Hog Dangers?

I saw this in a hunting video several years ago and have never forgotten it.
While the charge might have been staged,
it certainly didn't reflect well on the "professional" hog guide.
This guy and his buddy go bow hunting for hogs. Buddy, intelligently, chooses
to hunt from a tree stand over bait. Pro chooses to spot and stalk with 2 camera
men in tow. Pro shoots pig. Pig runs off. Pro follows blood trail down into a small
ravine. Pig goes down ravine and circles back to the top off one of the flanking ridges,
were he waits for pro and camera crew to come by. As the pro comes didi-bopping by,
with a running commentary no less, pig charges down hill and precedes to chase
one of the camera men. He looks to be goring the hell out of this guy, who is running
away as fast as he can. Every time the pig swung his head up it looked like someone
kicked the guy in the butt.
The cameraman finally shook him off by grabbing a sapling,
bringing himself to a quick stop, raising his legs off the ground which the pig promptly
ran under. I don't remember if the guy finally got the pig, as I was laughing too hard
and busy rewinding to see it again. Pig got the wrong guy, IMO.
His buddy, meanwhile, had shot a couple of pigs, which had dropped like they were
hit with a baseball bat, from the safety and comfort of his treestand.
I don't know if this proves how dangerous hogs can be, but it certainly proves
how dangerous "professional" hog guides can be, to cameramen at least.
I can't remember the name of the video, but it sure shows they'll let about
anyone make them. Glad they weren't going after Cape Buffalo or it wouldn't
have been funny.
What a Rush

On a hog hunt down on the coast of Texas.
I shot one hog behind the ear,drop like a rock.The other ran and I fired a shot at the hog running.
Reloaded my 7Mag and took off looking for blood from the running shot.
Walked up on the sow no more than 10' from me in the tall salt grass.
Man the sow spun around at me fast.All I did was point the barrle at the head and shoot.
The hog drop loke a rock,but man what a rush ,I was shaking for a good while after the hog fell dead.The sow was about 150 lbs and had about 1" tusk.Not big tusk but big enough to do some hurt.
I had shot the running sow in the side far in the back,with the 7 Mag.
I have been run back up in stands before bu sows they can be hostile and dont take away from the boars they can be equally mean been chased by them in the creek bottoms before so you do have bad experinces:D :D :D
HEY!! Beer is important! It was calling my name. Anyways, If you've ever been in a field full of 6 foot high Hay at night alone, with coyotes howling and 30 or so rather upset hogs looking to make a salad out of you, You know it is a bit creepy place to be, Specially with no sidarm. (as inneffective as it was) I might as well have shot that SOw with a Daisy Red Rider. No doubt it died, eventually. I need to find some better bullets or something. Tried a few, but the "Good " ones rarley feed well in my Charles Daly 45. I just cant figure out why that 45 didnt penetrate her forehead.:confused:
If you've ever been in a field full of 6 foot high Hay at night alone, with coyotes howling and 30 or so rather upset hogs looking to make a salad out of you, You know it is a bit creepy place to be

:) I actually feel more safe in the woods at night than I do in the city:)
I have done my fair share of Texas and Oklahoma hog hunting both archery and rifle.
I kill hogs up to 400 lbs in my live traps with a 22short. 1 shot between the eyes or behind the ear. They drop like a rock and bleed out thru a nostrel.
Having said that, usually we "intelligent" hunters are walking down trails and creek bottoms looking for hog sign and sizing up our prey by hog prints and scat. (yea right) That is when we happen upon mister or miss porky.

Usually we hear that grunt/blow from a large hog before we see them if the terrain is thick. By the way, they live in the thick terrain.
On a trail or in a creekbed, that "1 in 360 chance" they come at you is changed to 1 in 2 chances they come up or go down the trail or creekbed.
I shot a 260 lb boar with 2 inches of tusk protruding out his fleshy lips, standing on a trail 10 yards away with a bow and arrow. It involved some sneaking and stealth bumbling. He was in a waller on the same trail. The arrow passed thru his vital area. He spun and looked dead at me.(I guess) Blood was exiting both sides of his ribcage. For a split second I realized I was 20 yards from the nearest tree and 10 yards from him. He dropped to the ground in a contorting rage and came up hauling tail {and cussing out loud in pig language), the other way down the trail. He died 600 yards away on a dead run.
The moral is, most stories about hogs charging usually involve being on a trail or creekbed and you are in their way of an exit. The other is that squeel of pain or fear they let out. It is a call for help and herd animals come to eachother in times of need. If you aren't aware of your surroundings you could be in the midst of the rest of the herd looking for trouble.
Yeah but inthe city , usually you can see more than 3 feet.I always feel like Im in that movie Jurasic Park with the Veloci Raptors trying to get to me.
Yeah but inthe city , usually you can see more than 3 feet.I always feel like Im in that movie Jurasic Park with the Veloci Raptors trying to get to me.

:D I see Hollywood and the Sci Fi is doing there best to keep people out of the woods.
I dont mind being out in the open in the dark, just confined in the dark. Im not CLausterphobic at all, (I'm a former Navy Submariner) Just never know what is going to run out at you. West texas Elephants, grizzly bears, Polar bears, Hippos, all the wild stuff we got here.
Submariner in west Texas? Something is just wrong about that set up. What type of periscope do you use on your winchester ssbn? J/K squid to squid.
I have brought San Angelo back strap home every year for the last 3. mmmmmmmm Must be the prickley pears.
Yeah my Submariner days are over with after 7 years. San angelo huh?? Went to College there '93 or so. Next time you go back , look for my butt. I partied it off there and havent seen it since.