Hitler's Henchmen


Staff Emeritus
In “A Nation of Cowards”, Mr. Jeffrey Snyder states that gun owners are routinely
portrayed as uneducated, paranoid rednecks fascinated by and prone to violence,
etc. He notes New York Gov. Mario Cuomo's famous characterization of
gun-owners as "hunters who drink beer, don't vote, and lie to their wives about
where they were all weekend." Mr. Snyder also notes that Sen. Edward Kennedy
characterized the NRA as the "(drug) pusher's best friend."

We, as gun owners, have found it difficult to pin a unique pejorative label on gun
control advocates. We have applied all the conventional insults, even coined some
new ones such as “anti-self-defense advocates”; but we have not found one single
term that clearly defines gun control concepts or those who advocate them - at
least not a term we would use comfortably in church!

Mr. Snyder may have provided us with the perfect term for Sarah Brady and her
ilk. This term even can be applied to those honest, peace-loving people who have
deluded themselves into believing the gun-control concept.

The camera, radio, and press are mere tools and, like guns, can be used for good
or ill. Hitler, after all, was a masterful orator, used radio to very good effect, and is
well known to have pioneered and exploited the propaganda opportunities
afforded by film. And then, of course, there were the Brownshirts, who knew
very well how to quell dissent among intellectuals.

((unquote, stress added))

I submit the term “Brownshirts” is a dandy label for gun control advocates
- They are elitists or serve elitists who advocate an oligarchy.
- They are statists, advocating control by a centralized government; therefore,
- They support the concepts of totalitarianism, total government control, and
subjugation of the populace.
- They apparently believe that by advocating tyrannical government control, they
will gain some benefit from the tyrants they support.
- They advocate and utilize methods which disregard integrity, truth, facts,
humanity, common sense, and the value of the individual which proves,
- They are willing to employ any means to justify their totalitarian ends.

All of these traits support and justify the label “Brownshirts”. This term, as a
noun, lends itself to some appropriate adjectives:
- “Totalitarian Brownshirts”, because of the traits listed above.
- “Intellectual Brownshirts”, because of the way they select facts out of context,
twist the truth to the point of strangulation, create lies to support their goals,
demonize anyone who DARES to challenge or to oppose them and try to bully
into total submission anyone who tries to contradict or even reason with them.
(Ref Rosie v. Selleck)
- “Tyrannical Brownshirts”, because of their methods and goals.
- “Out-of-their-mind Brownshirts”, because they apparently believe their “words”
will keep tyrants subject to their person whim and “Just say NO!” will stop rapists,
robbers, and murderers in their tracks.
- “Modern Brownshirts”, because we recognize their intellectual efforts closely
parallel the physical efforts of Hitler’s Henchmen.
- “Cowardly Brownshirts”, because they won’t confront us on an even basis and
they advocate the government do the dirty work of enforcement.
- “Anti-American Brownshirts”, because they are the antithesis of us who believe
in liberty and freedom.

Is the term “Brownshirts” appropriate for our use? I believe so. I believe that if
WE repeat this term enough, in all our conversations and correspondence, the
HCI-types will be recognized more readily as the tyrants they truly are!

Imagine a Saturday Night Live performance of a debate between gun-control
advocates and an NRA representative.
Until now, the NRA guy would be stereotyped as the redneck hunter, spitting
tobacco, dirty, unkempt, with all manner of firearms hanging from his body and
Until now, the HCI-type would be a school-teacher character to be offended and
abused by the NRA guy.
IF we could get that HCI-type to be a Hitlerian Brownshirt, the NRA-guy
wouldn’t look so bad! More importantly, the HCI-type would be more accurately

It’s time we call ‘em like we see ‘em. It’s time we unite behind our goals, but fight
on different levels (more on this later). It’s time we call a spade a “spade”. It’s
time we call these representatives and advocates of tyranny by a name they
deserve, “Brownshirts!”

I await your appraisal.
I generally concur. I would take only one exception, and that is to "intellectual brownshirts", as I believe the terms are mutually exclusive and your explanation does not describe the actions of an intellectual, but of a demagogue, a liar, and a moron.

Try instead "Pseudo-intellectual brownshirts".
As an added bonus, most of 'em won't have the slightest clue what the reference means. Insult 'em to their faces, and walk away smiling.

