homemade full auto, dont get all ancy yet i havent even explained it

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I wouldn't laugh at anyone busted by "The System" for "violating" corrupt, unjust, illegal and unconstitutional "laws".

A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Whether [21pz]bergen is 14, 24, or 74,
We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.
~Benjamin Franklin, July 4, 1776

Surely we can answer his questions without criticism or ridicule, yes?

Bravo, Amen, Kudos, +1, Ditto.
Custom Guns

Hey Guys, Im pretty new to this forum. Today is my first day. Im taking some time off before I go to College. I have alot of time on my hands, and got to thinking about something. Im sure most of you have seen the movie aliens, and all the other sequels to it, so Im sure your familiar with the M41A Pulse Rifle. I was wondering what it would take (legaly, and parts wise) to build one. The props that were used were a M1A Thompson and a Frenchie SAS shotgun I believe. I also plan to have a digital counter just like in the movie, so ill know when I have to reload. So with those in mind, do you think it is possible to achieve a real life version of that wonderful sci fi weapon. Im not real good on the jargon speak so keep replies simple and detailed please. You can laugh at me if you think Im stupide or its a waste of time, but hey I just cant bear to see something that looks so cool that just doesnt work. Let me know what you guys think about it. By the way it would be burst shot or full auto.

By the way it would be burst shot or full auto.
Do a little reading.

Start with the National Firearms Act of 1934.
Then read the Gun Control Act of 1968.
Finally read the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986, specifically the amendment added by Rep. Hughes and supposedly passed by a voice vote.
For certain firearms, The sear, or the trigger group IS the firearm in the eyes of the ATF, For example, I had a H&K trigger group that was registered and would make three machine guns depending on what i put it in to. But in the eyes of the ATF it was just the trigger group that made it a machine gun and it was in fact legal to assemble it in other platforms i owned to make different varieties

Have you seen Long Mountain Outfitter's website? LMO bought out many of the movie guns from Stembridge Gun Rental several years ago. Here's a link to the Aliens II piece...


As to your question about building one, you could build a semi auto one, but not a full auto. If you wanted a full auto version you'd have to start by buying a registered full auto Thompson (which will cost you a bare minimum of about $13,000-$15,000 on today's market for even a low-end Auto-Ordnance gun) and adding the hollywood "makeup" to make it look like the Aliens gun.
Build one of these

Can we close this thread yet its getting ridiculous and unnecessary. People who keep posting about making their own full auto should just be sent a virus by the moderators, that will give them a better way to waste their time. Or better yet build on of these!!!

Cool, Thanks

Many thanks Shaggy for the coo website, though how helpful it is in making the real deal is another thing, but thanks none the less. Thankyou GUNTOTTINGFOOL for letting me know about the triggering mechanism. My gun knowlege is limited but I understand what your saying, and your right. Really a gun isnt considered an auto unless you can quickly turn it from stock fire into such. Anyway what about the type of reciever or ejector it has on it, could that class it as an auto. Secondly if I didnt want to buy a thompson what do you think would be a good substitute, granted I want it to still resemble the original including the unique firing sound. What class would that type of gun be. Better to know than hit the local firing range only to be arrested on spot. LOL. Also are silencers illegal? Could I Put one on that gun, and do I need a flash suppressor. Lastly do you think it is physically possible and safe to merge the two together the way they are and still have good performance from both guns?

Thanks guy for taking me seriously, cuz I am serious about it.
I think that we might be seeing more stuff like that in the future anyways

Knowledge Is Power
Can we close this thread yet its getting ridiculous and unnecessary. People who keep posting about making their own full auto should just be sent a virus by the moderators, that will give them a better way to waste their time. Or better yet build on of these!!!

I would argue, that wishing the death of a TFL member, and advocating illegitimate (and illegal) action by the staff of TFL is much worse then requesting technical details about ATF regulations and gun designs.
This thread started off kinda bad.

Then it went downhill from there.

Sometimes, it seems indicated to allow a bit o' foolishness in any of the forums, so long as people generally play nice and none of the forum rules are blatantly violated. Even so, after a time, they simply become tiresome, and it's time to close them.


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