Home Invasion - Was I wrong?

kinder gentler protectors?

You guys are much kinder than I would have been in this scenario.

And in a word yes, you were wrong..on multiple fronts.

First, there is no excuse for an unlocked home. With my wife and eight kids in the house, this could have turned out much worse.

A drunk guy is one thing but 2 real armed thugs could have changed this story dramatically.

The primary responsibility of the man of the home is to provide and protect his family.

The hands in the pocket, investigating without being armed, the firearm to well secured, etc.. all questionable judgements from my POV. I'm not trying to offend, but this is pretty important stuff.

I recently watched a special about a tribe in Africa that had just returned from a battle (read: defending thier families) and the men returned SINGING.

1 guy had killed 8 men in seperate battles and he & the tribe seemed fairly proud of that fact.

Compassion should be saved for those in dire need and your family. Not for a stranger unlawfully in your home...I wouldn't care why a stranger was in my home. Take every precaution to ensure the homefront is secure.

If you are unwilling to deal with a threat after that, maybe a saferoom with a phone is a good second choice.

Leaving the fam unprotected to face an unknown threat uarmed were indeed wrong actions.