Hillary for Senator -- NOT!


New member
As an AOL member, my screen is always cluttered with newsy-feely topics. Currently,
Hillary's smiling face greets you, with a request for your thoughts on her running for Senator in N.Y. Well, it appears not all America is brain dead. Outside of a few "she's compassionate and caring" idiocies from the weepers, the vast majority rained death on her Big Time. I think "bitch" was the kindest word I saw. Even this anti-Clintonite got tired of reading post after post trashing her. I think she is dead meat unless Guliani screws up big time.
The arrogance of the Clintons is absolutely amazing! They must believe that the American people actually feel sorry for Hillary because of her husband's exploits, and somehow believe her to be the "good" one.

In a book called, "Unlimited Access", by a former FBI agent assigned to the White House security detail, the author claims Bill and Hillary were actually late for the inauguration adddress because Bill and Hillary were in the Oval office fighting (screaming) over the Vice President's office. It seems as though Hillary told Bill that she would stand by his side, but if he were elected, she would get to occupy the Vice President's office.

In another twist of events, Vince Foster (a partner at the Rose Law frim and Clinton presidential aide) apparently was having an affair with Hillary right before he was found dead in a park (alledged suicide). It was known among the White House security detail (FBI) that Foster was one of the guys who used to sneek Bill out of the residence (drive him hidden in the back seat) in the middle of the night to engage in adulterous affairs at a popular Washington, D.C. hotel which had a garage elevator that went to the floors where rooms were located.

It was Hillary who apparently ran things in our Capital according to many close to the first family. It was most likely Hillary's blackmail payment of power from Bill, because he couldn't keep his presidential private parts at home. According to these same sources, the Clintons never slept in the same bed or bedroom.

Are these the kind of people that Americans cherish and honor? If Hillary runs for the Senate, I predict she will lose big time. Almost embarrassingly so. Her examination of the State of New York should unveil the hatred towards the Clintons that most Americans have kept to themselves, while waiting for Bill's term to expire.

The Clintons will most likely go into the lobbying business for one of the Communist countries which have so generously supported their campaign.
I hope you guys are right about the intelligence of the NY public. I, however, wouldn't bet a dime that she won't be elected. I guess that after the last 7 years, I have tremendous faith in the stupidity of the general public.

I like to look at people's *motivations* for doing things. What are Hillary's (and possibly BC's) motivations for a Senate race? Money? - No, they have it already. It's power. Pure and simple. They both thrive on power.

I hope you guys are right...

I agree with what CMOS said.

As stupid and blind as most sheeple seem to be these days, I can easily see them electing Billary to office (after all, Hamburger boy did get re-elected, didn't he?)

...sigh...what's the world comin' to?

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
Ain't gonna happen.
I think she won't even run. Even for the most honest and capable people a campaign is a dirty vicious business. She has no "official" track record, hasn't had a real job, can not stand under the microscope, etc. Those areas where she is acknowledged to have had a role (Arkansas schools, Fed. Health care, etc) she has failed abysmally. Her whole deal right now is checking to see if NY folks are interested in her, figuring out how to raise money (which she can keep if she pulls out BTW) and spin.
If she is stupid enough to actually run, Guiliani will savage her, the media will put her under the microscope and her past will unfold like a cheap tent.
Say what you want about NY...but those people are streetfighters. No one, but no one gets a walk in NY. I have relatives in Brooklyn and the Bronx and they enjoy bloodsports. Politics in NY is a cherished bloodsport.

I hope she is stupid enough as that will make TV enjoyable again.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Paul R, a 'good' Clinton?!?!? Maybe Chelsea, I feel so sorry for that poor girl, but the jury is still out on her. My point being, there isn't a good Clinton.
I'd like to paraphrase either Phil Sheridan or W.T. Sherman about their attitudes towards Indians and extrapolate to the Clintons, but that would make me seem too extreme. The stupidity of New Yorkers? Does the name "Schumer" ring a bell? Charles Rangel (another example) want Hilly (sic) to run and she's registered her exploratory committee. Maybe she'll just use the campaign funds to buy cattle futures. ;)
The thought of seeing and hearing Hillary for (at least) another 6 years as a senator is a thought repulsive enough to make a maggot gag!
Before we dismiss her chances of winning, maybe we should consider the following:
She has at her disposal a political machine that is probably the most sophisticated in the history of our nation.
They have proven time after time to be able to spin any shortcoming or weakness to their advantage.
They definitely know how to raise money. It may not be legally or ethically obtained, but they control a river of cash.
They understand that they don't need a majority of the eligible voters to win an election, just those who actually cast their votes. The number of eligible voters actually participating in an election has been steadily declining for years. I remember reading somewhere that Bill Clinton won the last Presidential election with only 16% of the eligible vote.
The Republican party in NY is not unified. There are a lot of old grudges and clashing egos that could make her candidacy appealing if the GOP primaries devolve into a nasty dogfight.
The one certainty about the Clinton's is that you can't ever be certain they are down and out. We should have learned that by now.
I think she's bluffing, too. She'd get her clock cleaned by Rudy G and others experienced pols, not to mentioned her feathers ruffled and "positive" image (among the sheeple, mind you) badly tarnished. Actually climbing into the fighting ring is much harder than talking about it.
I would like to agree with those of you who either think she will not run or cannot win.
The media in NY is VERY powerful and this state is loaded with people who can be manipulated. The spin machine is already going full blast.

I have a bad feeling about this, six months ago I felt she did not have a chance, now I'm not so sure. I thought Schumer could not win and he did because the left got their people out to vote.

