Home security sticker needed

chris in va

New member
I've decided after watching all those silly Brinks commercials that I want to put one of their stickers on my converted Saiga.

Anyone got an extra?:D
How about PROTECTED BY SMITH AND WESSON bumper stickers displayed in obvious places? They make more noise than an alarm and have more bite!

Try Lowe's. I saw some Brink's stickers for sale there. I think they were in the hardware department alongside the "For Sale" signs.
in a similar vein, does anyone know of some nice "protected by the second amendment" lawn signs? I have the ADT ones (home alarm) already, but thought a little extra might help!
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I've got this little sticker on my front door and side door...

Although they are funny, I wonder if anything indicating you own guns doesn't make you a bigger target for burglary.

It may reduce the chances of someone breaking in while the home is occupied, but you have to leave the house eventually and bad guys will probably take a semi-educated guess that it will be between 9am and 5pm.

I was even a little hesitant to put the NRA sticker on my car and it still concerns me a bit parking my car outside with that on it. Someday I should really clean out that garage.
First, I would not advertise on the house the fact I have guns. Second, Brinks doesn't like giving out those stickers for obvious reasons. They may even consider them part of the service package one contracts with them (in other words, their property). Third, I'm pretty sure they'd take a dim view of a retailer selling them.
A buddy of mine commented about a sticker I had on my front door once. He asked me "If that sticker was enlarged to 5foot x 5foot and placed in front of 12 people who dont know you, would that be possitive or negative"? Needless to say, I removed the sticker. I replaced it with a no soliciting sign :)
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I used to have NRA stickers on my car windows, plus at least one pro-2A sticker on the bumper of each car. An interesting article on Gabe Suarez' website convinced me that there is a real disadvantage to advertising that you might be armed, or keep guns in your car. I have also read of at least a few cases of criminals following a car home solely due to seeing gun related stickers on the car, waiting until the homeowner left, then breaking in to try to find guns. Now I have NO bumper stickers on my car of any kind, and I certainly would not put anything on my home that might lead a BG to think that there are guns inside. If there should ever be a break in while I am home I certainly do not want to give the criminal any advantage whatsoever, and that includes warning him that I am likely to be armed. The macho impulse that pushes many to advertise their guns and their armchair warrior status are truly counterproductive. A Beware of Dog is probably a much better way to discourage burglaries.