Hillary: presidential candidate


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A FWIW heads-up:

Hillary Clinton is officially a presidential candidate for the 2000 election.

From the Federal Election Commission database:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Presented by the Federal Election Commission

ID: P00003392

Office Sought: President
Election Year: 2000
State: Presidential Candidate
District: 03
Party: DEM (Democratic Party)

Record: http://herndon1.sdrdc.com/cgi-bin/fecimg/?P00003392

Search engine: http://herndon1.sdrdc.com/fecimg/index.html

FEC home page: http://www.fec.gov
Real sneaky, but fear not. After her involvement in the Waco Massacre becomes known she couldnt get elected to Assistant Deputy Dogcatcher in Chappaqua NY.

Better days to be,

Ya, Right!

How many people didn't think Clinton would get elected a second time around. Something stinks here. Why in the hell would she register for the presidential election. I smell a rat here!
But the Clintons just bought a house in NY so she could run for Senator in NY. I think there is a mistake somewhere. Either way, I just hope to God she loses in whatever she tries!

I hate laws that make me a criminal without me even knowing it.
Connecticut is the "Constitution" State
Ctdonath, you got a sharp eye. Clay Douglas on his morning show on shortwave talked about Hillary and her Presidential aspirations from that website. Heree i go again. You have to go to shortwave or the internet to get the real scope on what the elites are planning for the sheeple -cattle. Throw away your Times and Newsweek mags,your newspapers, and Blather TV.

The tip came from Rush Limbaugh. Apparently one of his favored correspondents turned it up; my folks heard it on his show and I looked it up.

Further word is that, being registered for both, she can legally raise money for the Senate seat, then switch all of it to a presidential run.

To be conspiritorial (which I'm usually not, but this has been nagging me for a while): I've long thought that Clinton would try for a term longer than allowed; he is so keen on _being_ president and has proved that he'll do anything to get/stay there. I've been trying to figure out how he could do it, but all methods would be controversial (to put it _extremely_ mildly). Then this comes up: since it's already unofficially considered a co-presidency, to stay in the WH he just needs to get _her_ elected and essentially nothing changes for him (just a switch in who gets to stand in the spotlight). She's got a strong following, she's a Democrat, she's got sympathy, and she's a she, all adding up to a rediculously good chance of winning. Couple this with an all-but-official campaigning & fundraising for Senate in a state where she's not wanted (support is dwindling, and the carpetbagger issue is BIG), she can use NY to jump-start the money, media, and support base. Gore is giving a weak performance (planned?), and the only other serious Democratic contender is less known (what's his name? yeah, um...). The only missing piece was being officially registered as a presidential candidate in time...so a small committee is quietly formed, fulfills the requirements, gets her registered, and vanishes. The whole process is moving along nicely, and in a way fitting of their track record of "honest deception".

We may despise them, but we must admit that the Clintons and their cohorts are powerful, skillful, smart and clever. Nothing is left to chance, nothing happens by accident, and a perfectly-timed discrete act of official paperwork fits their MO very nicely.

To boot, methinks Hillary would be even more rabidly and effectively anti-gun than Bill.
How about this--

She loses the Dem primary in NY for Senate (very likely, its far from sewn up), Al picks her up as a running mate for Prez. VP Clinton. Then her cash follows her to that race.

Seems more feasible.

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper
I got a better one for you than that: That embarassment of a person in the White House (I can no longer use the terms "man" or "President" when I refer to him) has ALSO registered as a candidate for President in the 2000 election. Go here:
click on candidate search, type in Clinton, and hit enter.
I didn't see one for Bill, except for the one placed for the 1996 election.

Hilary's doesn't have a statement of canidacy yet, so I'm looking forward to seeing what happens.


The "00" on the page you refer to is district, not year sought. I don't see anything indicating the _he_ will explicitly run again.


Good observation.
I was under the inpression the slick willy can never run for another public office ever again because of his being impeached.

"Are we at last brought to such an humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defense? Where is the difference between having our arms under our own possession and under our own direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
- Patrick Henry


ICQ no. 46780559
...but if Hillary is elected, and they operate as "co-president" like they've been doing, she gets to go thru the motions and he choreographs them...
I really hope this isnt true. Hillary's hometown Park Ridge is about 10 minutes away from me, there are signs EVERYWHERE wishing her luck in the Senate race. I think if she was running for President there would be a parade going on. Park Ridge is nothing but a bunch of Hillarys, so if you ever see anyone running from there DONT VOTE for them! Lets just hope this information isnt correct. Im sick of the red carpets that are layed out when she comes here to visit. :)
Personally, I would like to see an Al Gore & Hillary Clinton ticket.

I would think it might force a lot of people to recognize how corrupt the current system has become.

Filegate, Travelgate, Vince Foster, Commodities scandal, Whitewater, etc.! ;)

(heh, heh. And you know where THAT leads!)

Real Americans vote their conscience, not their fears.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited September 03, 1999).]
Russ Limbaugh to my mind is at the kindergarten level when it comes to exposing these elites and their real agenda for America. He , like Liddy and Michael Reagan, will throw out a few good stories but these people are basically mouthpieces of the republican party which is part of the problem of the corrupt system.The heavyweights of the investigative reporter movement are on shortwave or the internet. So russ mentioned Hillarys Presidential plans. This guy is still defending the butchers of Waco. He and his conservative or so called conservative talk show people are simply entertainers and sure havent followed the big stories such as Waco, Klinton treason, Un activities here in america, and the general trend by the elites for dictatorial power. Limbaugh screens his callers and refuses to even discuss serious subjects. In other words he basically buys the party line of both parties. He is a entertainer and has only one purpose: a mouthpiece of the Republican Party. And we all know that the Republicans have let Big Comrade preety much run the country on executive orders.
I understand (and agree) with your opinion of Rush Limbaugh. He does seem to be basically nothing more than a mouthpiece for the GOP. However, do you know that much about Ken Hamblin (a.k.a.The Black Avenger)? Ole Ken doesn't give the "party line" and he doesn't BS with anyone (or about anything). Hamblin is 1000 times better than Rush will ever be. Another good radio talkshow that you might consider listening to is "Point of View with Marlin Maddoux". This is a veeeery conservative talkshow that is based in Dallas, Texas. If you ever decide to tune in to POV then pay attention to a man named Kerby Anderson. He is one of Marlin's co-host on POV. He is very intelligent and conservative. You may not always agree with him but he doesn't BS anyone, either.

Just my 2 cents.