Hillary ????

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I have been visiting this forum and others like it for a while . It seems very popular to bash Hillary , call her Hitlery etc. . I watch the debates , republican and democrat . I try to find out the views and ideas of all the candidates . I think she has some good things to say and would make a good potus and be good for the blue collar working class .
Many people on these forums think she is the enemy of the 2nd , rkba and gun owners in general . The only thing I've heard her say on the subject of guns is that she believes in the 2nd and feels like more could be done to keep guns out of the hands of criminals . Is that a bad thing to say ?
IMO , you should be bashing Giuliani who thinks the NRA is a joke , who's filed a lawsuit against gun makers and is extremely anti gun in general .
How about bashing John Edwards who has said owning a firearm is a privalige not a right .
How abouit bashing Obama , for many many reasons , but especially because he is the most anti gun of them all and would take away your pump shotgun and your 30-30 .
I don't know yet if I would vote for Hillary , if she gets nominated , or the Republican candidate . I just think that all the Hillary bashing is rediculous .
You done went and mentioned all the gun grabber candidates.
what they say now is rebuked by the previous voting record.
Spitlery and her hubby were the gun grabbin' ones we remember!
Gouliani don't mind it from what i see in new yawk city!
A power-mad socialist is a bad thing. It wants all our guns. It wants most of your money (if you make more than 50.01 % of the population). Just because it wears a skirt, it isn't necessarily pretty.
Handyman, Hillary and co. are formidable enemies of the 2nd amendment and freedom in general.

I'm guessing you're fairly new to the political process, but do a little more research.

Think fiery death and government snipers. Really.
A synopsis of all their positions (at least according to CNN's take)


Hillary Clinton
Voted for a 10-year extension of the assault weapons ban. Voted for requiring extensive background checks at gun shows. Supports licensing and registration of handguns, mandatory trigger locks for handguns, holding adults responsible for their children's use of guns, raising the youth handgun ban from age 18 to 21, limiting gun sales to one per month and allowing the Consumer Products Safety Commission regulate guns.

More links

I'm sure there's more that could be added to the list.

Footnote. I find it interesting (but not surprising) that the WashintonPost and the NYT don't have gun control/rights listed as an issue on their sites.
Thumper - Why are Hillary and co. enemies of the 2nd and freedom in general ??? Give me proof . I really want to know . Is it just because of Bill Cintons AWB ? Do you say that becauase because you only beleive what you read on these gun forums ? I'm not trying to insult anybody . I'm just looking for answers and the truth ,
And no , I'm not new to the political process .

hogdogs - You've got to be kiddig . Guiliani is one of the biggest gun grabbers out there .

Like I said - Guiliani , Edwards and especially Obama are much much worse than Hillary when it comes to gun rights and even freedom in general .
Don't know, I rate anyone who, if given the option, is willing to take all our guns pretty much the same. I don't understand how one could be worse if the end result is the same. Isn't that like killing you more dead?

There's plenty of anti-Rudy, -Mitt sentiment on this and other sites for their 2A positions.
"i'm from the goverment and i'm here to help the little people. Just give me all your money, let me decide what you can do, where you can go for medicine and come to me for all your needs...I am your God...errr President." Oh, and i"ll cry, to get you to vote for me.
For your general fund of knowledge, I was working against Billary before "these forums" existed.

and don't try to tie the AWB to Bill only. Here's Hillary on a NEW AWB:

"The vote reauthorizing the assault weapons ban is a vote in support of a public safety initiative that works. According to a report issued by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, the assault weapons ban passed ten years ago has resulted in a substantial decline in the use of those weapons in crimes.

Law enforcement officers know this ban has made their work safer which is why so many of them, across the country, lined up to support it. I believe we should put the interests of the men and women who protect us from crime ahead of the interests of the NRA. Assault weapons are designed for one thing – killing people.

Closing the gun show loophole is also a tremendous step forward. That loophole allows people who are otherwise prohibited from buying guns to buy them from unlicensed dealers at gun shows without facing a background check. This includes terrorists and other criminals who are purchasing these guns in order to do violence. Closing the loophole will give meaning and value to our system of requiring background checks for the purchase of guns and will not hinder purchases made by law abiding citizens.

I urge my colleagues in the House to support these provisions and I call on President Bush to ensure they become law."

"We have to do more to stand up to those who refuse to believe the reality that guns do kill and that common-sense gun measures can make a difference,"

Hillary Rodham Clinton offered her support for a legislative proposal to license hand guns. The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Charles Schumer, would require anyone who wants to purchase a gun to obtain a state-issued photo gun license. “I stand in support of this common sense legislation to license everyone who wishes to purchase a gun,” Clinton said. “I also believe that every new handgun sale or transfer should be registered in a national registry, such as Chuck is proposing.”

There are far more.

Contrary to what you seem to believe, gun owners dislike Hillary for cause. I know it's easier to paint your opponents as mindless lemmings, but you can't do that here.

