Hillary on guns: 'My father taught us to shoot'


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The two candidates are scheduled to debate in Ohio and Texas in the next two weeks.

Clinton told an audience she supported gun rights, two days after a student opened fire on the campus of Northern Illinois University, killing five before turning the gun on himself. Clinton said she believed in getting guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill even as she favored protecting the rights of law abiding gun owners.

"I've gone hunting," she said. "I know you may not believe it, but it's true. My father taught us to shoot."

Clinton told reporters later she had once shot a duck in Arkansas, along with "a lot of tin cans, targets and some skeet."
bugaboo said:
Clinton said she believed in getting guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill...

What's wrong with that? Sounds like a good idea to me. As long as those of us with clean records and a sound mind can get what we want.
Already starting to tack right, is she? Again, one of the fronts on which
2A supporters is the "guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill."
How about insuring that "people who refuse to live by society's rules"- to
paraphrase the words of Ronald George (current Chief Justice of California)
who as a Superior Court judge presided over the trial of the Hillside Stranglers-are not allowed to walk in the company of free men?
And that ordinary people have the right-and the means-of self defense?
P.S.-Hilary, I have been shooting and collecting for 40 years-and I have never hunted.
Clinton said she believed in getting guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill even as she favored protecting the rights of law abiding gun owners.
She should start with herself.

If you've ever had an appointment with a psychologist, psychiatrist or had medicine prescribed to help you cope with stress, you're "mentally ill" according to Hillary. Maybe not now, but give her a chance.

BTW, the "law-abiding gun owners" she is talking about protecting are the ones who voluntarily turn in everything but their Red Ryders. Those people will be protected, while you and I will be forced to dig our own graves before she shoots us all in the back.
Her father must have taught how to shoot in two ways:

One: To politically shoot herself in the foot, judging by her campaign thus far.
Two: To shoot the biggest bunch of bullsh*t anyone has ever heard.
Maybe she's fired a gun, maybe not.....but it is interesting that she chose now to bring it up. Hillary's in such a close race for the upcoming primarys (Ohio & Texas) that she needs every scrap of a vote....even if it means telling states with high numbers of gun owners (angry white men) what they want to hear. If she looses those states it's all over for her presidential race.
She may not know how to fire a gun, but she certainly knows how to fire White House travel staff. I guess that counts.
Political year statements

Well in the last twenty year how many presidents can we actually say are avid hunters or target shooters. How many can we say actually got out of their office in ten years to do more than some PR stunt of showing themselves standing by a pick-up truck holding a rifle or shotgun. The truth is our politicians are to busy to allow themselves the luxury of a common trek into the woods. There again the SS crew really prefers the stay out of the woods.
Hillary and Obama both support your right to own any gun that isn't banned - which would be all of them if they have their way.

Coming up on a TX primary you have to expect them to lie and lie and lie to try and fool people into voting for them.
Hunting Partner?

I wonder if she went hunting with John Kerry? Five to one Obama was with them. In the evening they all sat around the campfire singing Kumbaya!:D
I think VP Cheney should invite them out to the duck blind to discuss the Heller Case and we should wait for his feedback before making any presumptive assumptions.
Whatt? Did she go hunting with John Kerry? I did not think so. She should learn to hunt from Dick Cheny. Safer than riding in a car with Ted Kennedy!
toybox99615 said:
.....Well in the last twenty year how many presidents can we actually say are avid hunters or target shooters. How many can we say actually got out of their office in ten years to do more than some PR stunt of showing themselves standing by a pick-up truck holding a rifle or shotgun.

Truth is the Bush family regularly quail hunts in Texas around the holidays. Unfortunately the last time they allowed the media to follow and film....anti-hunting groups threw a fit and protested. Now those hunts are done in private with no cameras.
Bush shoots Killdeer thinking they're doves.
I doubt there's been a real hunter in the Whitehouse since Teddy Roosevelt.
Believe it or not, Hillarys' father was a devout Republican. The Hildabeast herself was a Republican until late in her college life, in fact a Goldwater Republican. It is not out of the realm of possibility that her father did force her to fire a round or two. She did, however, vow in high school never to take the "high road" if it meant losing an election. This comes from American Evita, by Christopher Anderson, which I am in the process of reading. (An enlightening book, BTW)
What's wrong with that? Sounds like a good idea to me. As long as those of us with clean records and a sound mind can get what we want.

What's wrong is Clinton's method for accomplishing this goal.

Clinton will advocate gun laws similar to those of the United Kingdom. There, gun ownership requires a license from a local law enforcement agency that is granted only after the prospective gun owner submits the names of references and a certification from a Physician as to mental fitness to possess a firearm.