Home defense question, Shooting through doors???

Rivers ---

you are right on the money --- this situation is an attempted breach of an INTERIOR door --- that has two important points --- 1. You are already fullly or near fully near "weapons free" in any state 2. The door material unless you have made it strfonger than most is not going to be very sturdy so it a. will not hold back a perp for long -- hence you are in immediate danger and b. it will allow pretty good shoot through with any repectable defense caliber --- any one who questions this is invited to the range with the interior door of their choice from the depot.

Xaiver --- someone has to say it, get real, I mean I have to respect your desire for safety and so on, frankly I'd much rather have that than a shoot em up attitude but at the end of the day what the heck do you really think you are going to do and what do you think is reasonable? Any one of these situations is a crap situation to be in -- -we are talking about someone breaking a door down, not fumbeling, not noise --- breaking in, to an interior door!!

As to the suggestion of manualy disarming a perp who has his hand through the door BAD IDEA -- I would never chose to go "hands on" if I could avoid it -- THINK for a dam second that perp might be on crack, meth, PCP --- real strong, ready to fire willy milly or if you get ina wreseling match what you gona grab? The door knob? One of though auto unlock ones like most interior doors have? Again you just put yourslef in a deeper pile of the crap. Striking anyone with a long arm is't the greatest of ides at all unless you are out of things to make it go bang --- for one thing it requires and akward grip and the long arm is a long lever that could give the BG leverage in a fight, for another the thought gives me great concern over what my muzzle will be poited at and frankly there ain't a firearm out there that I trust it's safeties enough to be actually at or in any way near the muzzle end when the weapon is subjected to the force of being used as a bat.

Sorry it's not cut and dry and yes caution and prudance are dictated as always --- and there are a thousand questions that will be situation dependant --- how loud and furios is the beatign of said door and so foth but you can not catagoricly state no-shoot or rekless to do so --- especally if the BG has breached and presented a weapon --- gosh the very idea is almost comical.
It's always interesting when folks take hypothetical discussions so seriously as to be rude to another poster. Always a sign of maturity and class. Like when we were kids and debated whether Batman could take Daredevil with as much enthusiasm and usually with about as much thought, or looking at some posts, maybe less. Those discussions were at least fun.

What would you do if a maniac is chopping down the door? Jeez I don't know.

What would you do if someones peeping in the window? Shoot em say some. The only folk to ever peep in my windows have been cops coming to serve a warrant. I strongly advise against shooting at cops.

Would you shoot through a door or wall? Depends.

One fella said that to defend himself and his family he'd shoot blindly through a door and wouldn't worry to much where his stray shots went. He plans on missing obviously. I hope I'm never anywhere in his vacinity if a gunfight breaks out. He's as likely to shoot friend as foe.

Well one can speculate all day. I'd rather go shoot and I'll identify my target and try to know where my shots go. I'm responsible for them after all.

" 2) They have put a hole in the door and are waving a gun around demanding we open it."

Then you don't shoot through the door, you shoot through the hole! :D :cool:
Enjoy Deputy Marsh's funeral, he did not deserve it.

Or enjoy your own, because as you stated you didn't know. It could be what it seems, or the deputy could already be dead.

The bottom line is this, there is no bottom line. No cookie cutter answer. No cut, and dried reaction. Every situation is different, and every response is going to be different. If this ever happens to you the last thing you are going to mentally review are the state statues, and what the pending result might be if you act inappropiately.

You hold off firing until "you" feel that you can longer do so without violating the safety of your family. Then you protect your family.
either throw something at the bg, or take a bb gun or a very very very low powered weapon(blow gun sling shot) and hit his hand or the gun, or shoot the fram or top of the door, away from where it is possibleto hurt the bg, close enough to scare the crap out of him!
"either throw something at the bg, or take a bb gun or a very very very low powered weapon(blow gun sling shot) and hit his hand or the gun, or shoot the fram or top of the door, away from where it is possibleto hurt the bg, close enough to scare the crap out of him!

OH MY GOD NO! NO! NO!; You DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT fire warning shots to "scare the crap out of the him" you will be eaten alive by the police, the local DA and the BG's or his family's lawers, firearms are lethal force, their use is an all or nothing thing, you can not be a "little pregnant" Either the situation is justifiable hommicide --- i.e. the laws of the land say you are justified in killing the other person due to their actions or you are not, any discharge of a firearm will be looked at as such --- attempting to kill the person, trying to aruge otherwise will only result in failure and sad legal ramifications for the misinformed, please look into this as it's a relativly common misconception perhaps generated by old western shows or some crap like that.

