Hillary Clinton losing support of Demosocialists

Sarcasm - the feeble and nonproductive attempt of the intellectually impotent to sound as if they have something relevant, valid, factual or objective with which to counterattack.

Also known as "shooting blanks in a war of wits."
sarcasm- my attempt to keep things civil, when you constantly lie about the things I post, name call, and constantly go off topic.
sorry but I will not drop down to your level even if no one see's your posts for what they are.
you constantly lie about the things I post
That's a lie right there. You amaze me with the desperation of your tactics.
name call
Guilty as charged. I dare to have the audacity to call a spade a spade - or a Demosocialist a Demosocialist.:D
and constantly go off topic.
I'm not the one going off topic - I started out this thread with a post about Clinton's flagging support among her once true believers, the socialist left wing fringe of society. Wherever others have taken this thread, I have done nothing more than go there to post my answers.
even if no one see's your posts for what they are.
Observations based on fact and reality is what they are.

You say you won't "drop down to my level," then you flat out lie in your desperation. Typical Demosocialist tactics - if the facts do not support your position, try to win by any means - including fabricating fantasies and outright bald-faced lying.

If you want to come to my level, I suggest you take several steps up the ladder.
The facts of the matter are Bush and Ashcroft pushed that masterpiece through after 9-11-01. And that would be AFTER he was elected
Yeah, the first time. What about when you voted for him the second time, after he had already wiped his a$$ with the bill of rights? You know, because you saw Demo-Socialists like Kerry as such a threat to your civil liberties?
even if no one see's your posts for what they are.
So, you just know I voted for him again, don't you??? And what factual information do you have on how I voted in 2004?? Were you in the voting booth with me?? Funny, I didn't see you there.

What you are doing is assuming. And when you assume, you make an ass - out of you, not me.

Good work, buddy. Real good.
oops in post 22 lie was not the word I meant to use.

constantly take my posts in a way they were not meant to be taken, or see meaning that is not there is what I meant.
Why would a 'so-called gun owner' who supposedly loves the bill of rights vote for someone who would lock up an American citizen for 3 1/2 years without due process? Someone who advocates illegal search and seizure?
Why do people who believe so strongly in the 2nd Amendment act like all the others are negotiable?

Got a secret for ya . . .

Plenty of so-called gun owners didn't vote for someone like that, and
plenty of so-called gun owners do not act like that.
What about when you voted for him the second time, after he had already wiped his a$$ with the bill of rights?

You just know I voted for him in 2004, don't you?? What factual information do you have about how I voted?


Good work, Go Slash. Real good.:barf:
Super-multi postin'! hehe
What factual information do you have about how I voted?

Elementary, my dear Watson!

There is nothing more blind or moronic than a gun owner who votes for a Demosocialist like Clinton or Kerry.
Therefore I can infer that you did not vote for Kerry in '04.
Voting for a 3rd party candidate means Hillary wins in '08. You might as well vote for her to begin with.

Because "Daddy" Bush (#41) was a somewhat weak President and because he was a no-load as far as gun rights, I voted for the 3rd party candidate (Perot) in 1992. The result? The first scumbag Clinton was elected.

From this, we can learn three lessons (if we will learn):



Therefore I can safely assume that you did not vote for Nader either.
Process of elimination: you voted Bush despite his attacks on your freedom. That is, unless you voted Green, which I highly doubt.
Do you deny you voted Bush?

Now can we please get back on topic? :D
What about when you voted for him the second time, after he had already wiped his a$$ with the bill of rights?
Answer, please.
progunner: sorry about the "you misinterpret my posts" comment. I just went back to old posts and that was not in fact you.

again sorry for that comment.
My Friends!!! In stead of conjuring up crap to ostracize the "radical left" (Demosocialist) one would profit the cause of freedoms "guaranteed" by the constitution of these United States, including the right to own a gun, a considerable more to consentrate on the PROVEN actions of "gwb regardless" "Republityrants" who are RIGHT NOW, TODAY, AS WE SPEAK, registering guns(if u don;t believe it go buy one), seizing property, spying on private citizens(even you) all under the "Patriot Act" and the guise of Home Land Security.

James Madison said, "IF tyranny and oppression come to this land it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."

"Before I'd climb those polling place steps and pull that hillary lever,
I'd drink a quart of Draino and die of the clean out fever" !
Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential poll numbers continue to slip with the Democratic Party's left wing base - according to the latest online survey conducted by the Daily Kos web site.
If you don't like Hillary, this should really scare you. This is proof of her success at shedding her radical-left image and portraying herself as a centrist.
... vote for an elitist, power-mongering socialist psychopath who will destroy those rights and confiscate their guns??
That's an excellent question, whether you are about to pull the "Democrat" lever or the "Republican" lever.