Hillary ????

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Handyman: It would take about 20 seconds of an Internet search using Hillary Clinton and gun legislation to discover she is rabidly against the private ownership of firearms.

Why are you asking a question here that is so easily answered by searching the internet?

I think the answer is obvious.;)
Illegal immigrants are bad... unless you put a face on them, huh?

Wow. Just wow. Elian Gonzalez was not an "illegal immigrant". He was a refugee from Cuba, here seeking political asylum......nothing "illegal" about it.
Please...everyone.. If you don't yet know about Ron Paul and where he stands on everything, you really need to. He's the only choice. All the other republicans are pro war, neo-cons who want big government, more spending and more messes around the world. Hillary wants to sell credits so corporations can pollute more. Obama wants to ban CCW period. Guiliani wants you to be safe, by taking away every freedom you have!
Please, don't discount this...Find out about Ron Paul. The media ignores him or tries to make him look bad.
Ron Paul is a 10 term congressman, was a physician for 40 years, married for 50, served 5 years in Airforce. He ran on libertarian ticket in '88. He's an expert on the constitution and makes his decisions based on ideals of the founding fathers. He wants to make US a non intervention foreign policy and instead of spreading "freedom" through force, we'll change the world by setting a social, economical and moral example here!!
We spend a trillion+ each year in foreign affairs, we've borrowed 500 billion recently from China, social security is broke, war has no end in sight and we've lost and are losing freedom due to the war on terror and the patriot act!!. Ron is the most conservative republican running. Please listen to him, watch him and read his writings. He's honest, has respect even when other candidates don't, he's got great integrity and all in all is a great person, who is running for us, not him.
You need to know about him!! www.ronpaul2008.com
Please!! watch these videos that give a general idea:
All I know is that every time I hear her start screeching, she reminds me of my Ex-wife. I can't listen to that for 4 years. I'll go insane.

No, you simply neglected to understand the law (1995 revision of the 1966 Cuban Adjustment act). Since he was not on dry land but at sea when he was picked up, different rules apply.

Not a particularly GOOD application/law/morality, but both the adjectives "illegal" and "immigrant" apply here.
All I know is that every time I hear her start screeching, she reminds me of my Ex-wife. I can't listen to that for 4 years. I'll go insane.

You sound like a hippie talking about your "feelings" rather than facts when you do that.
No, you simply neglected to understand the law (1995 revision of the 1966 Cuban Adjustment act). Since he was not on dry land but at sea when he was picked up, different rules apply.

Not a particularly GOOD application/law/morality, but both the adjectives "illegal" and "immigrant" apply here.

Tell that to the INS. They are the ones who allowed him to stay and apply for asylum. (Somehow I suspect that you already knew that).
And yet the INS doesn't make the law, so what they think doesn't really matter... the courts interpreted it and THEY say it is so. (Somehow I suspect that you already knew that).

Anyway, at least we are looking at the situation and analyzing it as opposed to slurs and name-calling, which I think proves the point of the original poster in some small way.

I'd like to think that the candidates will fail on their own platform rather than resorting to "Hitlery", "Hickabee", etc... that's just juvenile.
I'd like to think that the candidates will fail on their own platform rather than resorting to "Hitlery", "Hickabee", etc

Oh, man.......you mean I have to refrain from calling her "Her Thighness" ??

You are no fun at all............
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