Homicides in the United States

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If u crossed the border illegally your a criminal I dont care if they come here to work or not .Its funny how law enforcement picks and chooses which laws to enforce!If I get a dui I go to jail if u enter country illegally you get rewarded.prison problem easy to solve if a mexican national commits felony here in U.S. he gets free ride home to mexico if we catch him here again automatic death penalty!Its called banishment upon penalty of death!For every gang member killed we should get a tax credit of 1000 dollars!gang problem solved!american citizens running guns to mexico that should be considered treason!
If u crossed the border illegally your a criminal I dont care if they come here to work or not .Its funny how law enforcement picks and chooses which laws to enforce!If I get a dui I go to jail if u enter country illegally you get rewarded.prison problem easy to solve if a mexican national commits felony here in U.S. he gets free ride home to mexico if we catch him here again automatic death penalty!Its called banishment upon penalty of death!For every gang member killed we should get a tax credit of 1000 dollars!gang problem solved!american citizens running guns to mexico that should be considered treason!

In reverse order...

A) Why would running guns to Mexico be treason, again?

B) Yet again you seem to think, with your little tax credit idea, that our illegal immigrant problem is bad enough to warrant the institution of summary executions. The rights of illegal aliens are slightly more limited than those of full citizens, but I'm pretty sure the right not to be deprived of life absent due process isn't one they're lacking. But I'll not claim the title of Constitutional Scholar, I could well be wrong.

C) Law enforcement (and the justice system as a whole) has always, to some extent or another, picked and chosen which laws to enforce. This is true from speeding and petty theft all the way up to war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Wherever do I start?

Some of you, need to invest in a spell checker.

Some of you need to use proper sentence structure and grammar. Try for at least a 6th grade level! (that's newspaper writing, for those that object to this criteria)

Are we lumping all Latino immigrants as Mexicans? All illegals are Mexicans?

Prisons are overflowing with Mexicans? Comment: I thought prisons housed criminals, regardless of race.

Mexicans are causing as much violence and mayhem within the US as is being committed by the drug wars in Mexico?

I could go on, but I'm simply gonna close this for the low road it started on.
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