Again, for the record think about this -- BG in house, with weapon, weapon presented and pointed in your direction ---- I personally don't care how wildly or incoherently the presentation of the wepon is --- even a blind squrrel sometimes finds a nut --- I will not wait for that to happen to me and the combination of being in my house, unwelcome, and pointing a weapon at me or my family makes it a clear cut shoot situation, I will localize his position based on where the hand is comming through and I will fire for effect, knoing my interior doors are not substantally constructed and that there will be significant penetration of this barrier by my weapon as evidanced by tests ammo lab and others have conducted aginst cars and so forth.
No no... you take an electric BBQ starter and plug it in and hang it on the door knob. Or you take a gallon can of paint and hang it on a string... :rolleyes:
I saw this article and remembered this thread........smilies added are mine

Resident fired gun through front door to scare men, brother says

By Kathleen Baydala

A Jackson man who shot through his front door at a suspected house burglar early Sunday morning never intended to kill him, a relative said. ;)

But Marcus Rawls, 23, of Jackson was found dead on the porch at 4:36 a.m. wearing a ski mask and gloves, officials said.

Tory Willis said his brother, Cedric Marshall, was shaken up after learning he had fatally shot a man at 464 Willaman St.

"He was trying to protect himself," said Willis, 23. "He wasn't trying to kill anybody." :confused:

Jackson Police Department Detective Brendon Bell said police had not charged the shooter as of Sunday night.

Bell would neither identify nor confirm the shooter described as "an occupant of the house," but Willis identified his brother as the shooter.

Marshall could not be reached. But during an interview at the home Sunday afternoon, Willis described what happened.

Willis said his brother told him two men he didn't know knocked on his door at 2 a.m. Sunday. And when Marshall didn't answer, the men tried to kick down his door, so he fired shots to scare the men off. Thinking he had done so, he went to bed, Willis said. :confused:

A few hours later, Marshall's cousin drove by the house and called Marshall when he saw a man lying on the porch, Willis said. :eek:

Rawls died from a gunshot wound to the head, said Hinds County Coroner Sharon Grisham-Stewart.

"Right now the case has to be prepared and presented to the grand jury," Bell said. The grand jury will determine whether the shooting was justifiable.

Bell could not confirm whether there was a second potential burglar.

Many of the surrounding neighbors on Willaman Street said the neighborhood is usually quiet except for a recent string of break-ins. :rolleyes:

Precinct 2 Commander Lee Vance said there has been criminal activity in that area in the recent past. :rolleyes:

"I would not say house burglaries are any more prevalant there than in other places," Vance said.
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Join Date: 12-11-2004
Location: Redwood City, Ca.
Posts: 75 The folks most likely to break your door down will be cops.

Refer to relationship of forces.


Since I'm not smelling any smoke nor do I have any warrants out on me they better ANNOUNCE who they are and RESEMBLE cops or they're getting a LEAD greeting. Simple.
He is waving a gun around... :mad:

Aim about 15" above the door knob and about 10'' toward the center of the door... and send the perp some splinters... :D

At least three times... :rolleyes:

Be grateful you're alive and able to sort out the particulars later... ;)
Given the parameters posed by the threadstarter, of course you'd shoot through the door. There's a big difference in shooting through a door because one hears noises on the other side and shooting through a door when somebody's trying to break the door down.

Of course, you shoot, if somebody's beaten the door to the extent that they make a hole in the door. Suggesting that one should always "see a face" in such a situation prior to shooting is childish and simplistic.

The original post said bedroom door. Assuming by then your front door has already been breeched, and someone is trying to break down your bedroom door--------BANG! I doubt this will ever happen to me as my defenses are layered. Anyone would have encountered several obstacles where they would have been challenged prior to getting to that door, which is always open anyway. Bottom line is: if someone's in my house uninvited at any hour, much less in the middle of the night, I'd bet it's not the Avon lady!
If I am barricaded in a room and warn someone to stop because I am armed and am going to shoot.... a policeman, fireman, ect would probably back off and talk

If they are still trying to break the door down....they have to be up to no good or crazy.