His Last Bow

Well all I can say is...........

Best of luck. Come back when you are ready because another point of view is always welcome.

Stay safe,

Coineach, the masses just dont get it. At this stage of the game ,you are making the right decision. Relax and enjoy life as we all head into perilous times the next few months. The train is heading for the washed out bridge and we cant change that fact. But the frustrations of warning the masses are overwhelming. I am heading your way also.

I hate to see you go, man, I enjoy reading your posts...even the more "colorful" ones. I understand why though. I don't express a lot of my thoughts on the current societal situations that often, in order to keep my blood pressure at a healthy level.

I have long admired your ability to speak your mind...I often have a lot of thoughts in my head, but ain't that good at expressing them on virtual "paper". Take care, and come back soon!

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
je suis prest
Don't leave. Just change your frequency. You have a great rep. I attended CC and UCCS both, so I know, love and miss your posts in reference to the Gazette. I'm back in OK where Gaylord who also owned the "Sun" and Gazette still rules. Keep in touch anyway.
Coin, mate ;)

If you're feeling what I felt a couple of weeks back ... you have my sympathy.

Follow the advice you and others gave me .... take a short break, smell the coffee (or the Guiness)

.... and come back to chat to your old friends when you feel up to it.

But don't go for good ... that would be tragic.

What the hell are you doing? The thing that makes TFL so good is the free exchange of ideas. So what if some don't agree with you? The fact remains that the idea was aired for all to see, think about and comment on. You come up with some good stuff. You make people think. Knowledge is gained by examining all possibilities.
As a recepient of a few of those well directed post's Im gonna miss ya, do what ya must and be safe...fubsy.