Homicides in the United States

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You know they keep bringing up how many homicides are committed in Mexico using illegal guns from the United States, I wish they would come out with the statistics on how many homicides are committed in the United States by illegal aliens from Mexico. It seem like they conveniently disregard this. I haven't seen a stat on this. I guess if there is one they bury it so deep a person cannot find it. I would imagine that the homicides committed by illegal aliens in our country far outnumber the homicides they are claiming are being committed in Mexico by illegal guns from our country. If anyone can find a stat on this I would appreciate it if you would post it as it would be very interesting info. stay safe

over one third of inmates are mexican.there probly is more in mexico as the people have always had violence.but the guns they pick up maay not have been use in any crime as the mere possesion of guns is illeagal.the ones doing the killing are AK 47 and gov M16s delivered to the mexican military.
First, the UCR (FBI Uniform Crime Report) does not break down homicide statistics into those committed by legal U.S. Citizens, visa holders, visitors and illegals. It just isn't geared to do that.

I'd suggest searching the web for a group pushing for enforcing immigration laws, tightening border security and deporting illegals. It's likely they will have some information gleaned from public reports.

There was a sensational series of murders in Texas and gulf coast states tied to some illegal killing women then hopping freight trains out of town.

But the most common weapon, I think, that's used is the automobile. Stories are fairly common that an illegal smashes into another vehicle or two while DUI. I recall one near San Diego where the illegal killed an entire family of six. Last November a couple, parents of 5 kids, were killed returning from grocery shopping when an unlicensed, uninsured illegal doing approximately 70mph t-boned them as they were making a left turn.

I classify all of these as homicides. If you're in a country illegally, get drunk or stoned, drive illegally and kill someone, it's not an "accident". That would show a complete disregard for any laws or the lives of others.
The term "illegal alien" is not politically correct. The pollitically correct term is "undocumented immigrant." How insensitive of you...

In my local paper there's a section called Crime Beat. I've noticed several 'Latin' names. These represent I'm sure some illegal undocumented alien immigrants as it seems they definitely are not afraid of work. I think they do most of the 'hard' work around here because we have so many lazy Americans that won't work that hard. (Roofing, construction, tomatoe/tobacco farming)

Anyway, from reading this section occasionally it seems that this group commits violence to each other most of the time.
I would imagine homicides committed by illegal aliens in our country far outnumber the homicides they are claiming are being committed in Mexico by illegal guns from our country.

right :rolleyes:, and why would you think so? This thread has gone south since it started.
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I think they do most of the 'hard' work around here because we have so many lazy Americans that won't work that hard. (Roofing, construction, tomatoe/tobacco farming)

Why work when the govt. is willing to just give you money instead of you earning it. Stop complaining, start voting (for Ron Paul).

to the OP:
Its okay when illegals kill us because they come from a bad country where they are raised that way, while American's come form a good country so they are expected to behave better.
(welcome to the 21st century)
over one third of inmates are mexican.

Closer to a quarter, actually (27% as of 2005). The one-third number is probably just for federal inmates, though I don't know. 27% includes federal all the way down to local.

Looking around at some numbers it seems like, depending what assumptions you're working with, the number of Mexicans killed by guns smuggled illegally from the U.S. and the number of Americans killed by illegal immigrants are roughly equivalent. Which is not to say equal, but so say that they're close enough (and they vary widely enough based on the aforementioned assumptions) such that it's not really possible to say conclusively which is more.

EDIT: Actually, it appears that 27% may just be for federal prisons. Note that those were from that GAO. Now I'm seeing numbers from BJS that suggest the number for all prisons may be significantly lower...more like single digits. Also, most of these studies seem to only categorize into "citizens" and "non-citizens," and one should note that not all non-citizens are here illegally (though I'd accept that the bulk of those that wind up in jails or prisons may well be). Lastly, obviously not all illegal aliens, let alone non-citizens, are "mexican." Though I'd also accept that the bulk of illegal aliens probably are Mexican, and that if you're using "Mexican" to refer to all Latin American immigrants as well that number only grows...still, you've got significant populations of non-Latino illegal immigrants across the nation that must be considered. I'm curious, where precisely did this "one third" number come from? I see no way you can possibly make these numbers add up to that.

