I know what your saying. It is a benefit to keep them hot so to speak.

My Auto Charge seemed to be the most reliable of the three digital scales I have.

But that's the scale, we are talking about the dispenser part of it.
I wrote Hornady and they said "we don't like it looses the settings either". If they can't get it corrected, who can?

But I can't turn it off. 6 more years and I retire with full benefits. I'll have to put up with it until then.

Yea I was on call for 30 some years, they insulted me on one job and offered me $24 a month (it had to do with computer techs who rotated the call week, so it was worth $100 a month but no, we can't give that to the guy on call all the time, the one who repairs and maintain the backup generators and UPS for the computer room? nah)

I walked in one day and quit my last job in June (20 some years there). No monetary benefits - just setup our life I could do it and now they get to figure it all out for themselves (well hire someone to try to fix it for them - except a lot of it is old enough no one knows how to deal with it). A lot of fun at -15 knowing they can't call me out now!

Worked 5 month extra to pay for a side car motorcycle, that is a lot of fun.
I have the same Hornady Lock and Load Auto Charge. The room has incandescent lights so no florescent interference.

When first setting up I had a lot of overthrows until I started the trickle 2 grains shy of target and a low speed trickle. I still had one of ten overthrow until I started leaving the cell phone in the next room and making sure the heat or AC is off. The register is right next to the bench. I haven't observed overthrows of as much as OP describes.

For precision loads I target 0.1 grains under target and trickle up. Everything precision gets checked against a 5-0-2. It's easier to always trickle up than pick granules out with a tweezer. For plinking I just load what it throws.
Mine is still hanging on after moving it away from the light. I loaded up 2-300 rounds of 6.5 cm and 270 last weekend. It's still requiring me to recalibrate every new charge when I backspace one to clear it out but it always has. The McDonalds straw trick I learned watching a RCBS charge master video on you tube. I just cut off about 1.5 inches of the straw and stuck inside the dispenser tube leaving a few 10ths of an inch out. I am able to run it on full speed with no over throws. I've ran every rifle and pistol powder I own through it loading from 9mm to 338 Remington Ultra Mag and it keeps on going so far. I seem to have more problems using the RCBS 5-0-5 I have and keeping it zeroed. It goes out of zero with the least bump putting the powder tray on and off.
I just cut off about 1.5 inches of the straw and stuck inside the dispenser tube leaving a few 10ths of an inch out. I am able to run it on full speed with no over throws. I've ran every rifle and pistol powder I own through it loading from 9mm to 338 Remington Ultra Mag and it keeps on going so far. I seem to have more problems using the RCBS 5-0-5 I have and keeping it zeroed. It goes out of zero with the least bump putting the powder tray on and off.

OK! I may have to try that. Mine works pretty good but if that makes it run that good, I will try it.

Nothing to loose.

Thanks WendyJ and I'm glad you didn't have to spend more money to resolve this.
More money for consumables.