The Greens are anti-RKBA?
This is a no-brainer. Consider, if you will, that a corner-stone of the Green Party is Animal Rights. You can forget about hunting
and fishing if they rise to power.
Furthermore, consider that the Green Party does not believe in private property. So you can forget about the right to own a gun (in the extreme case.)
The Greens would devuldge all power and sovereignty to the UN. No more sovereignty of the people. Probably the scariest part of their platform, in that they would do this, without maintaining any "veto power" to protect us from communistic tendancies.
Here are some specifics from :
Green Party Platform
Jobs for All: A guaranteed right to job. Full employment through community-based public works and community service jobs programs, federally financed and community controlled.
Living Wages: A family-supporting minimum wage. Start at $12.50 per hour in 2000 and index to the cost of living.
30-Hour Work Week: A 6-hour day with no cut in pay for the bottom 80% of the pay scale.
A Proportional, Single-Chamber US Congress: Abolish the disproportional, aristocratic US Senate. Create a single-chamber US Congress, elected by a system of mixed-member proportional representation that combines district representatives elected by preference voting and party representatives seated in proportion to each party's vote.
Environmental Home Rule: Establish the right of every state, county, and municipality to restrict or prohibit the production, sale, distribution, storage, or transportation of any substance it designates as dangerous or toxic. (
Say goodbye to gunpowder)
Environmental Defense and Restoration:
Full funding for anti-pollution enforcement and toxic sites clean-up
Preserve ecosystems and biodiversity by strengthening the Endangered Species Act and expanding areas designated as wildlife refuges and wilderness areas.
Ban old-growth logging, clear cutting, and strip mining.
End all commercial exploitation of public lands by private timber, mining, and cattle grazing interests.
Ban off-road vehicles on federal lands. Decommission National Forest logging roads.
Restoration of public lands degraded by commercial interests.
Manage federal lands primarily for ecosystem protection and restoration.
Support large-scale ecological restoration based on conservation biology.
Strengthen Anti-Trust Enforcement: Require breakup of any firm with more than 10% market share unless it makes a compelling case every five years in a public regulatory proceeding that it serves the public interest to keep the firm intact.
Eliminate Regressive Payroll Taxes: Fund Social Security, Health Care, Unemployment Insurance, and Workers Compensation out of progressive income and wealth taxes.
Guaranteed Adequate Income: Build taxable Basic Income Grants into the progressive income tax structure to create a Universal Social Security system that ensures everyone has income for at least a modest standard of living above the poverty line.
Maximum Income: Build into the progressive income tax a 100% tax on all income over ten times the minimum wage.
Oppose Tort Reform that Limits Class Action Lawsuits and Caps Victims' Compensation: The threat of high victim compensation awards by civil juries must be maintained as an important deterrent to corporate crime.
Civil Liberties: Support the Bill of Rights. No compromise on civil liberties and due process for "national security," "anti-terrorism," or "the war on drugs." Repeal the 1994 Crime and 1996 Anti-Terrorism bills. End domestic political spying by police, military, and intelligence agencies. (
I encourage you to call and find out if they are for "common defense" or "standard model" interpratation of the 2nd Amendment.)
Unilateral Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Disarmament: These weapons of mass destruction have no place in a non-offensive military. The US should set the example and demand that other nations match our lead before the proliferation of weapons to countries around the world leads to mass destruction.
This all took me 5 minutes to compile from their web site. It proves, amoung many scary things, that people of the Green Party were not paying attention over the past 200 years.
cannot be allowed to obtain any power.
"[Even if there would be] few tears shed if and when the Second Amendment is held to guarantee nothing more than the state National Guard, this would simply show that the Founders were right when they feared that some future generation might wish to abandon liberties that they considered essential, and so sought to protect those liberties in a Bill of Rights. We may tolerate the abridgement of property rights and the elimination of a right to bear arms; but we should not pretend that these are not reductions of rights." -- Justice Scalia 1998
[This message has been edited by USP45 (edited June 26, 2000).]