I used to have NRA stickers on my car windows, plus at least one pro-2A sticker on the bumper of each car. An interesting article on Gabe Suarez' website convinced me that there is a real disadvantage to advertising that you might be armed, or keep guns in your car. I have also read of at least a few cases of criminals following a car home solely due to seeing gun related stickers on the car, waiting until the homeowner left, then breaking in to try to find guns. Now I have NO bumper stickers on my car of any kind, and I certainly would not put anything on my home that might lead a BG to think that there are guns inside. If there should ever be a break in while I am home I certainly do not want to give the criminal any advantage whatsoever, and that includes warning him that I am likely to be armed. The macho impulse that pushes many to advertise their guns and their armchair warrior status are truly counterproductive. A Beware of Dog is probably a much better way to discourage burglaries.