Giuliani is really being attacked by the media for some of his recent actions he calls quality of life issues. The Republicans are having a spat amongst themselves and the governor and ex Sen Damato are trying to sabotage his (Giuliani)'s chances.

If she does run, this is going to be one H**l of a catfight. As Sean Hannity said on his radio program today, "lets sit back and have fun with this".

Maybe we should start a Bash NY thread?
My view is the same as karansas, I wont believe there out of power till they both pass away from natural causes........the basta*** have the power of the media, the vaunted ny media in particular in her pocket, Ilegal campaign contributions are minor hurdles to these folks, they cant be prosecuted on the ones there already involved in. As far her having an empty record---what does that matter? what did bill clinton have?, remember this is the smartest women in the world who has been used as a door mat by her husband and those evil rightwingers have trashed her marriage and been out to get them...sheesh.....by the time those lying creeps are through spinning america will be convinced that she invented the internet, and coached greenspan on the economy, and was behind every successful move her husband made in compromising the republican position when they werent outright copying it.
Interesting thought on a money making scheme dc, I hope your right, and that is what there after, the word Ive read is she is not only power hungry she is quite greedy.....and now that I think about it you could be right, the worse that can happen to her is she dosent get enuf of the vote and has to withdraw with all that money....fubsy.
As disgusting as it is to say it, I definitely believe there are enough scumbag, missing gene, supporters of the Klinton Klan to alow them to pull off any thing they want.
The mentality of these supporters goes something like this...." So sick Willy comitted adultry & lied to the American public... Hey, my kind of man, man. don't we all mess around & lie? So boss man Hillary has sick Willys hide tacked to the wall, dosn't everybody practice extorsion? Yeah, my kind of woman,man."
In other words, they RELATE to the wrongs & accept them because THEY do the same.
Where did honesty & virtue drop out?
Reminds me a lot of Missouri's attempt to vote in a CCW law & got defeated by votes from St.Louis, Springfield, & one other big city with the missing gene voting syndrome.
Is this country being held captive by the votes of inner city slime???

Ralph in In.

[This message has been edited by GreybeardB (edited July 07, 1999).]
You may have already seen this list, but for those who have not, here is the:

Top "Hillary For Senate" Campaign Slogans

- Read My Lips - No New Interns!

- Reward Me For Putting Up With Bill's
Crap For So Long!

- Hillary For Senate: Because Bill's
Alimony Just Ain't Gonna Cut It!

- Isn't It Time You Were Disappointed
By A Different Clinton?

- Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For
You; Ask How You Can Illegally
Contribute To My Campaign.

- Vote For Me Or My Husband Will Nail
Your Wife.

- You Give Me Your Vote, I'll Get Vernon
Jordan To Get You A Job.

- From Perjury To Albany.

- Still Not Indicted As Of July '99.

- Building A Bridge To The 21st Century -
And Pushing My Husband Off It.

- Oh Lord, Please Don't Make Me Move
Back To Arkansas!
These people are not going to fade away. Let the bitch run. Does anyone really think she will be able to accept being a lowly senator?
It will drive the evil tramp nuts. I'd rather see her make a fool of herself (she is incompetent) as a one term senator, or better yet as a senate race loser, than see her assume the role of a distinguished former first lady.
She wants to be the Queen. The first Queen President.


A snake in the grass is more dangerous than one in plain sight.
Manners manners. I dislike Hillary and her bozo hubbie as much as everyone else does, but we must keep our discourse civil.

Regarding her running for senator, if it's in the former Soviet Union or the fragmented states of once was Yugoslavia, or even Iraq, fine by me. Their gain is our gain.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I understand the distaste...but, lets write like Sister Mary Margaret was reading :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
As one who lives about 55 miles north of "Fun City", I believe if she does run and wins(gasp!),she will have been elected by the ladies in this state. You're quite correct DC, about the savage ways of city politics but,remember this is a statewide office.

It really all rests on the way the NYC Leftist media chooses to handle her campaign.Also in this state especially,a Democrat would vote for a dog if it was a Democrat so it may not be all that important about her past record.

My hope is that she screws up bigtime the same way the "Manchurian Candidate" is currently doing.

The wildcard is the media though.
Those who mentioned the media and its power to get her elected ar right.

Their spin makes me puke. It's what's wrong with this country. I think most people are basically good....but just misguided by a liberal media spin machine. Just what are they trying to do to this country? Destroy it? They couldn't be doing a better job of it. The liberal media spin machine will do and has done serious damage to this country. You can expect more of the same for the future.

I think the Internet and the communication thus allowed will destroy the liberal spin machine. It's a factor not heretofore considered. It wouldn't surprise me that she looses BIG despite the liberal media's efforts to get her elected. At least lets hope so! Think Positive!
Win, lose or draw the theme of the campaign will be:
Hill behind in the polls
Why? Makes her the underdog. We Americans do love the "little guy". ala "Rocky"
Hill surges ahead in the last 2 weeks before the election
Why? Count on short term memory to reinforce the idea that a vote for her is the right thing to do, go along with the crowd.

Gore will use the same tactic. Both have far more support than is reported in the media.

GreybeardB is on the right track here. They CAN pull it off by using the ever abundant "missing gene-pool" crowd. And folks, there are a HUGE number of these ignorant fools - in every state.

Ask yourself this, if you were to randomly walk up to 10 people before an electiion and ask them who they are going to vote for and to tell you **WHY**, how many of those 10 would have any idea what a candidate is really about?

My guess - 2 at best.

Calculate using this formula:

highly experienced liberal democrat politicians + highly ignorant public + relatively politically inexperienced Republican candidates (with no apparent unifying leadership) = ???

They've done it before - twice and I'll be shocked if they DON'T do it again. Power corrupts...
