Homeowner Shoots, Kills 3 am Tresspasser; No Charges Filed

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Joe did not even know the Vietnamese (so I've heard) family next door. I wonder the nationality of the other family next door, the one he would have 'taken action on earlier', because he knew them real well. Just curious whether they were of a different ethnic origin, also.

"We don't have stuff like this happening in this neighborhood" or words to that effect...

Believe what you want...I think there are racial undertones to his motivation to go out there and kill. I believe it was one of the factors, conscious or subconscious, that made him determine to defy the 14 or more warnings NOT to leave the house. I'll bet that's presently running through his mind, too. I don't envy the psychological ordeal he created for himself.

I hope he gives away everything he owns to the families of the departed. Or shoots himself.
R.Childs Why?

Because I would likely be in fear of death or grave bodily injury, and there's a statutory presumption in my State of California that would so arise given your fact situation, above.

The truth of the matter is that most people who indeed draw their weapons in most situations never even have to use it. That's less likely given the fact situation that you described.
I hope he gives away everything he owns to the families of the departed. Or shoots himself.

Now you're just being a jerk.

The truth of the matter is that most people who indeed draw their weapons in most situations never even have to use it.

Now just try and prove that statement.
I'm sure you're overjoyed that he killed those daytime cat burglars..

I'm not attacking anyone personally here, unlike you have me. Just Mr. JOE HORN, COWARD of the 21st Century...
The name calling will cease... From both sides of these issues.

Which brings up this: This thread not about Joe Horn. That thread got closed brecause of the same low-road behavior that is being displayed here.

Closed. :mad:
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