Home Carry Rig

Do you carry guns @ inside your home?

  • Yes

    Votes: 63 72.4%
  • No

    Votes: 24 27.6%

  • Total voters


New member
CC outside the home relatively depends on how much clothing one wears on a day to day basis, and the type of rig one prefers. :)

My big issue and the question to all of you - is how do you carry INSIDE your home? (Assuming that you do)

When I am wearing shorts and a t-shirt, there is just no place for a belt (especially with comfy shorts that have no belt loop holder).....

How about when wearing sweats and a T-shirt? Or PJ's right before going to bed?

Tell me your options....please. :D
I voted no. I don't carry at home unless I forget to take off my rig. I live in a small ranch type house, and I do have guns around in certain places if I need to get to them in a hurry.
I went yes, usually a Colt OP in a hip holster.

When I'm home alone, the shotgun is never more than 5 feet away.
i generally wear the same clothes arround the house as i do in public. i generally have my shirt behind the butt of the gun for quick access. dont need to conceal at home unless i get some guests i dont want to let know of my gun. because i live in a cottage at the back, while in pj's i carry it in my hand :eek: but thats just my situation. a shoulder holster seems like a good idea for those situations but im a bit low on $$ at the moment so it'll have to wait.
This isn't meant as a poke at any particular poster, but when people say, "When I'm at home, I'm always within 5 feet of a shotgun," I have to wonder if they have a heck of a lot of shotguns, or a really small house.
Duxman, . . . I voted yes, . . . because sometimes I do carry while around the house.

Most of the time, however, . . . my 1911 is lying on top of the gunsafe ready if needed, . . . as it is in a very central part of the house.

I do have it either Mexican carry, . . . or laying within reach, . . . if I am alone at home, as I am the poster boy for a one track mind. If I am doing something at home, . . . alone, . . . most folks could carry away the porch and yard and I just simply would not know it.

Anyway, . . . looking forward to seeing what others say. Thanks, Duxman.

May God bless,
Around the house, no. But there's never one far away. I have a 9 in a Fobus attached to the inside of my main entry door, out of sight from someone at the door but only inches from the doorknob. The door opens back against a wall so that a guest can enter, and leave without ever knowing that it's there.
We've had a lot of home invasions lately. BG just busts in the house out of the blue.

Lately I've been carrying my P11 in the DeSantis IWB and hardly know it's there. So yes...around the house carry.
I voted yes.

I live in the country and I'm currently homesteading. In Kentucky, where open carry is allowed, I make it a point to always have a gun with me in or around the house. You never know when you'll run on a wild dog, poison snake, or other hazard. Once I started carring all the time, I just forget I have it on.
Its weird, I no longer consciously notice my rig, it has gotten to the point that I don't know its on unless I think about it.
Always carry in the house--it's the one place I can carry with absolutely no regulation. It's also where everything really important to me is most of the time. Seems pretty logical to me.

I've done it so long that it feels stranger when I'm not carrying (like at work) than when I am (home and everyplace else that's legal.)
I voted 'yes'. I applied for my CHL almost 6 weeks ago, and should get it any day. WILL get it any day, seeing as I live in a shall-issue state and I've been a good boy.

I read somewhere that it's a good idea for a person to carry at home to get used to CCW before they carry on the street, so that's what I'm doing. Plus, where I live, it's legal to carry in your car, so I do that as well. Note to any Coloradans: if you get pulled over without a CHL, be sure to say the magic words "I was carrying it to protect my person and property". Those are the exact words of the statute. If you have it loaded and concealed within reach, and you tell the cop you were CCW just to go to the range (or going to pop a cap in some idiot, for all that matters) you can be busted.
I voted no, because I usually don't physically carry a pistol on my person in my home. However, I make sure there's always one within reach (even in the bathroom), and in addition to my carry guns (which are always loaded, except when cleaning), I also have a N-frame .357 and a WASR-10 with a 40 round magazine loaded and ready to go specifically for home defense. In addition I live on the second floor of a secure building.
Voted yes because bout 90% of my time at home I have a pistol on me. The other 10% is when I'm getting ready for bed or just getting up and ready for the day. That said, i'm never very far from one if it's needed at a moments notice.
You wear PJ's :confused: :D

I usually have to bring out the cowboy rig and carry the .45LC. You see, with no clothes on you can still wear the belt on your hips and then tie down the holster :eek: .


I carry all the time (waking hours) at home, inside and outside on 40 acres.

I have foregone the luxury of just lounging around. Up in the morning, on goes my standard wear: jeans, belt, boots, and long sleeved shirt. VFD pager gets clipped on and revolver goes in the belt holster. Combined with folding knife in sheath, keys on a lanyard, and mini-light in my hip pocket, I sometimes feel like a walking toolbox. ;)
S&W .380 fits nicely in my pants pocket ...

... in a small in-the-pocket holster called the Sidekick made by Uncle Mike's. I never have anything else in that pocket if my pistol is in it but the holster still serves to keep the outline of the gun from being visible.

I almost always wear a good belt. I'm really fond of the leather belts made by Ted Blocker Holsters; they are nice looking, all leather and sturdy. And the shorts I wear in the summer have a "cargo pocket" right below the main pocket that I use in summer.

I saw a report on TV several years ago where several people in different houses all within about 10 square blocks of each other were found stabbed to death. The police couldn't establish any connection between the victims. Some were men, some women, all different ages and seemed to have nothing in common except they lived in the same neighborhood.

They eventually solved the case and it turned out the killings were random. Some whack-case walked through the neighborhood going to front doors to see if they were unlocked. When he found the front door unlocked, he let himself in and killed whomever was present.

I would guess that on the average I get a stranger a week at my door for one reason or another and I have some rules: I routinely keep my access doors closed and locked. When an access door is open or unlocked, I carry. Whether the door is locked or not, when I greet someone at the door I make sure I'm armed.