Home Defense ?

I must admit, the Boomstick line is the best I have heard yet for a shotgun. Brings a smile to my face everytime I hear it. :D
Here's one

The town of Boring, Oregon usually considered a case of accuracy in naming, doesn't seem so placid after a stalwart citizen shot a man banging on his door for help. The victim had run to the gunman's house after crashing his car.
Unless you have zero emotional attachment to your dogs and your bank account, I think it unwise to train them to be aggressive protectors of your home. Yes, train them to be alert and bark at unfamiliar people, but also train them to be friendly.

1) Barking dogs keep intruders out, it's a fact
2) However, a determined intruder will easily disable your dog and possibly kill it. He can give it treats or even treats laced with poison. He can give it treats and stab it in the throat or shoot it.
3) Due to the legal climate of dogowner lawsuits for vicious dogs in America, you could very well face criminal and civil prosecution if your dog bites, mauls, or kills an innocent, namely a child. The dog will also be destroyed.

If a criminal broke into my house, my dog might bark and might scare him away. However, he also might not bark and might go up to the BG and try to play with him. My dog is friendly and it would be unnecessary to kill him. Of course a BG may or may not, but my dog would give zero reason to be killed and only the most inhumane person would kill him because he's so friendly.

Barking and alert dogs = good idea
Vicious dogs = bad idea
"Awright you primitive screwheads listen up!..You see this?.... This.... is my BOOMSTICK!"

I would consider a shotgun for a more open concept type of home where clearing corners and hallways was less of an issue. For my particular home, a colonial design, my handgun serves the purpose a little more easily. I've tried walking my home from a tactical point of view using my rifle and I could see the difficulty of doing it under a real-life scenario. Short hallways, many doorway openings into smaller areas, multiple entrances to certain rooms... pretty difficult to navigate at night, under stress, with this big ole' barrel hanging out in front of me that I need to get on target after clearing a corner. My XD9 is obviously much better suited for this role. My in-laws home however, with it's more contempory open colonial design and wide open room spaces, would make the shotgun a much more viable alternative. Few hallways, large open area rooms, and generally wider spaces where you wouldn't have to maneuver the barrel as much to get it on target if needed.

You can't argue the firepower of the shotgun/carbine over a handgun, but I think every one of those choices has it's benefits and shortfalls depending on what you're type of area you are trying to defend.
Consider a preventative method.

At the beginning of your driveway, insert a pike, spear up, into the ground.

Mount a fake head (Real looking!). Underneath, place a sign. "The last burglar I dealt with. Room for more if need be." (Have an empty spike next to it.)

At strategic points around the house place more spikes, and other body parts. At the most likely point a BG would consider breaking in, spear a fake...ehm...manhood piece.

Now, if you were a BG, would you break into THAT house? ;)
a shotgun is the way to go. a carbine is too dangerous to the family and neighbors. i have a somewhat different idea on what to load it with. everyone always screams buckshot. i ask why. buck shot in a home is just as bad as having a carbine. it goes thru walls.worse yet once it goes thru it will still kill who ever is on the other side.we are not talking about a swat team clearing the house we are talking about you engaging one or more bad guys with your kids in the other room. for this reason i say regular bird shot loads. the first round or two in the mag tube is no 4 mag loads. then the rest bird shot. regular field loads. 7 1/2 or 8.this is an excellent round. if it goes thru walls it already dumped a lot of energy. i would rather have some birdshot pellets make it into the kids room than buck shot. as for how bad bird shot is. measure off the longest shot that could be possible in the house. were talking 10 or 12 feet max maybe a bit more. then go and put a target at that distance and shoot it.hell go get some dead pigs if you want. bird shot at this distance stays in a group of about 3 to 4 inches max. that is a huge hole to dump into someone. remember if you dont hit the off switch in the middle of the brain your not going to get that right now hit the floor effect. we are talking about wound channel. it greatly affects the body. a 4 inch round hole thru the chest or belly will usually stop your threat. if you dont believe me go buy a dead pig and shoot it at 12 feet and see the damage. i know buck shot stays about the same size group and may have more energy but this isnt what we are talking about it is the safety of your family and your freedom. it isnt out of the relm of possibility that some idiot prosecuter will charge you with man slaughter if you kill a third party defending your self. these things all need to me taken into account. also, if you think that while being shot at your going to be as good a shot as you are at the range then you either ignorant at best or recklessly stupid at worse.you have to take more into accoount that i got a shotgun loaded with buck shot i am invincable.people forget about many many factors when they decide things like this.

as for pump vers auto vers double barrel i say pump. i have seen several hundred rioting inmates hit the ground with only the sound of pump action being racked. it is the most intimidating thing you can immagine.well next to looking down the fire hose size hole if a 12 gage pointed at you.
True that the pump sound is scary..

One thing to consider though is an inexperienced wife, scared as all hell in the middle of the night. An auto requires a little less thought If you buy a GOOD auto there will not be a question of failure.

Pump or Auto either would work.
To use along with the pikes...

If you can, get a dog + a shotgun and buy a lot of amo for training with it.
The point is not so much what kind of gun or what kind of ammo... Whatever you buy, learn to use it! Proper training and tactic is the key. But most of all: Have a plan of what to do if a perp break in at night, and practice it so it become a reflex. Have a safe place where you can retreat with your shotgun and celular phone, call the cops wait for the perp to come in your direction against a wall of lead :p
Now concerning what to choose, it depend if you have thick walls or not...think overpenetration. At home range, birdshot in a 870 remington is a big mass of lead :D