Home Defense preparedness questions

For all those advocating,"It ain't my affair or business", read on...

I was awakend one night by the sound of glass breaking in an upstairs apartment. I had fallen asleep on my couch while whatching cable, and the first,"crash", I figure coulda been a dropped whatever..I roll over and try to go back to sleep. Not 10 seconds later a second,"crash", followed now by the disticnt sound of glass being knoced out of a window frame(soundeld like silver rain). I had no weapon at this time as I had just turned 21 and owned no rifles. In hindsight, I should have grabbed something, anything! As I am 5'6, and all of 145 pounds, but wirey and squirmy( I can bench a little over 230 and got a mean right left combo and a little grappling and take down work):D . So my curious but goes outside to discover my upstaris female neighbor being drug off by her exboyfriend or exhusband, daughter watching and screaming:eek:. Instinctively I went into action giving the guy verbal commands to,"stop!, let her go, she isn't going anywhere with you!!". My next door neighbor(across from me not above) took the little girl inside as I sized up the guy. About 5'8-5'10, but he was bigger than me, pushing atleast 230. The guy responds to my commands in broken English telling me,"There no problem here, she wants to go with me":rolleyes:. Again I command she ain't going nowhere and the guy responds like he is getting annoyed,"Mind your business", or somehting like that. Now I AM GETTING ANNOYED, and my demands to release the lady got more forcefull, casue now I'm pissed he thinks I'm stupid. Long story short, once I got to within a 2-3 yards of him he finally released the woman, and decided discretion was the better part of valor...My 5'6, 145 pounds of imposing pissed Black man, must have been too much for him:cool: !! Get this, he makes his get away, on a FRICIN' BIKE, wasnt even a 10 speed! I guess he was going to,"pump", his hostage on the handlebars or something:confused:. I was out verbally sparing with this idiot for atleast 5 minutes, before I convinced him to release the lady. He was not armed to the best of my knowlege, but honostly it never even entered my mind once I saw the woman being pulled away. In hindsight again, I was glad I did what I did, as who knows what this whack job wanted, but needing to break into the womans house and drag her out of it, I doubt his intensions were good.... So to all you who say stay inside cause it ain't your problem, I thumb my nose to you and say one day it might be,"YOUR PROBLEM"....

Too Many Choices!?...Thankfully I made the right one that night....

PS-My neighbor went right inside with the girl and called the cops as I kept the guy there, it took a deputy 15-20minutes to get there....That guy could have been blocks away on his,'huffy" after killing the woman in our parking lot:barf:...I would hope for any member here to do the same for my mother, sister, or other female family member that obviously needed help with none availiable...
My house is next to a piece of woods and calling the police is a waste of time, they come after the fact with all lights and sirens blaring and any crook can hear they coming a mile away, and retreat.

My dog was barking bloody murder recently, I can tell for the way he barks when an animal or a person is lurking in the woods near the house.

My procedure is exit the house by the farther exit, (in this case the garage door) and circle around quietly until I am in position to evaluate the situation.

The dog also appreciates the moral support of my presence.

I wear dark clothes and a dark watch cap just for those intrusions.
My gun is a 1911 with Laser Grips and extra magazines loaded with Federal's Hydra-Shocks 230 grains. I have a cell phone and a radio to communicate with the house to let then know what is going on.

My flashlight is one of my modifications, the MAG 951 II (1050 "real" lumens)
Thirty times more powerful than a regular Maglite 3 D on which is based, even more powerful than the 1 million candlepower spotlight.

Unfortunately two of the culprits were going away with the price when I switched on the light, they were already 35 or 40 yards into the woods and started running when I put the light on them, two others guys were close and half blinded they tangled in the bushes and thorns in escaping, a couple shots from my pistol slamming in the tree near by, hasting they departure.

The price was my raccoon feeder with 5 pounds of corn (don't laugh, made by my hands it was a masterpiece) in exchange I got a nice 18 volts Ryobi drill-screwdriver and pliers.

Neighbors are far away enough than shooting even the entire night will not bother them, calling police for a stolen feeder will serve only for something to joke around in the squad room.
I guess the raccoons will go hungry this winter.

black bear
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

If ever there were an appropriate place to recite this quote, it is here, in discussion of this subject.

For those that choose to do nothing, I feel they deserve to live in the cesspool that the world has become in some places, and they have no right to complain about it.
Both BGs were convicted felons, out of state without permission and one was on house arrest/anklet. The PD told them to go home, no arrests.
This is undeniable proof that "the police are there to protect you - you do not need a gun, let the experts do their job.":barf: :barf: :barf:

We chased the BG as he runs to a car that has lic plate light out and he and his partner head out. The police show up about 15 minutes later. We of course got the riot act read to us about having our guns out.
This is what you get for trying to do the right thing - an @$$ chewing from the police for having your gun out.

Model 25, I guess you are lucky the police didn't shoot you instead...