Hillary...be honest here.

chris in va

New member
I'd like to know exactly what H. Clinton's agenda is concerning firearms. Without any hearsay, can someone point me to actual stats on the issue? Too many people state our guns will be taken away and ground to dust if she's elected, but being the open minded person I am it would be nice to get some real facts.
Based on her past comments and votes:

Hillary Clinton supports:

- a new, permanent, expanded AWB as recently introduced by Carolyn McCarthy,

- licensing and registration of all handguns and create a Federal database of all new sales,

- State and local government access to all BATFE trace data,

- ban on all .50cal+ firearms, including blackpowder,

- safe storage requirements for all firearms,

- supported Ted Kennedy's centerfire ammo ban that would have outlawed nearly all centerfire rifle ammo,

- opposes lawsuit preemption for firearms manufacturers, voted against the Protection of lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA),

- supports a ban on new manufacture and importation of "high capacity" (+ 10) magazines for rifles and handguns.

A few quotes:

Hillary Rodham Clinton offered her support for a legislative proposal to license hand guns. The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Charles Schumer, would require anyone who wants to purchase a gun to obtain a state-issued photo gun license. “I stand in support of this common sense legislation to license everyone who wishes to purchase a gun,” Clinton said. “I also believe that every new handgun sale or transfer should be registered in a national registry, such as Chuck is proposing.”
Source: CNN.com Jun 2, 2000

Q: How would you address gun violence that continues to be the #1 cause of death among African-American men?
A: I think it's important to remember that the crime rate was driven down, & gun violence was driven down in the 1990s because of a combination of policies, like 100,000 police on the street and getting assault weapons off the street, and because of a growing economy. 22 million new jobs gave people who were hopeless a better chance for a future. So I want to get back to what works. This administration has tried to kill the 100,000 police. You've got mayors whose police force is outgunned by the criminals and the gang-bangers. Assault weapons are back on the street. We've got to go and do what works again. In addition to having policies that will get guns off the street, we do have to give young men particularly a better chance of a future that includes educational & economic opportunities & second chances when they get caught up in the criminal justice system.
Source: 2007 NAACP Presidential Primary Forum Jul 12, 2007

chris in va, what Hillary's stance on guns is, is irrellevant. She's a socialist. She want's to take your future away. Rising your taxes she will have you sit around, passive, and wait for subsidies return, so that you can go on for another month. Taking your money away from you she will lead you by an invisible nose ring. If you get high on that, move out of America. There are plenty of corrupt and poor leftwing countries south of here, where the politicians have the power, not the people. Venezuela sounds like your choice. Bye bye.
Hopefully she won't have a 'first term' to give her a chance to 'do anything'. Her positions on gun control are frightening to say the least. I don't believe Obama is any better, but am not fully familiar with his total positions.
I believe that if any of the Dems do happen to take up residency in the White House(:barf:)the gun issue will be treated as a "3rd rail". They know that any sudden and sweeping changes toward more restrictions on guns would be political suicide. Like "Johnny Dangerously" said "she did that to me...once!" It would have to be implemented little by little, like boiling a frog. Once the frog realizes he's in boiling water it's too late. The Dems know that they will have to be very careful when it comes to their agenda on guns.
Just like her husband did.

Oh, wait. He did quite a bit, didn't he?

There is a different group of Democrats in the Congress now. They saw what happened to their predecessors when the AWB was passed.
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There is a different group of Democrats in the Congress now. They way what happened to their predecessors when the AWB was passed.

That different group of Dems largely consist of newly elected Representatives and Senators beholden to the Dem leadership if they want to get the political pork needed to be relected. That same leadership proudly voted to extend the AWB in 2004, during an election year. The leadership is aware that Kerry, who cast one of his few votes in support of that extension, did not lose because of the 2nd Amendment. Those Dems are also aware that the moonbat wing of the party is more powerful than ever.
Venezuela sounds like your choice. Bye bye.

That was completely uncalled for.

Thanks to those that replied. I simply want an education, didn't say I wanted Hitlery in office, just wasn't sure exactly why.
There is a different group of Democrats in the Congress now

I personally, do not think this is true.

If you take a roll-call of all the anti-gun folks in Congress, most of 'em are still around. Feinstein, Boxer, Kennedy, Schumer, McCarthy, Murray........and the list goes on and on.

My fear is that if we end up with an anti-gun president, then those who would take our guns away will be tempted all over again to renew efforts at new legislation.
I'm sure Hillary bashing has been on many threads. Just wanted to throw in my .02.

I struggled listening & seeing Bill lie to me on a daily basis. Not sure how I'll survive 4 to 8 years of Hillary if elected. Ever time I see her on TV she reminds me of the little grey men that UFO folks claim to have seen. I really am starting to believe she must be from another planet.

But that's another thread. Thanks I feel better now.
I just bought some spare mags just in case. I think that Monica's ex boyfriend's wife would try to gradually ban all firearms. When the AWB and over 10-round mag ban did not reduce crime, they would come up with the "low capacity loophole" to ban the rest.
Her positions on gun control are frightening to say the least. I don't believe Obama is any better, but am not fully familiar with his total positions.

Go to www.glassbooth.org, and click on explore the candidates. Then you can click on 'gun control' and see quotes and some voting info on each candidate. I thought Hillary was bad until I checked out Obama and found that he is just as bad or maybe even worse on guns!
If you take a roll-call of all the anti-gun folks in Congress, most of 'em are still around. Feinstein, Boxer, Kennedy, Schumer, McCarthy, Murray........and the list goes on and on

Most of the less well known democrats got replaced. The democrats that took office in 2006 are more likely to avoid the gun issue. So while the usual mouthpieces are still around, ant-gunners are presently a minority.

I struggled listening & seeing Bill lie to me on a daily basis. Not sure how I'll survive 4 to 8 years of Hillary if elected.

You survived 8 years of Clinton lies, and 8 years of Bush lies. So you ought to be used to it by now, and will probably handle 8 years of Hillary lying just fine.
Of the 3 top Democrats, it seems to me that Edwards is the least anti.

Obama is the worst, followed very closely by Hillary. Edwards is fairly moderate on guns--if his quotes on "ontheissues" are correct.

Edwards actually seems to be slightly less anti-gun that our leading RINO... Rudi.

Having said this, my preference is to get a conservative republican or independent in the oval office to balance out the liberal house and senate (giving us veto power).
Her in office would be sort of a form of SHOCK treatment!:eek:

A: We would be on the Road to Socialism in the first two years!

B: There would be so much Social Uprising that she would be drummed out of offiice on the Carpet Bag She Flue in on!