homemade full auto, dont get all ancy yet i havent even explained it

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K, is it lawful to go down into your basment, take a huge block of good steel, and carve it into a belt fed machine gun. the important part here is the caliber, could u chamber it for a round that doesent exist? therefore, there isent ammo for it? ATF woudl have to give u the benifit of the doubt right?
U cant start carvin machine guns out of blocks of steel until u leave your teenage years, K?


K, is it lawful to go down into your basment, take a huge block of good steel, and carve it into a belt fed machine gun.
It was prior to 19 May, 1986.
I carved a huge block of good steel into an MG34 receiver in 1983 after ATF approved my Form 1.
Now, it can get you 10 years at "Club Fed". Along with all the sex you don't want.:barf:

Added on edit... the caliber doesn't matter. None of the parts matter, except for the receiver. The receiver is the machine gun.
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K, is it lawful to go down into your basment, take a huge block of good steel, and carve it into a belt fed machine gun.

You said it yourself: "belt fed machine gun."

FYI, it doesn't matter if the ammo exists or not. If you want a machinegun, wait 'till you turn 18, and buy a legal one.

Wolfe... (Btw, for your sake, I hope your machining skills are better than your typing skills.)
I just remembered something that should clue you in as to how bad of an idea this is. WWII Japanese knee mortars are considered NFA weapons, and the ammo for those has been unavailable for decades.
be happy with what you have

if you do, and when you go to the lock up, they will be happy to see you, and will be playing with what you have. dont do it.

I am a licensed class 2 manufacture.
#1 Manufacturing any Machine gun without the proper license is illegal.
#2 There is also the need for an SOT "Special ocupational tax stamp"
$500 a year.
You can file a form one and get permission to build an SBR or SBS
Dont build a machine gun unless you want to spend a lot of time in the big house with BUBBA
Ok then here is a question. At what point is a gun considered a gun. If you were going to build a full auto gun. Say a gun that does not exist. Then you start to build the gun. At what point is it a gun?

I don't plan to build a gun. but thought this would be a good question.
Normally a gun (the receiver actually) is considered a legal firearm when 81% of the machine work has been done on the receiver forging. This is why you can buy 80% complete machined reciever forgings without having to go through an FFL and finish them yourself for a non-transferable title 1 firearm.

If you try to build a machinegun and it's a design that doesn't exist, you could try to claim that the work on it isn't done and it's not 81% yet, but if it forms or is close to forming a fuctioning firearm I don't think that argument will hold much water with BATFE. So yeah, bad, bad idea.
Actually, the whole 80% thing is bunk. For all practical purposes, it's a marketing term. The only way to really tell is to pack it up and mail it to the BATFE for classification.

Kozak is correct
As a class two manfacture I get asked this question all the time.
The fact is just a selector for an AR-15 is considereda machine gun by ATF
A drop in auto sear is a Machine gun. If you are going to fool with this 80% stuff just get an 07 FFL pay your $500 SOT and build all the goodies you like and stay out of jail. There is no gray area with ATF its cut and dried if you are sniffing around the edges you have intent to build and that is all they need to make you wish you had not.

have fun, shoot straight and be safe.
JohnBrowning said:
You should try it out so that we can laugh when you are sent up the river.
I wouldn't laugh at anyone busted by "The System" for "violating" corrupt, unjust, illegal and unconstitutional "laws".

A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Whether [21pz]bergen is 14, 24, or 74,
We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.
~Benjamin Franklin, July 4, 1776

Surely we can answer his questions without criticism or ridicule, yes?
The fact is just a selector for an AR-15 is considereda machine gun by ATF

Wrong. A selector for an AR15 is just a gun part. A selector for an M16 is also just a gun part. The ATF might consider a selector for an M16 along with some other M16 fire control parts that are installed in an AR15 lower receiver to be a machine gun, because they could cause a situation where the gun could slam-fire. However, just installing an M16 selector in an AR15 would not cause this situation.
The fact is just a selector for an AR-15 is considered a machine gun by ATF
A drop in auto sear is a Machine gun.

More questions. I have seen new recivers that were made for full auto or three shot burst. Just the reciver. No parts! If the reciver was registered as a semi auto thats OK?

also I'm thinking back when all the or most all the M-14s were cut and made usless. But then some were welded and made to work again. How was this done to be legal. and then sold to civilians. I'm thinking it was done before 1986?

Also I had someone tell me that the national guard had trigger groups to drop into a M-14 to make the gun full auto. For civilians just in case the SHTF? But that was a long time ago and they no longer have them.

Sorry for all the questions. I like to learn things like this that I don't know. Helps keep me out of trouble. I have lots of guns and love to shoot and reload. I love my guns so I want to stay as far away from trouble as I can.
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