Hillary on guns: 'My father taught us to shoot'

Yes, and I have seen Bill Clinton 'shooting Ducks" (or in their general direction).

Oh yes, both pobably learned to shoot as good mid westerners from baptist father who was into guns - but what have they passed on to their kids. Did they teach Chelsea to shoot?

I doublt if they are reall shooters.
Originally Posted by bugaboo
Clinton said she believed in getting guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill...

What's wrong with that? Sounds like a good idea to me. As long as those of us with clean records and a sound mind can get what we want.
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what's wrong with that is it is a first step in taking guns away from anyone who ever took an asprin for a headache
What's wrong with that? Sounds like a good idea to me. As long as those of us with clean records and a sound mind can get what we want.
What's wrong is that in legal issues, the devil is not in the details; the devil is in the definitions. Like back in the old Soviet Union days, when anyone who thought communism was evil was "obviously" mentally ill. Or if you believed in individualism, rather than collectivism, you were mentally ill.

Remember, Bill Clinton had trouble defining what "is" meant. Imagine that same attitude applied not just to the 2nd Amendment but also to whether you have a clean record or a sound mind.

Of course, that's making the (likely erroneous) assumption that Hillary would stick to even that meager of an approach toward gun rights. Remember again, Bill Clinton campaigned in 1992 with a promised tax cut for the middle class. Instead, near the beginning of his first term, he raised taxes, claiming he had worked as hard as possible to find some way to cut taxes. Note that there are 3 positions he faced: cut taxes; neither cut nor raise taxes; raise taxes. He went from one end to the other, with no stop in-between. Instead of cutting taxes or leaving them alone, he instead went to the complete opposite of what he had promised. You know, sort of like Hillary is doing regarding the Michigan and Florida delegates.

And you want to trust what she says? :eek:
Hillary, why didn't you say so in the frist place, of course I'll vote for you now that I know you were taught to shoot a gun and killed a duck while hunting. Boy, was I wrong thinking you're anti-2A. Us rednecks just don't get it sometimes!:rolleyes::)
This is another one of those tactics the Clintons have used before, except now these things are backfiring. Seems to me that she's driving people to Obama every time she does something like this. For example, the crying jag worked the first time, but she's tried it twice since then, and her share of the vote keeps going down.

Crying and lying just aren't working like they used to.
On the one hand it is insulting that Hillary Clinton thinks gun owners and hunters are that simple. But on the other hand it is good to know that she honestly believes that she can fool us. John Kerry thought the same way.
Hillary bagged a duck, wow. Obama is probably working on a press release informing the masses that he once held an antique target pistol. That reminds me, did Kerry finally get a deer this year?