Hitler ist Deutschland!


Staff Emeritus
When Adolf Hitler consolidated his power over Germany, he *became*
Germany in the minds of many Germans. This was exemplified in a
speech where the speaker screamed dramatically, “Hitler ist
Deutschland!” (Pause, wild applause!) “Deutschland ist Hitler!”
(Hitler is Germany. Germany is Hitler.)

The German state, its people, its government, its entire infrastructure
then became embodied in a single man - Adolf Hitler.

On Thursday (10/14/99), American President
William Clinton held a press conference to display his anger at the Senate for NOT approving a Nuclear Test Ban Treaty which he already had signed. He attempted to politicize the Senate’s failure to approve the treaty he signed as President - as though every Democrat voted for it and every Republican voted against it. (Clearly we are entering the election period where the parties try vainly to differentiate the meager differences between them.)

I am not addressing the value of the treaty - we can save that for
another thread. But I received an e-mail quoting President Clinton from
this press conference. The quote was, "...Regardless of what the Senate
says, as long as my name is on the treaty, we (the United States) are
obligated to honor it..."

Interestingly enough, the San Antonio Express-News today devoted more
than 25 column-inches to this press conference but did NOT include this
bombastic quote!

The (e-mail) writer pointed out a Constitutional problem with the
President’s statement. In Article II, Section 2, among the powers of the
President, we find the following:

“He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate,
to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; ...”

If the President’s quote is accurate (and I have every reason to believe it
is true), we again have clear proof that President Clinton considers
himself above and beyond our Constitution. He believes he can obligate
the United States to treaties without the advice or consent of the Senate
- even over the Senate’s opposition! IF the quote is accurate, this proves
President Clinton is a megalomaniac!

If the President’s quote is accurate, it also proves again he is a liar.

Upon taking office, William J. Clinton swore on a Holy Bible, “I do
solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of the President of
the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect
and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

So, IF the quote is accurate, we have proof our President is a lying


Where are the Democrats who will state publicly that our President is a
disgrace to his political party?

Where are the Republicans who will state publicly that our President is a
megalomaniac? He has, “1: a mania for great or grandiose performance.
2: a delusional mental disorder that is marked by infantile feelings of
personal omnipotence and grandeur.” (Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate

Where is the outcry from our Senators, from our Representatives, from
our Governors, from our media, from our people? As of this writing,
there is none.

Our President is a dangerous, vain, megalomaniac, who apparently
believes “Clinton is the United States! The United States is Clinton!” But
he remains the current leader of the Democrat/Republican government.

Very few politicians dare “rock the boat”. With a few notable exceptions,
our politicians are all part of the same homogenous political structure,
carefully maintaining some pretense of opposing views which they
“compromise” for the “good” of our nation.

Very few members of the media dare “rock the boat”. They would be
expelled from “the inner circle” of political friends. As reporters, their
careers would be dead.

Therefore the American people are left with a homogenous government
and media, working together to make each other look good, while a
maniac binds our countries with foreign obligations over the mere
posturings of the guardians of our freedom.

Apparently it has become true. As voters continue to support the current
two-party political machine, as readers continue to support the servile,
socialistic media power structures, we all perpetuate the reign of
Republican/Democrat/media collusion that has created and continues to
support the conditions where:

“Clinton is the United States. The United States is Clinton.”

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited October 15, 1999).]
Considering the context of the treaty and Dennis' above reference to 'der Fuhrer', perhaps Billy Boy has, in addition, a multiple personality disorder. Ironically, embodying the worst aspects of two contemporaries, Adolf Hitler and Neville Chamberlain. ;)

"Peace in our time".

veritas vos liberabit

I have searched and searched and cannot find the quote you reference. If he didn't say it, then the whole point is moot.

Except the point that George made, I know that to be true without any quotations to back it up. :)


"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsey Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
It is the current corruption of our once great government that allows a president to act like a dictator (megalomania is a psycopathological condition of most dictators). To go unrestrained, to proceed with arrogance, to act is if the world is his to dominate, is the direct result of this corruption. The apathy of our elected Congress to act on behalf of the American public and the rule of law outlined by the Constitution exemplifies this corruption.

Once, speech was free and unbiased in this great land. To say the media is simply not a part of this current corruption would be like saying that no conspiracy exists. A free and unbiased press would expose this usurpation, corruption, and leftist agenda for what it is. The American people would revolt.

But we couldn't have that now, could we?
Here it is from the White House webpage.

THE PRESIDENT: "Oh, China. Let me say -- well, I will say again, the Chinese have taken the position we have, that they won't test. I hope they will continue to honor it. ALL I CAN TELL YOU IS, WE'RE NOT GOING TO TEST, I SIGNED THAT TREATY, IT STILL BINDS US UNLESS I GO, IN EFFECT, AND ERASE OUR NAME -- unless the President does that and takes our name off, we are bound by it. And we've not been testing since '92. So the Chinese should have every assurance that, at least as long as this administration is here, we support nuclear testing."

