Hog Hunting

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Just so the non-Texans know: Feral hogs are a hugely destructive beast in Texas. I attended a meeting of local farmers concerning them. One farmer said he'd lost 40 thousand dollars to them.
There isn't any method of hunting them that is banned as far as I know. You can bait them, spotlight them, dynamite them, snare them, trap them, laser beam them, AT-4 them, bazooka them, machinegun them, electrocute them...
Since we kill them to prevent huge losses on the ranch, we don't like leaving any reproductives around. We kill them all. The big nasty ones we leave lay. The little tasty ones we take to the processor. I think under 60lbs are the best.
We BBQ them, roast them, broil them, fry them, smoke them... :D
I was told by a game warden that a small herd of hogs can root up an ACRE of crops in a day. They are straight-out varmints here in Texas.

In 1995 I went on a pistol javelina hunt in Arizona. All I had at the time was a Sig P226, so I went out and bought some Hydra-shoks for it. When I got my shot, I put one just behind the shoulder, and the sucker just walked into a cave there in the draw. It took three more shots in the pitch black cave, and being charged twice, before I got my tag on him. Of course, I was hunting with a bunch of other Jarheads and all I got was abuse for having to shoot him four times. "Jeeze, Smitty, why didn't you just roll a grenade in there if you wanted to tear him up like that?"

One caution I would give: watch for that musk gland on the back, up between the shoulders. Don't get it on your clothes or you won't be welcome back in camp, and don't cut it when you're skinning it or the meat will be no good to anyone.


The gun you surrender will be melted down to form the chains you will wear from then on.
I like the size that you can BBQ whole, and then eat right off the cob :D
But seriously, I know you guys can't leave any in the wild, piggies, or not, but have you ever heard of anyone taking the piggies and penning them and making them domestic again? they may be nasty little suckers, but people raised them before (a few generations ago). what do ya think? I wish we had feral hogs in alaska, from a hunters point of view. I'm not a farmer or I'd probably sing a different tune. Maybe I'll go down there some day and have me a little hunt.
One of the better ideas I've heard of was from my brother-in-law. He's from East Texas, and said that they like to shoot the adults, pen the juveniles, castrate them, cut their tails off, and turn them loose. Later in the year, they have free and tasty pork, and didn't have to do much to raise them.
When you are in a place that has proper facilities, hogs can be raised and there's some small successes at re-domesticating them. Here in Kerrville, there's several people who buy live, wild hogs. Where our ranch is, it isn't a possibility. We just leave 'em lay.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>turn them loose. Later in the year, they have free and tasty pork[/quote]

Yeah, free to them, I bet the farmers in the area love it. "hey jebediah, you mind coming over to shoot a couple of the 20 or so TAILESS PIGS that are rooting up my crop"
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