Hooking an electric drill up to a gatling trigger...legal?

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Gatling Guns

FUNNY NOT HA HA.how the courts change.before WW2 the courts ruled a machine gun had to fire to be a machine gun.if it was broke or welded it was not a machine gun,thats where DEWAT came frome.now a part is a machine gun.thank goodness I wont live to see the country go down the tubes.the gun owners won't stand to gether and vote look at this election many GO voted for obama "for change" then they will bitch at the NRA fornot doing enuf.:rolleyes: :eek::mad:
Could he worse then Obama. Could be the clinto admin all over again. And the Assault weapons ban would be back with no doubts.
As so often happens - - -

A thread started with a fairly simple technical question becomes a soapbox for shrill political ranting.

Folks, can't we PLEASE stick to the subject? Take your politicizing and mudslinging elsewhere. This is NOT the forum for that stuff.


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