Home on the range?

for handgun you could shoot on less than 1 acre if you had a berm or solid back stop.
Dirt and / or rail road timbers are pretty cheap and make a good back stop.
The size of the piece of land is not really relevant. Aside form local law, it's the topography, and what surrounds the land, and how you build that matters.

This! In the county there is nothing preventing me from shooting on my 2 acre lot. I can shoot pistol behind my house because there is a steep rise which acts as a natural back stop. You would have to shoot a pistol at a 60-65 degree angle to get even close to clearing it. At the top is a large field with nothing for about 1 mile. I have a house about 200 yards to the right from where I shoot but it is no where near in play and there is never anyone on my backyard as it is wooded with no houses.

So my advice would be to look up the local laws and then pick a property with topographical features that will allow you to safely shoot or at the very least build a proper backstop.

If you are going to shoot rifle then more considerations come into play.
MO is pretty casual about when, where, and how residents shoot on their property. I travel a 4 county chunk of north-central MO and see lots of foolishness regarding where folks shoot. I've seen such things as a target board set up in the corner of a yard with nothing between it and the next house besides some scattered timber. Another was a guy who pushed up some loose dirt to make a backstop but rain had washed the pile down to about 1/2 the height of the target board and in the background was an MDC lake campground. A final brain fart idea was small bales of straw and plastic barrels used as target stands with an open field behind and several houses out of sight less than a mile away in direct line from shooting line to targets(I know for fact that they were shooting centerfire "deer" rifles while the ground was frozen so have good reason to believe there may have been ricochets toward those houses).
For temporary use with light caliber rifles or handguns, a decent backstop can be made from barrels filled with sand or simply a pile of railroad ties. I shoot 22 in my yard using an angled 1/2" steel plate to divert bullets into the dirt. Hundreds and hundreds of 22 bullets have impacted that angled plate w/o issue(well, there's no grass growing there anymore).
Louisiana law specifically excludes any unincorporated (outside city limits) single home tracts greater than 5 acres from any restrictions on hunting or shooting. I reckon they figure that must be big enough to shoot on.

§120. Zoning of heavily populated areas from hunting and shooting of firearms

B. As used in this Section, "heavily populated area" shall not include any
of the following:
(1) Any parcel or tract of land that is in excess of five acres and that includes no more than one single-family residence on the parcel or tract.
I saw a guy shoot a 50 BMG into an eight foot tall berm less than ten feet deep at widest point with a house half a mile behind it.
Multiple threads here with people shooting high power rifles in to round bales.

I'd like to say it is common sense, but it clearly isn't.