home invasion


New member
I dont have a lot of details but the news in Nashville is reporting a home invasion shooting last night.....apparently a bg forced entry and shot both adults, the wife (24yrs of age), is dead and the husband is in critical condition.......the leo's are looking for a 19yr old black male.,,,,,look at the ages here---I look around and dont like what I see anymore and the direction we seem to be heading..........fubsy.
A(!) suspect? Just one?

I've heard about several BGs executing highly -coordinated invasions using tactics similar to what SWAT uses. Very frightening and extremely hard to thwart. But then, they're usually after very profitable targets.

On the other hand, one BG is one too many.
It did seem a bit strange, but apparently there only looking for one guy and he apparently was a "friend", of the people he harmed.....fubsy.

19 yr old BG...HCI and ilk consider that a "child"...good for their stats.

I may be wrong and if so I apologise for my cynicism, but, I smell something more here...bad drug deal or something else.
Ya don't break into a home when you know the owners are there

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Whole point of home invasion is that you *do* break in when they're home. One reason is that often the method of entry is the owner of the house just opened the door when you knocked (yet another reason to always answer any knock with appropriate care and tools). Another reason is to obtain what they have-- jewelry, wallets, keys to the car out front, combo to the safe, etc. Finally, there's the thrill of it, that can't be discounted. Even if they're not raping someone, they're getting the thrill of violating someone in their own home, with relatively little chance of getting caught by anyone other then the occupants. Some gangs use this as a "counting coup" thing, like drive-bys.

I would remark upon how times have changed, but one was wise to shout through the door even in the medieval days.

Make it hard for 'em.

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited July 01, 1999).]
I'm with your logic on this one. Professional crooks realize that breaking in while the people are home is dangerous to the burglar, can lead to more serious crimes than burglary, and the increased risk is greater than the incresed benefit.

As far as the car is concerned, the kids in San Antonio can break into a locked car and drive it away in less than two minutes (some quicker!) - so car keys become a mere convenience to these kids who have been trained by professionals (a topic for another whole thread!!).

The bad news is that it doesn't seem to concern the little unwashed "underprivileged" gangbangers one way or the other!

Last year, or year before (memory fades) we had a rash of these break-ins in San Antonio. The BGs wore black clothing and yelled, "Police! Police! Get down! Get down!" etc. just like they were taught by the TV police programs. Several women and young girls were raped in front of their entire families (who were bound, gagged, and forced to watch); several were abducted, raped and otherwise tortured and killed; etc.

The news played it down apparently at the request of the police. LE couldn't say not to comply with the pseudo-SWAT crooks because there was no practical way to differentiate the BGs from the LEOs!

Then, the whole thing faded away like "just another teen-ager fancy". Grrr.

Afterthought: I believe (not sure) the local police said to comply with the police OR the BGs because: 1) it might BE the police, and 2) resistance is futile and may antagonize the (poor baby) BGs. Then the rapes started and the police simply fell silent.

At the time, my daughter lived in town with her room-mate (also a girl) in an area where several of these break-ins occurred. Spooky, to say the least.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 01, 1999).]
the morning news updated the situation, apparently they have the first guy in custody and have apprehended two more and are looking for a fourth.........I kinda wish all these anti-second amendment folks would get visited by these creeps---and I mean just the mouth pieces of hci/and the Sara bradys types.. etc...
........of course it would be for the children to show how well there methods work.....fubsy.,,,btw.....seems like quick work by the leo community ..eh....fubsy.
We've had a few of these home invasions in Phoenix lately as well. In at least a couple of cases, homeowners exchanged fire with the BG's and drove them off - in one case, two of the scumbags had to go to the hospital, and the 80 year old homeowner died, but he saved his two daughters.

I felt a bit silly about it at first, but now we take the 'tactical' shotgun out each night and store it under the bed. We have a perimeter alarm set, so any forced door or window will set off the siren. We have no reason to make it likely we'll suffer such a crime, but it's always possible some bad apple gets the wrong idea.

I wonder what our LEO members think we should do during a home invasion? I was very interested to read about the gang that impersonated LEO's. That scenario has crossed my mind. I don't know how one could deal with that other than to try to hold them at bay while you exchange ID or call the station. Obviously that doesn't seem very likely or workable. So, it becomes more likely a LEO or me and my family could be shot simply because we can't be confident they are who they say they are.

Military tactics can lead to military results, I suppose.
There was a couple of home invasions last year in Maryland where the BGs targeted Managers of bank branch offices. BGs followed the manager(s) from the office to the home. Intent was to gain alarm codes & vault combinations. Very unpleasant situation... In one incident, the victims where traumatically abused, tied up, and the BGs set the house on fire.
The FBI caught one of the suspects.

Makes you wonder what the hell is wrong with people today. It should also make people think about what kind of target they present to the criminal element. Always check your six folks!

[This message has been edited by RCH (edited July 01, 1999).]
This may piss off the LEOs present but such is life:

I don't do anything illegal, thus there is absolutely no reason for the cops to demand entry into my home, especially at night. Thus, anyone claiming to be a cop and insisting on entering my home is not a cop and is going to meet his Maker in a heartbeat

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Of course you know that many predict a rash of home invasion robberies around Jan 1, 2000, as a result of BGs knowing everyone's stocked up on currency because of Y2K.

All the more reason to stock up on the currency that speaks the loudest ;)

"..we deal in lead, friend."
Steve McQueen, The Magnificent Seven

Have a great Y2K day, dudes! :) :) :) :)
You can't ever predict the motive in a home break-in... Just give them what you've got - (230gr., 115gr., etc...)

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.
Brother DC;

If that is your mo, and I have no trouble with it. Understand that the way situations like the one herein described evolve, the LEOs you claim (rightfully, I have no argument with that) have no right to be there will shoot you down like a dog, and they will walk. This is what history has shown.

When history speaks, I try to pay attention.

Folks what paid attention during the Waco Senate hearings heard the FBI state load and clear that the days of a man in suit knocking on the door to serve a warrent are OVER.

DC is a sister. :)

For what it's worth, if the cops don't have to be polite about serving a warrant on me, then I don't have to politely accept it, nor will I. As I stated in another thread, possession of a badge and a gun gives no one the right to kill me or invade my home. NO ONE.

And as I say on my website, anyone who tries to disarm me, whether feds or criminals (pardon the redundancy), will die.
In a situation where a BC forced entry...
I have 4 options.

1. Shoot him with my HK .40, and then call the police.

2. Shoot him with one of my .45s, and then call the police...

3. Shoot him several times with my PPK/S, and then call the Police.

4. Shoot him with my AR-15 several times, check his ID - go to his house, slap his Momma, and then call the police.

This guy would get no quarter.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


must be something in the air. just heard on the Little Rock news, that there was a forced entry robbery there. they broke in the house, duct taped them, put'um on the floor, robbed, then left. they were wearing blue shirts w/ blue bandanas( is that the crips or the bloods? never could get that straight).
also, some idiot shot at a postal worker there. post master said they were suspending mail delivery in the area.(citizens probably won't even notice!!! i'm kidding.... do go postal ;)) now i remember why i never did like Little Rock.....

what me worry?
No one has a right to break into my home.I have no qualms about shooting anyone who tries.

Better days to be,