Like I don't do that anyway, but you know.

"When you go down, you go down fighting."
Sepultura, "Ambush"
(chuckle) I won't argue your valid point. It was that very dichotomy that appealed to me!
So, although I didn't come up with your version, I think I'll use BOTH. That ought to screw 'em up even more!

(God, how I love it!)
You guys are thinking HCI and the Unwashed Masses know or care what a "Brown-Shirt" is.

Then we must make them know and make them care. We have been the verbal underdog too long. The Brownshirt tag seems to fit both them and their tactics and it is more acceptable than simply calling them lying mo....f....rs.

I am open to alternatives. Let's hear 'em.
I just say "du bist einen Deutscher guten"...

they get a feeling and if they want a translation, I say "Nazi".
They are Nazi's and they know it

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Brownshirts? Never even heard of them until you posted it. Seems it would be recognized only by jews.

How about "PUNKERS".

Punkers are young, stupid, into body mutilation, tattoos, drugs, stupid life styles, wierd clothes, wierd hair styles, wierd attitudes and wierd behaviors. New age punkers, aids infested punkers, diseased punkers, stupid punkers, skinhead punkers, purple hair punkers, nose ring punkers, attitude punkers, homosexual punkers, idiot punkers.........

Geeze! Talk about wierd? A freakin bunch of PUNKERS! God help us!
Today, I doubt that 10% of an audience even knows who the brownshirts were. I prefer the terms "anti-gun gang" or "gun ban gang". Sometimes, I'll use "gangsters" instead of "gang". Usually gets them going, and I smirk at their silliness, just like Chuckie Schumer does. I also have a pamphlet from something called "Citizens Against Guns" which advocates the imposition of martial law, house to house searches by the military, and "the execution, without the nonsense of a trial, of everyone in a house where a gun or a bullet is found." I wave this at them and ask why they want to kill 100 million Americans.

Won't be much of a country let if "Citizens Against Guns" has their way. And, there won't be any of them left even though they sent others to do the nasty work.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Viellicht wir haben zu viel vergessen. Zu viele Leute haben schon vergessen was die verdammten Regierungen machen koennen.
((Please excuse errors, my German books are packed away and I am 23 years out of practice.))

Mozhet byt' my uzhe zabyli slishkom mnogo. Slishkom mnogo lyudej uzhe zabyli chto delayut gosudarstva.
((CR, here's your big chance, buddy!))

Perhaps we have forgotten too much. Too many people have forgotten already what the damned governments can do.
I am startled that the term "Brownshirt" is no longer common knowledge. Personally, I prefer that term to "Nazi" - which has been used in mere anger for so long that it has lost any real meaning.

I also prefer that term to words which ONLY antagonize and detract from the effectiveness of our very valid arguments and goals.

If "Brownshirt" makes people stop and think, it can only be to our advantage. I am going to use the term and explain it in detail as required to enlighten the gun control crowd.

"Punkers" may offend some of the younger punk.... people who have different standards than I have. However, if the "Punkers" will vote against the increasing tyranny of our government, I will try not to offend them and drive them into Sarah Brady's camp.

I'm serious about this, folks. I am setting aside all the arguments about religion, gay rights, abortion, veterans' benefits, Social Security and other "entitlements", base closing, overseas military involvements, potholes in the streets, garbage pickup, etc. etc.

We must unite against the threats to the Second Amendment! If we fragment ourselves with other topics, we will lose the right to keep and bear arms. At that point, all those other arguments become lost. The "government" will make ALL those decisions FOR us (yeah, and "for the children").

If you want to have a voice or any influence in other areas, you better secure your right to keep and bear arms. Otherwise, your opinions will have less impact than passing gas in a whirlwind.

It's perfect, Dennis!

The word, "Nazi" is overused and now lacks some punch with these characters.

While many of these brownshirts (almost left the second "r" out) are totally ignorant of Ernst Rohm and, "The Night of the Long Knives," but they do know that "brownshirt" is bad.

The fact that the SA developed in time into something extremley wrong is very relevant in my mind. I've heard some SA and SS members on the History Channel explain that they had no idea in 1934 that their association would become involved in wholesale murder.

Once more, perfect!