." Today I say again, on behalf of the United States, we will continue the policy we have maintained since 1992 of not conducting nuclear tests."

As I understand how he can do this...(legally).. The signer of the treaty is bound by the treaty but it will not hold the force of law until it is ratified. Only then after the US and a specific percentage of countries ratify it will the intrusive monitoring powers of it be enforced. Not too much to worry about yet because the numbers of countries that have to ratify it would almost impossible to reach.

His arrogance still ticks me off and this concerns me but, this is the least of our worries right now.

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate

[This message has been edited by freefinkelmann (edited October 15, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by freefinkelmann (edited October 15, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by freefinkelmann (edited October 16, 1999).]
Hmmmm...when I was taking Social Studies (many many many moons ago), we were taught that a basic principle in our system of government was the "Checks and Balances" principle. 'Twas meant to be a safeguard against a dictatorship or an Oligarchy.

But yeah, Clinton does seem to have this idea that, being President, he is somehow above the Constitution he had sworn to uphold.

Exodus 22:2 -- Biblical precedent for home defense.
Is "Checks and Balance" still in the vocabulary. I thought Clinton made that illegal through one of his EO's.

lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate
Dennis, you know as well as anyone that I am not and never will be an apologist for Clinton. But, I listened to the press conference live and I didn't hear an arrogant statement such as that described. There were several other arrogant statements, but not that one. However, I didn't listen extremely closely, hanging on his every word, I had to look at the spittoon every now and then. :)

As for the NTBT, with our computer modeling capabilities, I question the necessity for physical testing. But, like you said that's a whole 'nother story.
Interesting how he refers to himself as "we" and "our".


...excuse me while I bow and puke on his shoes...


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
OK, guys, time to cool off, isn't it? I mean, basically we've all been shown that Clinton was misquoted at best. What do you think it says about us to others (antis) when we show that we'll hang onto a misquote rather than admit that Bill Clinton didn't commit treason this time? Let it go.

Also, you will all pay dearly for forcing me into defending Bill Clinton. I'm gonna go spit and rinse while you think about what I said. Prepare yourselves for the e-wedgies of a lifetime!


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron

The treaty is non-binding, unenforceable and is so much soapsuds until it is ratified.
Clinton also signed the Kyoto treaty...means nothing until ratified.
A smart person would wait until ratified to sign...an egomaniac showboating fool signs first and uses that to pressure ratification....as if any logical thinker gives a rats arse how it effects His Bubba's image.
In reality, what it shows to others is that Clinton has a big mouth and a bigger foot and he is not as in charge as he wants the furriners to think.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I must admit, waiting for my source to confirm or deny his Clinton quote is a bit
unsettling. Time will tell.

The local newspaper I can quote accurately. “He [Clinton] pledged to abide by the
treaty’s provisions and warned countries with nuclear ambitions like China, India
and Pakistan not to interpret the defeat as a signal that they are free to resume

We shall see what Clinton’s words actually were.
Well, the US can not detonate any nukes without the direct authorization of the President, so if he says we ain't gonna do it then we ain't, and there is no treason involved or anything else. Anything he might say as Prez is subject to IMMEDIATE revocation as soon as the inauguration of the next Prez is complete, I don't see a problem.

Why the dickens we need to ever test a nuke again is beyond me anyhow. Being able to drop 10 or 20 million tons of TNT onto any spot on the globe with 45 minutes notice, without risking so much as a broken nail, should be enough.
I heard test ban ratification would limit our missle defence testing?

Fourth and Long, to punt or not to punt...that is the question.

Your colorful words about the King were far too kind.

"OUR NAME"??? I don't remember signing it. Do you???

I believe I had it wrong or wasn't very clear.

The idea of Clinton saying that a signed treaty, void of ratification holding any obligation, is another one of his legalize..but it doesn't have the force of Law. Much like a EO until Congress gives the OK. That is, I believe until the ratification is voted down...which it was. For him to say we would recognize the treaty, after Congress shot it down, is what one would expect from a DICTATOR.

Things are getting worse by the day.

This isn't the country the Founding Fathers intended.

[This message has been edited by freefinkelmann (edited October 16, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by freefinkelmann (edited October 16, 1999).]
Clinton also this week called for the military in Pakistan to remember to honor and abide by the Pakistan constitution.
Too bad he can't honor ours!
As for swearing on the bible, he hasn't quite opened that book yet...

I read it as a royal "we" and "our". Not inclusive of we the people of the united states.

eg: "So, your Highness, how are we feeling today?"

"We are disturbed in the head..."



"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited October 16, 1999).]
Actually, I think Bill still believes in 'checks and balances'. Just has a different perspective on the issue, that's all.

Other folks, like the Chinese, are supposed to send 'checks' to him and the Democrats. And, he trys to 'balance' his love life and his poll numbers.

Gotta 'think outside the box' to understand his brillant mind ... ;)