EDIT: Also, the more numbers I find the more I'm leaning towards the homicides committed by illegal immigrants (particularly Mexican illegal immigrants) being the lower number.
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What us american citizens dont realize is that the mexicans are very patient and organized.There are mexican politicians,and organizations here in the United States who are trying to disarm us.Mexicans have done far more damage to the united states than the terrorists in the middle east ever thought of doing.Financially they are killing our economy.this argument that they bring cheap labor is nonsense.Its not cheap when you figure out how much money we spend paying for their schooling,medical bills,incarceration bills and everything else that comes with the illegal alien.invading our borders is an act of war!This problem can be solved overnight sniper towers on the border and landmines just like they do in Korea!But that will never happened because America has been neutered by laws and lawyers!
I figured I'd also point out the reason I bothered with all that talk of numbers. Basically, most "guesstimates" (and that's truly what they are) as to the number of Americans murdered (to include all homicide charges) by illegal immigrants follow a simple chain of assumptions:

X% of inmates (or arrests) are of illegal immigrants->
roughly Y homicides occur per year->
roughly X% of those Y homicides is Z->
Z homicides per year committed by illegal immigrants!

Yet there are numerous reasons that the assumptions in that chain don't necessarily hold, and half the time it's based on an X% that's not accurate anyway.

Granted, a similar chain links X% of guns recovered in Mexico being from the U.S. to Y homicides committed by those guns and blah blah blah.

What us american citizens dont realize is that the mexicans are very patient and organized.There are mexican politicians,and organizations here in the United States who are trying to disarm us.Mexicans have done far more damage to the united states than the terrorists in the middle east ever thought of doing.Financially they are killing our economy.this argument that they bring cheap labor is nonsense.Its not cheap when you figure out how much money we spend paying for their schooling,medical bills,incarceration bills and everything else that comes with the illegal alien.invading our borders is an act of war!This problem can be solved overnight sniper towers on the border and landmines just like they do in Korea!But that will never happened because America has been neutered by laws and lawyers!


Where to begin? Or even to bother?

Also, to head off any "assumptions," it's just a screen name. I don't even tan well.
well I dont make any assumptions either!I believe that every mexican person who immigrates here legally has the right to live the american dream granted to them by the United States constitution and the Bill Of Rights!I dont blame the Mexican people for what they do here in the United States I blame americans and our govt because we let it happen because of our greed!In Mexico if you invade their borders they do something about it because they have national pride in their country and they want their country to survive.We need the same attitude over here!Ive noticed that when an anglo or asian goes postal it gets national coverage but the gang shootings and kidnappings that happen over here every minute of the day hardly get any national coverage!I
I'm fine with legals. The illegals gotta go. Kick their kids outta school and refuse them hospital care. They'll stop coming.
I'm fine with legals. The illegals gotta go. Kick their kids outta school and refuse them hospital care. They'll stop coming.

I definitely agree that the way to address the problem is to remove the incentive to make the crossing (in a variety of ways). As opposed to, say, trying to declare it an "invasion" so you can justify imposing a sentence of summary execution for immigration violations in the name of fighting a "war."

As we saw suggested a few posts up.
I just heard that when the US gov. (ATF I believe) asked for serial numbers for all those illegal guns used in killings in Mexico. Seems the Mexican gov. couldn't come up with one. ATF was looking at back tracking them to no avail.
Not quite true, comn-cents,

In the 2007-2008 period, of roughly 29,000 weapons seized, the breakdown looked something like this.


About 10,900 guns were identified as either having "Made in USA" or having import markings showing a USA importer. Out of that 10,900, about 6,000 were the subject of trace requests through BATF. About 5400, of the original 29,000 were actually traced to the U.S.

Regardless of how many illegal immigrants are in prisons, the majority are not here to live a life of crime or run some kind of scam. What bothers me is that many can scrape together between $4000 and $8000 to pay a coyotes to smuggle them into the U.S., yet claim they can't afford to pay for the documents needed to enter legally. :confused:

But there should be a bi-weekly train that takes those convicted of misdemeanor crimes down to the border (Nogales or El Paso) and releases them back to Mexico. Felons released from prisons get special treatment... pocketless paper jumpsuits in a nice pink color and a train ride to cross down to Presido, Texas then across into Mexico.
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