Hollywood Tactics & Training (AKA no no tactics)

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Doug, I don't think you are fully up to speed on such matters in that many of what you are saying are Hollywood are in fact real life...

1) Spray and Pray - called supression fire, covering fire, is used to try to keep opposition from being able to fire aimed shots when good guys are exposed. It is a tactic you will see documented quite well for retarding ambushes. A episode of SHOOTOUT! on the History Channel discussed its use in quite some detail for American soldiers in Afghanistan.

2) Pointing your gun at people - happens far too often. SD or SF sheriff's dept in 2005 was in the mass shoot against a bad guy in an SUV. When he attempted to drive off, deps on all sides open fired, resulting in one friendly fire casualty (no real harm as round hit vest). When TV crew was attempting to document the activities, a deputy got pissed and started ordering the camera away while using his drawn gun to point at who he was addressing and where the camera guy needed to go.

3) Ordering a bad guy "DROP THAT GUN" ...is frequently used in real life by cops and military
7) joint shooting with a friend at perpetraitor(s) while positioned behind your friend. (the do that in movies all the time "what if your bullet catches the top of your friends head?" I always ask) - Well if you have to ask, then my guess is that your skills are not such that you feel comfortable making such a shot. This tactic is well documented from several hostage situations, be it joint shooting, gun shooting, or shooting the bad guy in the head.
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