His Last Bow


Staff Alumnus
Yeah, I'm a Sherlock Holmes fan. :)

Given my short temper and frequent musings on (if not support for) violence as a means of ending tyranny, I have decided to take a leave of absence from TFL. (Thank you, you can stop applauding and sit down now.)

I shall never give up the fight; I'll merely keep it to myself, lest someone else be tarred with my brush.

I'll be happy to debate/argue/flame via email with anyone who so chooses.


"Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets."
--Jeff Cooper
Or you could follow my example and stick to technical subjects, by and large.

ObTechQuestion: has anyone used CCI Blazer 158grain JHP or JSP ammo? Opinions?
Or kicking sand...I've heard that works too!!

OHHH and there is sitting on pots of water to extinguish the lighted a**...

:D :D :D :D

[This message has been edited by LadydeeJ (edited September 02, 1999).]
I also have fallen into the ranks of silent malcontentment. Long ago I found it was far better for me to keep my views to myself rather than open my mouth and draw fire from the masses.

Someday something that is important to them will be in jepordy, be it religious freedom, or something else, and they will turn to us for help.

The question is, Will we rise to the ocassion, forgiving thier prior apathy towards our beliefs, and come to thier rescue?

Only time will tell


Why? Why Why?

I don't know about the rest, but I for one enjoy reading your rants. You seem to post to most of the threads I read and always have something provocative to say. (I mean that in a good way) As far as your musings on violence, I trust that they are just musings. (I hope they are just musings) While that may not always be the best PR-wise for gun rights folks, signing off doesn't seem like much of a course of action.

Would you mind going into more detail on why you would decide this? If I should MYOB, then just say so, but if you are questioning something that's going on, then maybe we all should.

Please share.

"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsay Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
I too would like to see you forego your LOA. C'mon, Coin, you da man. You make life interesting here. Take a little heat, now and then maybe, but you're not "painting" anyone else, and if you are, who cares? Don't leave unless Rich makes you! Keep up the good work. As suggested, if your blood pressure is too high, stick to gun stuff only (by the way, why are you even peeking on this forum, rat?). Pipe in occasionally at the very least to make your thoughts known. You are very insightful and helpful to the discussions here. If you do go, come back soon!
I am peeking either out of tedium or to take my mind off other things. I have long since stopped relying on TFL or any other info source for my news. Any new event fits neatly into the world as I know it and, lately, nothing had been too weird. I am set with arms, just need to keep up training and I keep up attempts to stir up healthy debate.

Anything I say here or elsewhere isn't really profound, just keeping up friendly banter. At this point, I am back to living a life and will open up when and if trouble comes into range. Until them, R&R is in order.
Coinneach, if you must go, I hope it helps your peace of mind. But don't do it for us; we're big boys and girls who still (for awhile, anyway) have the freedom to associate.

I do hope that you'll at least lurk (and slip me an email tip or two ;)).

Take care.

No,No,No! Please don't go. I enjoy your expressions and very often agree and generally sympathize.
Please stay as you make interesting and valuable contributions. marsh

P.S. I also have a satanic looking black cat who is spoiled rotten.
Coinneach, I sure hope the aside I posted the other day hasn't helped drive this decision. I do think you get a little frothy at times, but I've always felt that I could trust people who show a little passion more so than those who keep everything under absolute control(You remind me of the Unix sysadmin I work with, another Irishman BTW). Your articulate and pithy commentary always provokes me to think outside of my own little box.
Take a rest, come back soon, but don't tone it down unless it's hurting you. And remember- if you decide to make other changes, Texas not only has computers, guns, and Shiner Bock, but also women and music!
Son, I'll miss ya'. Come back now and then to let us know you are alive and well.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Coinneach, you must do what you must.
But I like to read your posts. I may not agree with them but they are food for the ol'brain. I also do agree with you.
Take care and stay safe.
Ok, Irish. I echo teh sentiments above. I enjoy your perspective and insights, and if you must take a break, I hope you'll cruise by from time to time. Take care of yourself and keep teh wind at your back.
Best regards, M2
If your choice is final - You will be missed.

Best Regards,

"The rage is relentless... We need a movement with a quickness.
You are a witness of change and to counteract - We gotta take the power back!"

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
You haven't asked your Don...

"What have I done to make you treat me so disrespectfully?"

No one has complained to me Coin....I, personally, enjoy your fires, then again I can't live without habanero sauce either

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
You will be missed. I enjoy reading your rantings and have expanded my own ideas somewhat due to your posts among others.
Some of these people will surely drift into some far out stuff without you to give them direction. Please reconsider. Obviously DC is heartbroken. Or at the very least heartburning!

Better days to be,
