Hollywood Heroes?


New member
Just thought this might be fun and maybe informative :)
Here are some celebrities or famous people who are pro gun and/or pro hunting off the top of my head in no particular order:
Charlton Heston, Kurt Russell, "Arnie", Matt Groening (I love "The Simpson's"), Tom Sellick, Ted Nugent (I'm proud to be from Michigan!), James Hetfield (Metallica), Kirk Gibson, Steven Speilberg (supposedly), etc.
I know I'm leaving out many others, sorry.
Please add to this list if any come to mind :)I was thinking of also listing some of the anti's but I don't have that much time!

Adapt, Innovate, Overcome

[This message has been edited by 2tapcm (edited October 20, 1999).]

I think you are confusing Speilberg with George Lucas. Lucas lives about an 1.5 hours south of us and is definetly a pro-gunner. I recently read in Guns and Ammo a great analysis of The Phantom Menace as a pro RKBA movie.

It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.
Robert Stack
Steve Kanaly(?spelling)
Leslie Easterbrook
Barbra, Louise and Irlene Mandrell

Isn't Paul Sorvino a serious trap shooter?

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but I know there's plenty more. Problem is that many keep their shooting sort of low profile. In Hollyweird unpopular opinions can cost you work.
You may be right. Can anyone shed some light on Speilberg?

Adapt, Innovate, Overcome

JOHN MILIUS director. (red dawn)

Jeri what's her name (seven of nine on star trek voyager)

Renny Harlan director. (robocop)

and correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Oliver Stone is on our side too. He and Milius go way back, as do Spielburg and Copella.

My 2¢

I've seen Spielberg on a celebrity sporting clays shoot. I couldn't say if it was genuine interest or a Clintonesque shoot.
It seems to me I read where Spielberg was for some people owning guns (the elite) but not the "beer-drinking rednecks" (or words to that effect. Don't remember where or when I read that, so caveat emptor.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Husband of Kate Capshaw...both are massive contributors to the DNC and Clinton...now Gore.
Speculation last year the His Billness was going to go to work for Speilberg after he is out of office.
Speilberg and family is as pro-gun as I am pro-child cannibalism ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Chuck Conners. Too bad he's no longer with us. "The Rifleman". One of THE best series EVER! IMNSHO In my not so humble opinion. I know that it was rigged, but when I always cranked up the volume on the opening of the show. He could spit out 12 rounds of 44-40 into a sub two inch group of a bad guys chest before he would even hit the ground! He could go for a one inch hole if he wanted to, but a little bit of spread is more effective than putting the rest out through the donut in the BG back. ;)

Please don't dispel my fantasy. It almost killed me to find out that Santa was not real.
"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)

[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited October 20, 1999).]
Might be interesting to point out that Kurt Russell was Ted Nugent's best man at Ted's wedding to Shemane. Kurt and Ted rode around the stage on an antique car. Kurt is also involved in the CATO Institute which is a major player in the pro-Constitution movement.

Got to respect a guy who calls Tedly his bud and has the nodes to hang on to Goldie Hawn for as long as he has.

I've had the pleasure to meet Ted and spend some time backstage with him. He is a serious and articulate guy. Guess that's why he keeps winning "Sportsman of the Year" awards in Michigan, and why he was elected Board Member of the NRA.

Tedly Von Nuttenburg...Cocked, locked, and ready to rock doc.
I can add a few from our customer list. Lou Firigno(spelling)
Owns a Barret
James Earl Jones owns a 50 Mc.
Steven Segall owns a 50 Mc
Just a few that come to mind. The list that is taking shape is pretty impressive. I wonder how we could use it to help our cause
Gee, folks. You're making me feel almost as old as Art!

Sticking to Hollywood heroes:

My first hero: Roy Rogers.
Later hero: John Wayne
Most honorable hero (upon reflection): Clayton Moore (The Lone Ranger)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited October 20, 1999).]
Did a 4-hour stint on the SSAA display at the Perth Royal Show a couple of weeks back. Had a video player running, and one of the tapes was on shotgunning events in the UK.

From that, add to your list:

* Suzi Quatro -- (the damn shotgun was nearly as big as she is!)
* Billy Connolly

There's also:

* Pro Hart (Australian internationally-acclaimed artist)

Don't blast me on this because I know what kind of liberal Ted Turner is. However, in an interview just before one of the recent playoff games, Atlanta Braves manager Bobby Cox stated that he and Ted Turner go quail hunting every year at Turner's Montana ranch.


He's talking about DAN Quale! ;)
I can believe TT shoots. I just can't believe that he wants anyone ELSE to be able to shoot. Hey, liberals have been shooting law abiding weapons owners for thousands of years.

This thread is weird. Its starting to sound like Hollyweird is pro-gun!

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
I was at the Sako factory a few years ago and at the time Lee Marvin was there . He had just finished a movie and was taking a break before returning to HW. They couldn't get him out of the test tunnel he would spend all day firing AK47s as each had to have one clip of slow fire and one on full auto. He was in heaven and must have shot several thousand rounds.
Hey Dr. Rob

Her name is Jeri Ryan.

Also Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) made a statement saying something along the lines of "It's just crazy to be blaming the guns on the recent shooting......." Or something like that.

Two extremely Beautiful and Intelligent women.

Ross T.