Hitler's Henchmen

The best part about this thread to me is that I have learned some fresh, new, less volatile terms to use as the occasion requires.

From the relatively gentle "Tories", to "Brownshirts" to "anti-self defense zealots" to "Mugger Lovers", we are gaining more forceful terms that are increasingly difficult to defend against but let us hold the high ground!

Good stuff, folks.

Oh, Dave, it's been a decade or more since I was reminded of the little Corporal's real name. Thanks!
Anyone read farenheit 451? how about FIREMAN.

I do like brownshirts though.

I resemble that remark!

Lots of good stuff here. I like brownshirts. I'm also curious as to why so many are unfamilar with the term. Possably due to our goverment run school system which tends to forget certian parts of history?
Yes, I have read Farenheit 451. Fireman works too. But that would be even harder to explain to the current generation of public school graduates since they have probably never heard of the book.
Nazi is really a better term, but as was stated before has been overused. It has reached the point where the person using it is subject to more scrutiny than the person it was directed at.
When all else fails, I still have a large supply of tried and true vulgarities to fall back on.
I'm thankful for the Fifth Amendment, or I'd have to confess to MANY criminal thoughts over the years!!

I'm familiar with, and too quick to use, some of those "tried and true vulgarities".

Problem seems to be it frequently dilutes my message, diverts my efforts, and drives away possible sympathizers. So I am trying (and trying, and trying) to modify my previous sub-maximized efforts.

Sometimes life is a female pooch.

(Lookie lookie! Grump's trying to be PC!)

Sugar cookie eater, Grump!
BROWNSHIRT... I like it...

I think it is a sad state of affairs when people don't know the history of the U.S. and the world in general. Having had Uncles, and other relatives who have fought in wars, I took especial interest in history. But then I also enjoyed reading (and still do) and didn't have a TV in my room to brainwash me until I was 14 or so (and it only got maybe 20 stations total).

"those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it"

I wonder how many young, teeny liberals would be surprized and shocked to find out that firearms were the instrument used to wrestle our freedom and liberties from England.

Live Free or Die...