Home Peppered With Birdshot

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I am pretty much in the GWillikers line of thought. What part of New York city are you from? Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill. Maybe it was terrorists.

I tend to agree with the bolded comment. I live in SW WA State on 14 acres of bottom land in a very rural area, just outside (1/4 mile) of the town limits of a small town of 600 in elk country (Modern Rifle hunting season is currently underway here until Nov. 16). We grow and harvest grass hay and oats.

You're talking about a few pellets of birdshot hitting your house.

I'm talking about redneck road-hunters with loaded centerfire rifles in Easy-Rider rifle racks (against the law) patrolling the roads around sunrise for elk. I have resorted to taking digital pictures of them with the flash on in plain view of them as they cruise by at 15-20 mph in their "Hunter Orange" vests, and that has deterred them a bit. Six years ago one of them killed a spike-fork elk in my next-door neighbor's pasture only 100' from our house, the shot was fired in our direction, from the road, and they proceeded to gut it there and leave the gut-pile behind to rot here.


If we call 911, we are 30+ minutes from any response unless a deputy sheriff is in the area, which is seldom to never. Forget about the WA State Patrol.

I am 64 and we chose to live out here 10 years ago to get away from the urban gang-bangers and the random shootings that happen there.

If you don't like everything that goes with living in a rural area, I suggest you relocate to a more "civilized" location.

I'll trade situations with you, sir, but not locations.

Chill out and have a good day, sir.
Termites can do more damage than that. :)
Idjts with weapons will always be among us.
There's no escape.
At a 3D archery match, we were taking a lunch break in the shade of the side of a barn.
Hearing a thud above our heads, I looked up and saw an arrow still vibrating in the side of the barn, maybe five feet above us.
Don't know who it was or what they could have been shooting at.
But they're out there.
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