Most of us are active and knowledgeable. We know our enemies.
What's the first major thing Mrs. Clinton tried to do when hubby got elected? Nationalizing healthcare. Even if you are naive enough to think that the government will improve it (visit a VA hospital if you need a reality check) when did it become the first ladies job description to take on such a project. She, like Bill, are so full of themselves that they don't care what we want, they know what's in our best interests. If she wins, one of the first things that will happen, gun related is the 10 round magazine limit, again. Which is why I bought my XD45 and may buy a AR even though I wasn't thinking about one. I'm not alone either. The threat of Hillary has sold more guns than probably anyone. I think the more informed you are the less appealing she will be to a gun/2A rights advocate.
The only thing I've heard her say on the subject of guns is that she believes in the 2nd and feels like more could be done to keep guns out of the hands of criminals . Is that a bad thing to say ?

Just curious, how long have you been researching (if you have been researching and not just listening to what she says on the campaign trail) hillary's stance on guns?
This is a silly thread. Hillary's stance on gun control is not a debatable issue. If you want to support her because of some other issue which is more important to you (univeral health care, massive redistribution of wealth, etc.) then go ahead. Facts about her stance on guns are easy to find and have been presented. Ignore them at your peril.

Why am I feeding a troll?
C'mon now

Do any of you really believe what the politicos say on their campaign trail?

Once elected, they will do what they damn well please anyway.

It seem Hillary's and Obama's agenda are almost identical... :(
robc - I new that some jackass would call me a troll . :mad:

thumper - I'm not painting anyone as a mindless lemming . I'm just trying to get more information .

I'm NOT supporting Hillary in fact I like a lot of Ron Paul says and if I'm supporting anyone right now it would be Huckaby .
I'm just loooking for answers to questions I have .

I was hoping that people wouldn't get their panties in a bunch because I'm not bashing Hillery .

I don't think that because I asked some questions and wanted to discuss something I should be called a troll and/or be insulted .

I will not be asking anymore political questions or contributing in any way to the legal and political forums here . :(
Posting your opinion that that the Hillary bashing is ridiculous and that Hillary's statements about gun control aren't that bad, and then receiving responses about Hillbama's loathing of the 2nd Amendment does not mean that you are being somehow bashed.

Hillbama wants to pass lots of new gun control legislation, and you asked about her on a gun forum. ;) You might get nicer responses on MoveOn.Org or the Democratic Underground. They'll teach you about "General Betrayus", too.
Im confused! He asked why and we responded! And now he thinks he is being called a TROLL!!:eek:

Even more Confused! I still do not understand how Bill made the second term!

If it looks like a Witch! Smells like a Witch! Rides a Broom and Eats babies, It most likley a Witch... Now that is Hillery Bashing! Like most Politicals, she will say what ever works at the time. She will do what she want in the end. What she wants is not what I want!
Hmmm. He asks a question. Question answered. He ignores answers and demands cites. Given cites, he ignores these and demands yet more proof. Methinks a troll. Either that or he is invincibly ignorant, and cannot be helped.

Be gone, troll.
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Why is there Hillary bashing?

Because she deserves it.

She's a socialist. Has been since her college days and beyond.

Hubby Bill gave her a chance to implement "healthcare" under her vision. A total debacle. It would have punished you for - being overweight; being underweight; engaging in "risky" behaviors like scuba diving, mountain climbing, hang gliding, motorcycling, skydiving, hunting, shooting sports, riding skimobiles & jetskis or driving a 4x4 truck; you'd pay more if you were a couch potato or if you exercised more than 4 times a week; classify you as an alcoholic if you had more than 8 oz of alcohol per week; classify you as "high risk" for smoking, drinking more than once a day, if your cholesterol was too high... nothing more than ways to make you pay for enjoying life.

She's anti-gun. She quotes the Brady Campaign as an "authority" while ignoring anything from the NRA or the "gun lobby" -- including unbiased university researchers with no stake in the arguments.

She supports licensing a right - patently unconstitional and she knows it.

She supports massive capital gains taxes.

She wants to "tax the rich" but doesn't tell you that the Democratic party's idea of a "rich" household is one that earns more than $85,000 - $100,000 a year. Lessee, a two-income family of professionals earning $65,000 and $55,000 a year with 2 kids, 2 cars and a house... Yeah, you're rich alright. :rolleyes: In California, a family like that earning $120,000 a year means you can just about keep up with the mortage, property taxes and your bills. And she wants to increase our taxes even more? :barf:

She thinks "it takes a village" to raise a child, ignoring history and how many children grew up on farms and ranches without "a village".

She thinks it's okay to kidnap a child at gunpoint from US based relatives and return him to an poverty-strewn country run by a communist dictator. Or has everyone forgotten her support of this:

Elian Gonzales being forcibly deported.

I don't need to go on...
Elian Gonzales being forcibly deported.

Wow. Just wow.
Illegal immigrants are bad... unless you put a face on them, huh? ;)

Back on topic: the problem isn't the bashing, it is the methods.. the name calling and the schoolyard antics. It really makes this forum look uneducated, shrill, and knee-jerk.
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