Hillary...be honest here.

I'm not a fan of the UN's ideas on gun control, either, but I seriously doubt it will be guys with blue helmets enforcing any future gun bans in the US. Most likely, it will be the same people who are enforcing current gun laws.
Let the wrong persons/party win the presidential election and you can say
goodbye to a great many rights you now enjoy in regard to firearm ownership.
Visited NYC in Aug/Sept , went to the UN building on a bus tour, the revolver out the front said it
all, a former Australian PM, endorsed a UN treaty to disarm the general public.
what if both parties are wrong?

Now we're really cutting to the chase! George Wallace said (40 years ago) that there wasn't a dimes worth of difference between the two parties(paraphrased). The republicans crapped in their mess kit in '94 (I believe) with the Contract with America that made glorious promises of reform and government reductions across the board, but delivered increased spending and government growth. Look at Dubyahs spending over the past 7 years compared to Billybob Clintons 2 terms. As long as either of these two parties are in control, we will not see any significant changes. And, as long as the majority of Congress has either an R or a D behind their name, nothing will change, IMHO. I know, I'm preaching to the choir!
*End of rant.* :rolleyes:
Of the 3 top Democrats, it seems to me that Edwards is the least anti.

Obama is the worst, followed very closely by Hillary. Edwards is fairly moderate on guns--if his quotes on "ontheissues" are correct.

Edwards actually seems to be slightly less anti-gun that our leading RINO... Rudi.

At least Oba sticks to his point of view. clinton is just clinton, don't say anything too far from the middle before being elected. Edwards is one of the most fake and hypocritical politicians I've ever seen.
