Bart, I always thought that the firing pin pushes the case so hard that the bottle necked case shoulder fits in the chamber shoulder taper like a Morse taper. I was assuming that the firing pin force into the taper will not be affected by the less extractor tipping force at the rear.
The article I referenced above show that the chamber straightens out very bent 30 cal ammo so that the worst ammo all get the same 2" group.
See if I can find that.
I will pm the whole thing in two messages [over 6,000 characters]
Anyway, I am honing out a die right now.
The article I referenced above show that the chamber straightens out very bent 30 cal ammo so that the worst ammo all get the same 2" group.
See if I can find that.
These deviations become proportion-
ately less as the tilt is reduced. Tilts
over .O04" do not seem to increase the
dispersion of the group beyond the ex-
pected one minute. Perhaps this is
because a well-fitting chamber has a
tendency to straighten any rounds
which are excessively tilted. Other ex-
planations are possible.
I will pm the whole thing in two messages [over 6,000 characters]
Anyway, I am honing out a die right now.