Homemade silencer

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I'd love to have a real suppressed 10/22 or MKII. $200 bucks really isn't that much on top of the cost of the real device and once it's paid and approved, you treat it just like any other legal gun except for keeping a storage address on file with BATF. Heck, the already have my address because I used to have an FFL so what the hey? I want a real one. Mmm, no muffs...:cool:
I bet if you read the posts I make on my Mustang sites you'd think I wanna go street race too

I'm going to bed, night y'all!
yawn....go ahead get a bunch of plastic bottles, different sizes, different shapes, put different stuff inside to muffle sound, steel wool, shaving cream, old shirts, paper towels, duct tape, ect. ect. ect.

tape the bottle to the barrel and just expirament, why you even ask for help on something so simple i dont know why.....anyways with the results you achieve, keep them to yourself, to hell with what anyone else says, and dont ever speak of it to anyone.....
$200 bucks really isn't that much on top of the cost of the real device and once it's paid and approved

You can buy a good .22 suppressor for about $300. I think some models by Tactical Innovations can be had for under $200. Add in another $200 for the transfer tax and you can have a quality suppressor in you hands for under $500 and be completely legal. No worries about getting caught and prosecuted for a felony, and properly maintained, it'll give you a lifetime of suppressed shooting fun. It'll also be far more effective and quiet than some illegal pop bottle silencer that will be useless after a couple shots.

Yeah, I know... $500 may still seem like a lot of money, but when you consider the ramifications of getting caught with an unregistered NFA device, its a bargain. BATFE doesn't give a hoot if you just wanted to experiment or see if it would work once - they'll be all too happy to see you charged with a felony and lose your right to ever legally vote or own a gun again.
It's the law as it is. It would be nice to see equal enthusiasm for getting it reformed and/or completely rescinded as we see for loudly proclaiming it. It's utterly nauseating, but yes it's the law and we do have to comply with it if for no other reason than for the sake of avoiding being punished. There is absolutely no moral or ethical substantiation for the regulation--or 90% of others like it for that matter, so let's not talk about it like we're defending the blessed sacraments or saving the baby seals, shall we? Sure it's all about keeping everyone clean but it's not because they're robbing a bank but more like a parking ticket that arbitrarily has a 50,000x worse penalty. Seriously. We're talking sex offender treatment for glorified earplugs.
I think that its just easier to buy a supressor
and use that...I got one in my 10/22 and its great with subsonics.
Sound is still quite loud with faster bullets.
Because supressors/silencers are not illegal here I could actually try out that coke bottle thing. I think someone else has gotten the same idea after watching "Shooter"-movie.
dude that idea was around long before "shooter"

lets just say that i first did it when i was 9.........and now im 21, the idea has been around......
Had I known this thread would have blown up like it did I wouldn't have even posted it.

I'm gonna have to check out that site for a real suppressor. Even though it's gonna cost more than the gun and any of the ammo I've run through it, it'll be worth checking out anyway.

Thanks guys!

Results to never be determined as case study has no justification

So wait... if I'm at the range and have a few empty pop bottles in the truck awaiting their turn to fulfill their ultimate destiny (being used as plinking targets), d'you think I'll end up in jail? After all, even if I'm not using one as a suppressor, I do posses the objects that could possibly be used as one. Maybe. Or maybe not? I'm so confused... :p

Personally, I've always wondered whether that trick actually works. I've never tried it, just because if I've learned anything in the last 47 years it is that even ideas that seem to make sense can have disastrously unintended consequences, so I tend not to "play" with guns in new and adventurous ways. If I did decide to try it (and I doubt I ever will), nobody would know about it.

Off topic a little, but I once got the opportunity to fire a (completely legal) suppressed full-auto .22 SMG - I think it was an American Eagle, looked kind of like a Thompson but ejected brass straight down. What a blast!!! That sucker would throw lead downrange at an amazing rate, and all you heard was the bolt cycling and the brass tinkling o the gravel. We used the rate of fire and MV of the ammo to figure the rounds were going down range about 8 feet apart.
that's why i posted it on here so knowledgeable people could tell me what's what

Then why don't you do some damn research on your own. You say that your an administrator on another VB site - surely you know how to use the search function, don't you? I mean, it's not like we don't have an entire section devoted to NFA questions. :mad:

I really wish people would stop trying to drag this place down with poorly written foolishness like this. This individual can't even be bothered with punctuation. There was a time you'd be warned on writing style alone.
Wow! All this since I went to bed.

First, this discussion properly belongs on the NFA Forum of TFL. It may seem nit-picking as I'm about to close the thread, but I feel some of this might be of interest to the mambership.

Some friendly hints from your moderator - -

The local NFA forum rules were posted when we first set it up as the Full Auto Forum. That post, entitled, "Welcome" is still floated at the top of this forum. It includes this paragraph:
About the only hard and fast rule here in Full Auto forum is that, like them or not, there ARE some laws and regulations which must be followed. Please, no discussions of anything which might appear to be in violation of the law.

1. We do not plan or help others plan to violate the law - - Local ordinances, state, or federal.

2. Anyone who appears to be doing so MAY be warned, or may just have posting privileges revoked.

3. It is sometimes a judgment call on the part of a staffer, how to handle this sort of thing. On the one hand, a guy can say, "Hey, I'm gonna fix me up a home-made 7.62 Mini Gun." And we all grin and wait for the punch line. The guy's clearly not serious. Such a project requires some quite specialized knowledge, some quite specialized tools and machinery, and a degree of expertise which is rather rare outside certain industries. This doesn't even mention the expense.

Okay - - I know for a fact that there are some very talented machinists and gunsmiths on the board who MIGHT have the ability to do that kind of work, given a proper shop. And, there are several TFL members who are VERY well-to-do, and who could be termed "rich." They might afford to finance such a project, if they wanted. THEY would probably be smart enough to set up a licensed business and do it legally. Or they'd take it off shore, outside the USA. But, being that rich, they'd probably just BUY one of the few transferable mini guns.

Conversely, though, there's something like the guy who says he has an extra lawn mover muffler and figures to adapt it to fit over the muzzle of some gun, "just to quiet it down a little." Now, THAT'S something that is readily doable, requiring minimal tools or talent. It can give others to think, "Hey, I'm gonna do that, too." This is the kind of thread we shut down, or delete entirely.

So, the point is this---
To anyone who's announced their plans to manufacture a suppressor or silencer, however simple, without complying with applicable laws - -
YOU ARE HEREBY WARNED, Stop it. Any more of this type discussion will get you banned.

This thread is CLOSED.

Johnny Guest
TFL Staff
NFA Forum moderator
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