Home Invasion/Robbery of Gunowner in Philly

bad situation.

It didn't look to me like there would have been a whole lot he could have done in that time frame. It's probably going to end badly if you try to draw on someone who has the drop on you - particularly when there's a group of them and at that range. We can be as careful as we want, but determined attackers will always have the advantage of surprise. The biggest take away for me was that I'm glad I live somewhere with more open space. I'm just glad that both he and his wife lived through it.
The attackers were actually pretty slow in getting to the victim. They're all spaced out several feet apart. The initial attacker didn't really come charging and there was a lot of room between him and the victim.

This is armchair QB'ing (I am openly admitting this), but had the victim been carrying, he did have time to move and fire on the first attacker.
As rha said, most alarms come with a "hostage code" (as ADT calls theirs). It is different than your regular alarm code and LEO is notified there is a hostage situation at your address.

As for the self-defense aspect of this situation, it really depends for me. How many rounds do I have at my disposal vs how many assailants, how skilled do they appear, how many have already drawn their weapons, and are my kids with me? If my kids are there, I'm not trying to be a hero heavily out-gunned, because all it takes is one shot. If my wife is there, I'd probably be much more aggressive because of the chance that they would take her when it's over.

IMO, its probably going to be mindless street thugs that dont make decisions based on sound judgement, so if you remain somewhat calm, you have that on your side. FIRST AND FOREMOST, don't get out of the car if it's not safe. Assuming I assessed the situation before it got ugly and had a plan, I would get into the house as quickly as possible, using my weapon for cover. Once you're in the house, you won 95% of the battle.
IMO, its probably going to be mindless street thugs that dont make decisions based on sound judgement, so if you remain somewhat calm, you have that on your side.

I agree. There guys were hardly a squad of al Qaeda. I bet if the victim could have started firing, he likely would have broken up the whole attack. Alas, he didn't.
only thing is, if they are not a well formed group with a well formed plan they could also easily panic. And if that happens they could probably start shooting.
Good point rha. The 2 things you don't want...well-trained assailants with a solid plan, and complete idiots that enter panic mode and go nuts.

It deserves a mention that I didn't actually check out the story or know the specifics of that attack. I was speaking more in generalities. I still maintain that without my children there, my fight instinct will probably overtake flight. Dumb or not, that is my opinion. I agree with anybody who would surrender or anything in between. As I have always said, making a decision is always the best decision. Whatever you do, don't second guess yourself.
I worked out my security when I first moved in to my house in 2004, remote turns off alarm, lights are on, front door, garage wall. Remote opens garage.

Back in to garage, remote garage door closed, exit in to house. Feet never touch ground outside.

No one stands around in our development, am I glad I live were I live!

Glock 19 on belt, always!

Half a dozen assailants on street? Move.