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited June 18, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited June 18, 1999).]
Brownshirts - I like it. But I do see some problems with it, at least once they figure out what we're calling them. After all, they think they're only doing it "for the children" and for a more "civilized" America. Remember the NRA's "Jack Booted Thugs" ad? However accurate, it did more harm than good to our cause. If we're going to use it, we need tons of good solid facts to link them to the methods/intentions of the brownshirts and Nazis in general. Otherwise, it looks like we're demonizing a bunch of mothers who are just looking out for their children (your average HCI member's - and the media's - point of view, I think). Who comes off looking bad?

We need some good press here and now. W're being hurt right now, and we need to recover some lost ground. I remember a study that said that an armed citizen was much more likely to render assistance to a stranded motorist than an unarmed one - we need more positive press like that. People need to know that their fellow armed citizens are their best friends in a crises. Who is more likely to respond first to a call for help? Your neighbor, or the police?

I've always liked "Tories"....

DC, the "du" form is reserved for children and very close personal friends. I think (my bad German is rusty) the phrase you want is "Sie sind eine guten Deutscher." I always liked Winston Churchill's pronunciation of Nazis - "Nahrtsees" - it doesn't type well, but it sounds downright insulting.

Beginner barbarians probably had the idea that every house they broke into would be full of untouched loot and frightened, unarmed victims. It just doesn't work that way, my friend.
Thanks, Destructo6. At least it's a term I can use with Mom's priest!

Danger Dave,

We’re on the same wavelength here. Both “Tories” and “Brownshirts” (IMO)
address blind followers of tyrants. Perhaps Tories is a kinder, gentler approach
than mine and should be used first. Brownshirts saved for the Rosie-style attacks
rather than discussions.

Have to admit it gives us two good counter attacks.

Agree wholeheartedly on the need for good press. I hope shooting clubs publicize
their meets with lots of “wholesome family fun” photos.

We also need to spread the More Guns, Less Crime concept. Hmm. I wonder if
tiptoeing through an almanac would give written proof of that concept.

Appreciate the comment, DD. I think I’ll be using both terms. Additional arrows
in the (verbal) quiver, so to speak.

I've always liked "Mugger-lovers". When folks say, "Huh?", I just explain that muggers prefer unarmed victims, so those who would eliminate a means of self defense must be on the side of the muggers.

Or, "the Pro-crime crowd", with the same explanations...

We're on the same page, for sure. Both George III and corporal Schicklegruber represented totally authoritarian states who were intent on oppressing their own subjects as well as their neighbors. Somebody gave them the power they held, and they used it - on both loyal subjects and the opposition.

I like Tories because it may make people think about why a bunch of radical rabble-rousers started this whole "keep and bear arms" stuff. If we're really lucky, some of them may actually learn why that was (and still is, if you follow current events in Kosovo, Haiti, Somalia, etc) such a big deal to the Founding Fathers.

If they don't care about facts and fundamental guiding principles, just blind allegiance to a false ideal, then I don't think brownshirts is too harsh a term. If they figure out what it means, maybe they'll learn something there, too. Like what happens to the overly-powerful supporters of a totalitarian regieme (The Night of the Long Knives, for example). Or what can happen as a result of the "civilized order" they so crave (Gestapo, Kristallnacht, concentration camps, sending their children to die far from home in a hopeless war for the greed and power of a few, etc.).
I think 'Brownshirt' has a lot of promise. And, I too am a bit surprised it is not widely known. That is actually a bit of an advantage. It would encourage people to look the term up in history books, and in so doing they might begin to notice the similarities.

I use 'anti-self defense' all the time now, and it really ticks them off. I like that part, since it is also so darn true!

The anti-self defense / anti-gun crowd deserve to be demonized. In the long run, what they are attempting is very evil, IMHO. And, I don't often use that term.

ps - DC, is 'Citizens Against Guns' a group that has a web site?

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited June 18, 1999).]
I've always enjoyed calling them gov nuts, or victim disarmers, but brownshirts works, too. Kinda coincidental, 'cause I've been calling our overly zealous Fish and Wildlife troopers brownshirts for years. Then again, they do wear brown shirts. If the shirt fits...

And I suppose cloth-eared moron is just too long to work well.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."