History channel's "Chasing Tail"....Seriously?

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Tried to watch the show but couldn't,

because the "hunters" jabbered too much.

HOWEVER, I would rather see someone helping solve the urban deer problem this way than know about the ways one affluent tree hugging St. Louis county suburb handled it.

Town n Country, Missouri had and has a huge 'urban deer problem'. The deer were responsible for many many auto accidents and thousands of dollars in landscaping damage. But, enough of the residents didn't want to see Bambi killed so they convinced the MO dept of cons to trap the deer and transplant them to more urban surroundings. MDC explained that a huge majority of these deer would die because deer don't accept relocation! So, they radio collared the transplants and studied the results. Something close to 98/100 of the deer died within a year!

Fast forward about 5 years and the problem was back. This time, the city HIRED "sharpshooters" and MDC waived the spotlighting laws and the ANTI-BAITING laws to allow the sharpshooters a free for all depredation. This cost the city something in the neighborhood of $200 per deer. MDC recommended the city allow Archery hunting within the city to alleviate the problem but NO, that just wouldn't do.

So, if this show plants a the seed of a reasonable solution in just 1 tree hugging bureaucrat's head, I am GLAD they are showing it. As for me, I just change the channel:)
I've seen an episode of the show and its pretty rediculous. Pest removal is one thing, but calling yourself a hunter while in full camo on a deck blows my mind. Plus they stole my name without asking for it ;)
tail !

all these supposed (reality show's) really get my blood presure up ,every time you turn around they got a new one . they are so assanine they realy tell you what they think about there vewing public's age 12-13 and intellegence .maybe i am just getting to old 54there is just about nothing on tv worth watching ,if there is you get 1/2 hour of commershals in a hour . my rant is over :confused:
You guys crack me up. We are in the days of "Honey booboo" and you get bent out of shape about a show that portrays hunting in a positive light.
Not everyone hunts the way that you do. That doesn't make them wrong. If they are within the laws and not spreading misinformation about our sport you really need to relax. Pick a battle where there is one.
There is no sport nor challenge in shooting a deer off a deck that you know is going to be there. It certaintly does not make you a deer hunter in doing so.
"There is no sport nor challenge in shooting a deer off a deck that you know is going to be there."

Saves a lot of walking, though. :D
Up until a year ago we lived in Chesterfiled/Wildwood MO, its deer situation and environment is similar to the TV show.
The deer are positively taking over...30 to 40 of them grazing in the fields, they eat your plants down to the dirt, and despite having learned to look both ways before crossing the road we still hit plenty, but at slow speed so they die just as slowly.
I've had them come in my yard huffing at me and stomping a hoof....my dog ran that one off.
And now its rumored there are a few mountain lions skulking around areas positively loaded with kids.

I think the show is lol funny and they're helping to reduce a problem.
They seem to be good-humored decent people who are skilled and try to follow the rules.
I say they should be allowed to use crossbows if its more effective.
Sure does, I've taken one off a friends deck at the end of the season just to put some meat in the freezer and use my tag. Your feet and legs appreciate it, but doesn't feel as good as a nice long succesful hunt.
I've seen the show several times and I find it entertaining. I think a couple of the guys are borderline jerks, but they'd probably think I am too. They do seem to follow the rules, and whatnot. That guy who's the host I guess it is goes out of his way to make sure the landowners are happy and that he's got all the legal paperwork.

As for camo on the back deck, what'd you expect him to wear? A chef's hat and apron? I admit that I would think of that more as "deer killing" than "deer hunting" but that really is what the property owner wants. The deer is eating her petunia's or whatever. Shoot it in the petunia's.

I guess the big thing that surprises me is paying someone to process the meat. We always did that ourselves, but I understand that it's common in some places to have a professional do it.
this is a good show. they are actual hunters. there is no 20 minute commentary on how this one has nicer horns then that one, none of that stupid lame ass crap about "the g2 on that one is sooooo much nicer then that other deer' or "i wasnt expecting this to have a kicker here".

they want meat. thats what hunting is about. they arent afraid to show themselves hunting down does and eating them. bravo.

and as to the use of a commercial butcher, if you paid attention they give the landowners some deer meat. and i believe in some areas you cant give wild game meat to anyone unless it was professionaly butched in an inspected facility.
and as to the use of a commercial butcher, if you paid attention they give the landowners some deer meat. and i believe in some areas you cant give wild game meat to anyone unless it was professionaly butched in an inspected facility.

Maybe so, but I never heard of that either. Around here if we want to give meat to the landowner, we usually just drop off a whole deer...or we butcher it ourselves.

Learn something new everyday. Thanks.
Never seen this show. Probably never will. Sounds like the people are decent guys that like hunting.
No time for such things. The outdoors are too beautiful and the property needs constant work. No tv for me. I have seen some hunting shows, generally I believe they are 30 minute adverts for gear and guns. Rather split some more wood or shoot airguns with the kid in the backyard. You can't learn the same things from watching a show as you can by spending your time doing things.
Yea, I see your point, feel mostly the same about the internet, but in this case they dont seem to pimp anyones gear... its 70% about the comical interactions between hunters and land owners, the other 30% is hunting tips and giving each other a hard time.
the only time they have "fancy gear" they make fun out of it. this is real hunting. sad to say but it is. no drooling over horns and that crap.
Originally posted by ChasingWhitetail91:

There is no sport nor challenge in shooting a deer off a deck that you know is going to be there. It certaintly does not make you a deer hunter in doing so.

So.......how do you place your stands? Randomly pick a spot because of comfort or access and hope and pray a deer might come by? Or do you place it somewhere you are positive will have a deer walk by within shooting range? Have you ever "patterned" the deer you are hunting? It is a method of scouting and watching animals until you know when and where they are gonna be at a particular spot. You then hunt that spot for the deer you KNOW are gonna be there. Does that certainly not make you a deer hunter also by doing so? Same goes for the camo clothing. Most of us that bowhunt, have one good hunting outfit for any given particular weather condition....and it generally is in camo. If we hunt outta a ground blind, even tho we don't need the camouflage, we still wear it because it's what we have and it works well for what we are doing. I assume this is the case in the T.V.show. It also probably helps to identify them to neighbors as bow hunters when they have to trail a deer onto another property.

As I said before, the show is just a T.V. show meant to entertain mainstream America. While it is not the hunt most of us enjoy and envision, it's still more a a hunt than those shows where World famous Jackie Buckshooter pays high dollars for a outfitter to bait an area and set up a stand or blind. Then after a big all you can eat breakfast, a ride to the stand in the outfitters' warm truck and sittin' for a coupla hours in a heated blind, Ol' Jackie shoots a "shooter" buck and exclaims......."man, that was a tuff hunt, but we stuck it out and it paid off!"
It's pretty much a waste of psychic energy to get all exercised over how various people choose to hunt. Pickin' fly-poop out of pepper ain't remunerative as a career choice.

Let's let the poor ol' hoss go on and expire peacefully. :)
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